Hello TV Addicts! This is Mike V. of the Lost Addicts Blog among others. I’ve mostly stopped writing recaps regularly, but please join our discussion posts for all things TV, occasional recaps (Hello There Obi-Wan!) and search the archives for Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fringe and several other shows over the years!
Monday, December 2, 2013
TV Discussion: December 2013 / Early January 2014
Hello TV Addicts! We're entering "Winter Holiday Hiatus" Time for television shows. So, let's keep this post up for all of December for any non-recapped show discussions that will come up.
The Walking Dead: Season 4 Episode 8 - Too Far Gone
Monday, November 25, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 4 Episode 7 - Dead Weight (Discussion)
Hello Walking Dead fans! I'm sure this was another great episode of season 4. Unfortunately, something has come up and I am unable to recap the episode this week. I will watch it eventually, but I thought I would still post this to give everyone a chance to discuss. I'll catch up in the comments. I apologize and will try to make up for it in the mid-season finale next week!
TV Discussion: Week of 11/24/2013 - 11/30/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Revolution: Season 2 Episode 9 - Everyone Says I Love You
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Revolution! Well, we finally got some answers! Sort of. If anything, we validated your favorite blogger's opinion of what was going on. (is that a sly way of saying "I told you so" to stuff we all probably assumed? Probably.) I'm sure I'm sounding like a broken record by saying this show has been on a roll. It definitely continued this week in what MAY have been the mid-season finale. NBC didn't promote it as such last night, but they also didn't show any previews for upcoming weeks. (Note: IMDB still has an episode slated for 12/12, but that could change I'm sure) Anyway, let's dive into our discussion points from this week!
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 4 Episode 6 - Live Bait
TV Discussion: Week of 11/17/2013 - 11/23/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. Almost Human premiered this week, so I'm sure we'll have to discuss that. See you in the comments!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Revolution: Season 2 Episode 8 - Come Blow Your Horn
Monday, November 11, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 4 Episode 5 - Internment
Hello fellow avid watchers of the Zombie Apocalypse. Welcome back to another discussion of The Walking Dead. I know this is a bold statement, but this may be the best or one of the best episodes they've ever done. I don't remember the imminent fear or suspense of everything going on being so strong in the recent past, and maybe not even this much in the first season. The focused plot and the pacing of the episode was near perfect. I can't tell you how many times I thought Hershel was going down! So, given my high praise, it would be hard for me not to reward this episode of The Walking Dead with my "WOW!!" seal of approval. Really liking this season, and can't wait to see what's next. But, until then we have an episode to dissect!
TV Discussion: Week of 11/9/2013 - 11/15/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Revolution: Season 2 Episode 7 - The Patriot Act
Welcome back to the Revolution folks! Man, this show has been on fire this season. They've definitely brought a darker, grittier edge to the show. So much so that last night had to have a warning of disturbing images and scenarios! That doesn't necessarily make for a better show, but it certainly upped the stakes for what they're dealing with. Definitely spent more time exploring the central mystery of this season as well which made for an even better episode. Let's dive in and discuss!
Monday, November 4, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 4 Episode 4 - Indifference
Hello everyone and welcome back to another discussion of The Walking Dead! This season continues to delve deeper into these characters and their motivations while keeping the intensity high. And while we did not have any major deaths as many predicted, there was a pretty powerful ousting to discuss! Let's dive in and see what's worth discussing.
TV Discussion: Week of 11/2/2013 - 11/8/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Revolution: Season 2 Episode 6 - Dead Man Walking
Welcome back to the Revolution folks! The show continues to keep me entertained, even if I saw right through the major plot twist even before the episode began. There were still some other interesting developments that are bound to pay dividends down the road. Let's dive in and discuss!
Monday, October 28, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 4 Episode 3 - Isolation
TV Discussion: Week of 10/27/2013 - 11/2/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Revolution: Season 2 Episode 5 - One Riot, One Ranger
Welcome back to the Revolution! Well, the gang is all back together and everyone is happy again! Or, you know, completely miserable which is par for the course of this show. But, it did make for some entertaining television to see our season 1 rivals forced to work together. The show continues to exceed my expectations from what it showed us last year. I'm not going so far as to put it on the same level as some of my all time favorites, but I definitely have started to anticipate it every week. And that's always a good thing! Let's dive into the recap.
Monday, October 21, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 4 Episode 2 - Infected
Welcome back fellow walkers for another dose of recapping mayhem for The Walking Dead! Many critics are looking at last night's episode as possibly the best version of what this show has the potential to be. I thought it was pretty good too and see the potential of the topics they're covering this season. The new showrunner Scott Gimple seems to understand what people would like to see in an apocalyptic zombie television show. We had some pretty emotionally draining scenes with characters we really hadn't met before (except for maybe some small introductions last week). And they're still finding new and exciting ways to bring us some zombie gore! Let's get into the recap!
TV Discussion: Week of 10/20/2013 - 10/27/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,
American Horror Story,
Boardwalk Empire,
Breaking Bad,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
ONCE Upon a Time in Wonderland,
Sleepy Hollow,
Sons of Anarchy
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Revolution: Season 2 Episode 4 - Patriot Games
Welcome back to the Revolution! The show is still on a war path of improvement with another solid entry this week. Of course, they went a little further in getting their "weird" on this week too which is a good thing. We learned a little bit more about the Patriots, but their full intentions remain unclear. Let's dive in and discuss!
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 4 Episode 1 - 30 Days Without Accident
Welcome back fellow Walkers! The Walking Dead has returned! We are on showrunner #3 with Scott Gimple and from what we've seen so far, I may have to say that the third time is the charm. Under Frank Darabount, we had slow and introspective. With Glenn Mazarra, we had video game carnage with less emotional intensity. Scott may have found the right balance between both. He is responsible for some of the best episodes of previous seasons. (Last season's "Clear" with the return of Morgan being a good example) It's early to say he has righted this ship for the better, but this premiere is promising. To be clear, the show has always been entertaining, but it stands a chance to be raised to a different level. This may be the one show where it actually makes sense to bring in different perspectives and see how it pans out with a zombie apocalypse backdrop!
Please bear with me today everyone. I'm home with my 21 month old today for Columbus Day and have been intermittently writing this up with a bluetooth keyboard paired to my iPhone (finished up on computer). Could be an entertaining result! Let's dive into the recap!
TV Discussion: Week of 10/13/2013 - 10/20/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,
American Horror Story,
Boardwalk Empire,
Breaking Bad,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
ONCE Upon a Time in Wonderland,
Sleepy Hollow,
Sons of Anarchy
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Revolution: Season 2 Episode 3 - Love Story
Hello TV Addicts and welcome back to the Revolution! We're still on a streak of decent episodes to begin this season. Less mythology driven events in this one, but the action and plot advancement were good. Let's not waste time making up nonsense for this intro and dive right into the recap!
Monday, October 7, 2013
TV Discussion: Week of 10/6/2013 - 10/12/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,
American Horror Story,
Boardwalk Empire,
Breaking Bad,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
ONCE Upon a Time in Wonderland,
Sleepy Hollow,
Sons of Anarchy
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Revolution: Season 2 Episode 2 - There Will Be Blood
Welcome back to the Revolution! We got another solid episode to continue this already better season 2 last night. The bad news is the ratings were not too great. The good news is that it's NBC and the ratings are pretty much on par with what it was doing by the end of season 1. The ratings are also better than what was airing at Wednesdays at 8 last year for them as well. So, maybe there's a chance the show could stick around. Shows like this don't traditionally increase viewers when the decline starts, but if word of mouth continues to bring a positive buzz around the show you never know. With the Netflix model and people able to catch up on what they missed, anything can happen these days. Just look at Breaking Bad's ridiculous momentum gain in the final 8 episodes. (Totally different shows and no way am I even attempting to compare quality here!)
But ratings aside, the momentum of season 2 is pretty good and Charlie isn't making me want to scratch fingers on the nearest chalkboard for relief from bad acting. So, we're in good shape! And the mystery around the nano tech malfunction is only getting more interesting! Let's dive into what went down.
Monday, September 30, 2013
TV Discussion: Week of 9/29/2013 - 10/5/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. This will also be the place where we will dissect the series finale of Breaking Bad. See you in the comments!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Revolution: Season 2 Episode 1 - Born in the U.S.A.
Hello TV fans and welcome to the 2013/2014 Television season! We are in brand new territory this year when it comes to our genre show of the year recap. Ever since LOST there have been many shows that tried to capture that core audience in subsequent years. Flashforward tried during LOST's final season and failed to capture an audience to get to season 2. Terra Nova suffered a similar fate. The Event was a non-event. Here we are with Revolution now heading into season 2! Season 1 was nothing to get too excited over, but it gradually improved over the year and a lot of us stuck with it through its growing pains. The ratings weren't wonderful by the end of season 1, but it had the fortunate circumstance of living on ratings plagued NBC which allowed it to continue its life into season 2. Now, this could be a blessing or a curse. But, in the capable hands of Eric Kripke of Supernatural fame (which I have yet to start watching on Netflix), anything was possible.
Season 2 is immediately better than anything that has preceded it on this show. It has a new gritty and darker tone, the characters feel 3 dimensional (I'm looking at you Charlie!), and the mysteries introduced are actually interesting! And as predicted last year, it would seem like all of our antagonizing forces from last year will eventually be united against a common and larger foe that they previously encountered. So, the conflict introduced (starting in the season finale last year) is more interesting as well. I'm not going to go as far as giving my "W" word rating to this consistently improving investment, but I will say that I'm excited about the potential of season 2. Hopefully, the viewers will stick around to let us find out where they're going with this! That's enough of an intro wouldn't you say? Let's dive into our quick recap!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Summer 2013 TV Discussion - Part II
Hello fellow TV addicts! We breached the 200 comments mark in our original Summer 2013 thread. So, I thought the premiere of the final episodes of Breaking Bad was a good enough excuse to launch a new one! This should carry us through until the FALL TV premiere season. See you in the comments!
Note: We got into some of the Fall Premieres in the end of this discussion post as well.
Note: We got into some of the Fall Premieres in the end of this discussion post as well.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,
Breaking Bad,
Brooklyn Nine Nine,
New Girl,
Orange Is the New Black,
Sleepy Hollow,
The Bridge,
True Blood,
Under the Dome
Monday, June 10, 2013
Summer 2013 TV Discussion
Hello fellow TV Addicts! Well, it's been a crazy TV Season, but things aren't really slowing down this summer. We found plenty to discuss last summer with our unofficial "LOST Rewatch". But, I'm sure we will have something to talk about this summer as well. With Game of Thrones discussion, there are book readers in the discussions but we are mindful of TV Only watchers and will precede any book discussion with a "Spoiler Warning" or a "Book Stuff" warning! See you in the comments!
NOTE: All comments after 200 are the next page of comments (click "newer" and you'll see them). Hope you guys figure it out!
NOTE: All comments after 200 are the next page of comments (click "newer" and you'll see them). Hope you guys figure it out!
Breaking Bad,
Game of Thrones,
Mad Men,
True Blood
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Revolution: Season 1 Episode 20 - The Dark Tower
Hello everyone and welcome to the Revolution! Not a bad wrap up for season 1. A lot of what we had discussed most likely happening did indeed happen, but of course there were twists along the way. And, of course, someone had to lose their life in the process (a couple someones actually). Let's dive right into the recap!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
TV Discussion: Week of 6/2/2013 - 6/8/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. We're getting into Summer territory and probably starting next week I'll just be putting "monthly" posts up. But the reason this one has been scheduled to automatically post on Sunday 6/2/2013 at 10:00pm is to give everyone the opportunity to discuss Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 9: The Rains of Castamere as soon as possible. If you've seen it, you'll know why. As always, we have some book readers and some non-book readers. So, we'll try to precede any book stuff that hasn't been covered by the show with a "SPOILER WARNING". See you in the comments!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Revolution: Season 1 Episode 19 - Children of Men
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Revolution! Definitely an enjoyable penultimate episode to the season finale. Lots of action, some interesting reveals, good conflict. All you could ask for out of the TV show. You can kind of see hints of where season 2 is headed, but we still have 1 episode to go. Let's dive into our quick recap!
TV Discussion: Week of 5/26/2013 - 6/2/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. We'll be getting into some pretty intense Game of Thrones discussions. We have some book readers and some non-book readers. So, we'll try to precede any book stuff with a "SPOILER WARNING". See you in the comments!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Revolution: Season 1 Episode 18 - Clue
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Revolution! This very much seemed like a chess move episode of the show. Getting everyone in position for the finale, which makes sense because there are only 2 episodes to go. (strange episode order with 20 for the season) Let's dive into the details!
Monday, May 20, 2013
TV Discussion: Week of 5/19/2013 - 5/25/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. We'll be getting into some pretty intense Game of Thrones discussions. We have some book readers and some non-book readers. So, we'll try to precede any book stuff with a "SPOILER WARNING". See you in the comments!
Monday, May 13, 2013
TV Discussion: Week of 5/12/2013 - 5/18/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. I'm assuming we'll be getting into some pretty intense Game of Thrones discussions. We have some book readers and some non-book readers. So, we'll try to precede any book stuff with a "SPOILER WARNING". See you in the comments!
NOTE: I'm going to be travelling home on Monday 5/13, so there won't be a Revolution recap this week. Please discuss it in this post as well. Thanks!
NOTE: I'm going to be travelling home on Monday 5/13, so there won't be a Revolution recap this week. Please discuss it in this post as well. Thanks!
Game of Thrones,
Mad Men,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Revolution: Season 1 Episode 16 - The Love Boat
Welcome back to the Revolution! Another decent episode in the books. Basically the episode could be summed up as Neville works with the Heroes, and Rachel/Aaron keep heading out West but there are conflicts! Then, of course subplots for Monroe and at the Tower. Let's highlight some of the important stuff.
Monday, May 6, 2013
TV Discussion: Week of 5/5/2013 - 5/11/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. I'm assuming we'll be getting into some pretty intense Game of Thrones discussions. We have some book readers and some non-book readers. So, we'll try to precede any book stuff with a "SPOILER WARNING". See you in the comments!
Game of Thrones,
Mad Men,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following,
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Revolution: Season 1 Episode 15 - Home
Hello friends and welcome back to the Revolution! Solid episode last night full of twists, turns and lots of guns! Not sure if you heard, but the show has been renewed for a 2nd season! I'm sure it will only keep improving. As for my recaps continuing on, well let's play that one by ear! If you haven't noticed, they've been getting shorter every week! With that said, let's get to it.
Monday, April 29, 2013
TV Discussion: Week of 4/28/2013 - 5/4/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. I'm assuming we'll be getting into some pretty intense Game of Thrones discussions. We have some book readers and some non-book readers. So, we'll try to precede any book stuff with a "SPOILER WARNING". See you in the comments!
Game of Thrones,
Mad Men,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following,
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Revolution: Season 1 Episode 14 - The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Revolution! We finally got to watch episode 14 even though it was originally supposed to air last Monday. The tragic Marathon bombing has forced NBC to air Revolution's 2 final episodes outside of May Sweeps (we'll even be into June when this season is over. Crazy!). Anyway, last night's episode was pretty decent. I'll admit right up front, the 10:00 hour is just getting tougher and tougher for me to stay awake and attentive these days. So, my recaps are suffering for it. But, I'm sure we can get through this! You guys can just fill in the blanks that I missed or misstated! So, let's dive in!
Monday, April 22, 2013
TV Discussion: Week of 4/21/2013 - 4/28/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. I'm assuming we'll be getting into some pretty intense Game of Thrones discussions. We have some book readers and some non-book readers. So, we'll try to precede any book stuff with a "SPOILER WARNING". See you in the comments!
Game of Thrones,
Mad Men,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Monday, April 15, 2013
TV Discussion Week of 4/14/2013 - 4/20/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. I'm assuming we'll be getting into some pretty intense Game of Thrones discussions. We have some book readers and some non-book readers. So, we'll try to precede any book stuff with a "SPOILER WARNING". And of course, Mad Men has returned as well! See you in the comments!
Game of Thrones,
Mad Men,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Revolution: Season 1 Episode 13 - The Song Remains the Same
Welcome back all to the Revolution! I keep saying it, but this show improves with each episode aired. So, it should be no surprise that this was my favorite episode of the series so far. It didn't hurt that they unveiled a big answer and it was actually a pretty interesting one at that! Seems like we're heading into a good direction with the show. Let's dive into the highlights,.
Monday, April 8, 2013
TV Discussion Week of 4/7/2013 - 4/13/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. I'm assuming we'll be getting into some pretty intense Game of Thrones discussions. We have some book readers and some non-book readers. So, we'll try to precede any book stuff with a "SPOILER WARNING". And of course, Mad Men has returned as well! See you in the comments!
Game of Thrones,
Mad Men,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Revolution: Season 1 Episode 12 - Ghosts
Welcome back to the Revolution! Decent episode again last night, with some slight answers to some of the show's initial mysteries. Emotionally, the crew was still dealing with the fallout from the shocking twist last week. But, it only propelled them forward in what needs to be done next. Let's dive in.
Monday, April 1, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 3 Episode 16 - Welcome to the Tombs
Hello fellow watchers of The Walking Dead! We have finally reached our season 3 finale. And, to be honest, it was a bit anti-climactic for me. My wife told me she thought there was a bit too much to resolve by the end of the episode when we were about 40 minutes in. A few minutes later, I started to see what was happening and realized what WASN'T going to happen. I guess it kinda makes sense, but this season seemed to be building towards a logical conclusion, and that didn't happen. So, I'm not sure what to think. Maybe, we'll end up talking ourselves into liking it. But, I'll discuss the major events that occurred below!
TV Discussion Week of 3/31/2013 - 4/6/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discus the non-recapped shows. I'm assuming we'll be getting into some pretty intense Game of Thrones discussions. We have some book readers and some non-book readers. So, we'll try to precede any book stuff with a "SPOILER WARNING". See you in the comments!
Game of Thrones,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Revolution: Season 1 Episode 11 - The Stand
Welcome back everyone to the Revolution! It's been a loooooong hiatus for the show. You would hope that NBC has a plan for keeping the ratings champ alive and well after such a long break. Bringing it back on the same day as their other big hit THE VOICE, is probably a good idea. We shall see. We didn't lose any momentum plotwise though. Things picked right up where we left off. While it still felt like the show of old, you can sense some of the retweakings at work. They had a long time to think about the direction of the show and retool. Eric Kripke and J.J. Abrams have not been bashful about talking about said tweakings. I've heard comparisons to Game of Thrones when talking about the political aspect of the show. I'll believe it when I see it. But, so far, I'm still enjoying this show and they packed quite an emotional punch in the end while eliminating some dead weight at the same time. When we last left this show, I believe I was still giving this the full blown "Mike V. Recap Treatment" with pictures, sections for subplots and so and so. For now, I think I'm going to go to the "Mike V. Breifcap Treatment" with just a list of bullets of observations from the episode and things worth noting. If you are reading my Walking Dead recaps, it shouldn't be anything new. Time is short these days, but I still want to have discussions about these shows! So, let's get to it!
Monday, March 25, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 3 Episode 15 - This Sorrowful Life
Welcome fellow fans of The Walking Dead the the penultimate season 3 episode recap! The penultimate episodes of each season has given us some pretty powerful moments. In particular, we said goodbye to Shane last year in fine fashion. So, I had a feeling we were in for something crazy this week. I had already marked the character in question as a goner this season, but the way that it was handled was absolutely perfect. The Walking Dead has really hit its stride this season, and all I can say is WOW! Several other key things happened in this episode so we'll try to cover them all in this brief recap! Let's dive in!
TV Discussion: Week of 3/24/2013 - 3/30/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Game of Thrones,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Monday, March 18, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 3 Episode 14 - Prey
Hello fellow zombie enthusiasts! The Walking Dead's 3rd season has had a very strong 2nd half, and it didn't stop last night. Shocking, because we only got a glimpse of Rick and the prison setting last night (and none of the rest of Rick's crew). Instead, we focused on Andrea's "coming of age" story in Woodbury. Well, maybe less coming of age and more "gaining some common sense"! The majority of the episode featured the Governor/Andrea chase which was absolutely thrilling. But, there were some other key moments to discuss as well. Let's dive in!
TV Discussion: Week of 3/17/2013 - 3/23/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Game of Thrones,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Monday, March 11, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 3 Episode 13 - Arrow on the Doorpost
Hello fellow Walking Dead fanatics! Wow, I've been really impressed with this show the past couple of weeks. Sure, some may not enjoy the change of pace, but I'm a fan. I long defended season 2 stating that the slower pace gave an opportunity for more character moments making any subsequent stakes/action even more intense. I love the fact that we got to see characters on both sides bond a little bit and that we finally got interaction between Rick and the Governor. It was a nail-biting hour of television and it sets the stage for the climactic battle to come. Let's get to some of the discussion points.
TV Discussion: Week of 3/10/2013 - 3/16/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Monday, March 4, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 3 Episode 12 - Clear (Discussion)
Hello everyone! As mentioned, I have been away and will be unable to recap The Walking Dead this week. I will eventually catch up and watch the episode, but please feel free to start the discussion without me. I'll join in as soon as possible. Thanks for you understanding and see you in the comments!
TV Discussion: Week of 3/3/2013 - 3/10/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Monday, February 25, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 3 Episode 11 - I Ain't No Judas
Hello fellow Walking Dead fanatics! We're marching closer and closer to the ultimate conflict between Rick's crew and the Woodbury crew. This episode seemed to be the fallout from Phillip's welcoming party at the prison last week. If there would be anything that was comparable to last season in terms of pacing, it would be this one. But, of course, I rather enjoyed the change of pace and the chance to catch up with our characters. Definitely some interesting chess pieces moved in the episode and in a place that I didn't quite expect. We'll see where it all goes, but let's dive into this episode in the meantime!
TV Discussion: Week of 2/14/2013 - 3/2/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Sunday, February 17, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 3 Episode 10 - Home
Hello Walkers! WOW, now that is a quality episode of The Walking Dead! Lots of different plot threads with good character moments all culminating in one all-out battle at the prison. Doesn't get much better than that for a show about surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. I'm going to stick to my abbreviated recaps for the show for now. As I mentioned last week, it seems appropriate for this show. Plus, as I may have mentioned one too many times lately, I've been super busy! Let's get to it!
TV Discussion: Week of 2/17/2013 - 2/23/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Monday, February 11, 2013
The Walking Dead: Season 3 Episode 9 - The Suicide King
Hello fellow Walkers! Glad to have this show back for the next 8 weeks! It was pretty intense as always. Unfortunately, due to the timing with other obligations, I'm not able to give this week's episode the full recap treatment. (Advanced notice, the same thing is going to happen later this month too. Sorry!) But, I will definitely be providing my thoughts as soon as I have the chance! I'll post a few talking points after the jump to get us started!
TV Discussion: Week of 2/10/2013 - 2/16/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Monday, January 21, 2013
TV Discussion: 1/20/2013 - 2/9/2013
Hello TV Addicts! This is our weekly place to discuss all non-recapped shows.
1/28 Update: Let's just keep talking about the next week here too since this is still at the top of the page.
2/4 Update: We'll continue here this week too. I'll post a new one next Monday.
See you in the comments!
1/28 Update: Let's just keep talking about the next week here too since this is still at the top of the page.
2/4 Update: We'll continue here this week too. I'll post a new one next Monday.
See you in the comments!
American Horror Story,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Fringe: Season 5 Episode 12 Liberty & Episode 13 - An Enemy of Fate
Hello Fringe fans! Welcome to our final recap of this wonderful show that we were treated to for 5 years. I'm still working out some confusion from some of the events that transpired in our final 2 hours. But overall, WOW! What a great send-off for this show! So many great scenes to wrap up character arcs and even provide a few more answers along the way. And in the end? It ended just like we thought it would 12 episodes (or more) ago. But the fun was getting there. Lots to discuss since we have 2 hours to cover, so we'll get right into it!
Monday, January 14, 2013
TV Discussion: Week of 1/13/2013 - 1/19/2013
Hello TV Addicts! As usual, here is our place to discuss any non-recapped shows for the week. See you in the comments!
American Horror Story,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Fringe: Season 5 Episode 11 - The Boy Must Live
Happy New Year Fringe fans! And WOW, what a way to set up the series finale! A lot of our predictions are certainly becoming part of this grand finale to this 5 season epic tale. But, even while we may have been able to predict it, they are delivering the information to us with some surprising twists. And the best part about all of it, it all makes sense. I love the fact that they are attempting to close some of the unfinished work from season 4 in these final episodes to deliver an even bigger emotional punch to our guts in the end. It's all working splendidly for me and the long and slow build up to the Observer takedown is finally starting to pay off. (We knew it would, but we thought we'd never get here) I mentioned it in my tweet last night, but if the final 2 hours are anything like this past one, we're sure in for a treat! Well, no sense in delaying, let's dive into this penultimate final recap of Fringe.
Monday, January 7, 2013
TV Discussion: Week of 1/6/2013 - 1/12/2013
Hello TV Addicts and Happy New Year! We return to our new tradition of weekly discussion posts for all non-recapped shows. The Fall onslaught of Cable Dramas is over but there are some returning over the next few months that will keep us busy chatting! (Can't wait for Game of Thrones!!) See you in the discussion!
American Horror Story,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
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