Monday, April 29, 2019

TV Discussion: 4/28/2019 - 5/5/2019

Hello fellow TV Addicts!  This is our weekly place to discuss all non recapped shows.  See you in the comments!

Game of Thrones: Season 8 Episode 3 - The Long Night

Hello friends and welcome to episode 3 of 6 of the final season of Game of Thrones! Winter has come to Winterfell.  This is the big one folks!  The battle that was advertised as bigger/longer than Helm’s Deep.  The battle we’ve been prepping 8 seasons for.  It was a pretty amazing episode directed by the one and only Miguel Sipochnik (Hardhome, The Battle of the Bastards, The Winds of Winter).  But, I gotta say.  Maybe because we already predicted who was going to die, I was kinda hoping for some kind of crazy twist.  This is the problem with over-theorizing stuff.  I will say that I totally called who would deliver that final blow eons ago! (Even called it in my final season office pools)  I know it’s not rocket science but it went against the popular opinion.  But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.  I’m definitely not underwhelmed.  The episode was AMAZING.  It will go down as a grand spectacle that only Game of Thrones could provide.  I just wonder what is to come of the 3 episodes that remain!  And we’ll get into all of that.  So....WOW WOW WOW!  And let’s dive in:

Monday, April 22, 2019

TV Discussion: Week of 4/21/2019 to 4/27/2019

Hello fellow TV addicts!  This is our weekly place to discuss all non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!

Game of Thrones: Season 8 Episode 2 - A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

Hello friends and welcome back for this final march to the end of Game of Thrones! This episode was fantastic.  We’re on the eve of battle and there are lot more poignant moments between characters we’ve grown to hate and love, love and hate.  And through all of this, we are getting hints of how this battle will go down and hints of what may happen in the aftermath.  I thought with the holiday that I wouldn’t be able to do this recap justice.  But, it turns out with a late viewing and less sleep I still found a way to get something out there.  I look forward to our discussion!  Let’s dive in.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

TV Discussion: Week of 4/14/2019 to 4/20/2019

Hello fellow TV addicts! This is our weekly place to discuss all non recapped shows. See you in the comments!

Game of Thrones: Season 8 Episode 1 - Winterfell

Hello friends and we’re back!  One. Last. Time!  Game of Thrones has returned for the final 6 blockbuster episodes.  I loved every minute of this return to Westeros (except maybe a really cheesy pickup line from the Southern Queen) and figured this would be a table setting episode with a few reunions and pivotal moments.  I was not let down!  This final season has been so shrouded in secrecy that the DVRs and HBO Now still have not mentioned what the name of this episode is (Edit: finally updated). So, it should be fun to title these recaps for the next 5 weeks.  I expect us to have some in-depth conversations in the comments as usual, but I will get some thoughts out before we dive into that.  Let’s not waste anymore time.  Let’s dive in!