Friday, September 18, 2015

LOST Addicts Blog is Published in New LOST Compilation!

Hello fellow LOSTIES! It's been awhile! I am posting this new entry to bring some pretty awesome news. While life has certainly taken priority over my former avid blogging lifestyle, my older posts seem to keep paying dividends! And that certainly is thanks, in part, to of all of you! Starting today, there is a new LOST Compilation available on all e-reader formats which includes a good portion of my LOST Blog entries from back in the day. It's called the Take 2 Guide to LOST: The Ultimate
. I'm in good company with many of the other renowned bloggers from LOST's heyday!

If you're watching LOST for the first time, watched awhile ago but want to relive some of LOST's glory days, want to have an archived version of some old web material for posterity, or just give a little nod of appreciation to the writers that kept you entertained for 6 years (and beyond) I encourage you to check it out. And of course, pass the word on to any friends or family that might be interested. The book is $9.99 through the main e-book providers (Amazon, Google, iTunes, Nook, Kobo, etc...).

Sales information for each of these providers can be found here: 

The Press Release is included after the jump for additional information about the book. But, first I wanted to thank everyone again for your readership over the years. It's been a fun extracurricular venture and it's nice to see that some of the work has an extended shelf-life! Hope everyone is doing well.