Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sons of Anarchy: Season 4 Episode 13 - To Be (Part 1)

Well, it's happening folks.  I just can't let an episode go by without mentioning something about this show!  Plus, with us being so close to the end of the season I figured I should just finish it out with some dedicated posts to the show.  And WOW what an incredible season it has been.  I can see why Sutter wanted to split this finale into 2 episodes and not cut anything.  Everything in this half seemed fairly important.  And would you want to cut that any of that pivotal scene between Gemma and Jax?  Sure lines were repeated from her conversation with Tara, but it was just so intense and so good!  Cue the Emmy people now!  Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself.  Things are certainly looking grimm for ol' Clay and after this season the fanbase is probably rooting for this.  But, I'm still not so sure Kurt "Otto" Sutter will pull the trigger this season.  I have full faith in his abilities as a showrunner if he does, but I still smell a giant twist coming.  Let's discuss below!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Terra Nova: Season 1 Episode 10 - Now You See Me

Hello Past Dwellers from the future!  We're back with another installment of Terra Nova.  This season is sprinting towards its close with only 2 more episodes left (12/12 and 12/19).  It is unclear whether it will return for a 2nd season (full or another half) but with its ratings holding pretty stable, it is a strong possibility.  The show has become a reliable source of entertainment on Monday nights.  Not a deep mythology as some might have hoped but there is an interesting plot at work, and most of the characters are pretty entertaining.  Tonight was another case of a solid episode with some cheese sprinkled over it.  It was definitely fun to have one of those classic episodes where adversaries are forced to work together to achieve a short-term goal.  And of course, there was the whole "mole" hunt where at least the audience was let in on the big secret.  All the pieces are being put into place for a dramatic finish.  I have my guesses to how season 2 might get set up, not that it's any big surprise.  But we'll get there after our quick-as-usual and light-hearted recap below!

The Walking Dead: Season 2 Episode 7 - Pretty Much Dead Already

Yikes!!  Hello Walkers!!  Well, is this the episode everyone was waiting for?  I'm sure it was.  Brilliant from start to finish and wouldn't have been half as impactful without the 6 episodes and pacing that led up to it. (not to mention the 6 episodes of season 1 that added to it as well)  All of these emotions and conflicts between characters brewing and culminating in one grand shoot-out.  And if that wasn't enough, a horrific conclusion to this season's long running story arc that frustrated many viewers.  That my friends could have been a season finale, but it was just our "MID-Season" finale!  We're on hiatus until February 12, 2012 but there's plenty to discuss and debate until then.  So, let's dive in and get started!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sons of Anarchy: Season 4 Episode 12 - Burnt and Purged Away (quick thoughts)

Well don't get used to this folks!  But, I just happened to have the day off and felt the need to post a separate post on the latest Sons of Anarchy episode, setting up the 2-Part Season Finale!  Because, man was it intense!  Every episode this season has been intense and each one more intense than the one before.  Some serious stuff is going down at SAMCRO and we need to discuss them and how this potentially changes the future of the show.  I wouldn't necessarily call this a "RECAP" per say but just continuing my weekly thoughts on the show that usually end up in the comments sections of other posts.  So let's get into the highlights of this episode.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Terra Nova: Season 1 Episode 9 - Vs

Well folks, we finally got what we were asking for!  An episode that primarily deals with the overarching mythology of Terra Nova.  It probably will be a disappointment for anyone who was expecting some major twists with altering time and all of that fun stuff.  It was a pretty basic reveal, but still meaningful enough to keep me tuned in to see how it will all turn out.  Another enjoyable episode for this Family Dino Thriller!  And, folks, I jotted down many notes for the cheese list!  It was off the charts fantastic this week.  No, nothing that will top the Spider Song, but what we don't get in quality we make up for quantity, right?  So, without further adieu...the recap!

The Walking Dead: Season 2 Episode 6 - Secrets

Well folks, this is why we invest in these shows!  Big payoff episodes like this.  The aptly titled "secrets" episode is when ALL (and I mean all) secrets between characters were outed paving the road to all hell breaking loose in the very near future.  Throw on time of that a few zombie whackings and you have yourself one intesely satisfying Walking Dead episode!  I give this episode my WOW seal of approval without any reservations.  We have one episode to go before the mid-season finale, and with the way things are developing I think they're going to leave us hanging off a pretty steep cliff!  Let's dive into this episode a little further and discuss.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fringe: Season 4 Episode 7 - Wallflower

Hello Fringe fandom!  Welcome to our Fall Finale recap.  I have to tell you, I'm still a little peeved about how the World Series impacted this great show.  Tonight's episode was good, but it was not designed to be any type of cliffhanger "fall finale" finale episode (though there was a tiny cliffhanger).  If you watched the previews for the next episode (not to air until January) then you would see what their plans might have been for episode 8.  Even Joshua Jackson expressed his excitement over that episode.  For any fans that have been frustrated with this season (not me), this week's episode is not going to do anything to change their minds.  Now, we enter a hiatus and have to be worried about if fans will return to see what all the build-up was for.  I'll still stay optimistic, but this is probably the worst situation the show has been in yet.

But enough being Debbie Downer (I realize I just called myself a female name), let's recap this episode!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Catch-Up Discussion on Fringe, The Walking Dead, Terra Nova and Sons of Anarchy

Hello fellow TV Addicts!  As you may have read, I was out of town for a few days and am a little late on providing my weekly feedback on some regular shows.  This may become a more regular occurrence in the new year with the newborn around, but we'll see how things go!  For now, I have returned and have some commentary to get to!  These obviously won't be full fledged recaps as I need to cover 3 shows.  Plus, I'm going to throw a little bonus in with Sons of Anarchy!  I had caught up this summer just in time for season 4's start.  And I have to say, I couldn't have caught up at a better time.  If you haven't watched this show, sign up for netflix streaming and get on it right now.  Season 4 has to be the best yet and some major *$#& is about to go down (and already has!).   Anyway, after the jump we'll get into some quick commentary on the latest eps of Fringe, The Walking Dead, Terra Nova and Sons of Anarchy.  Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

TV Addicts Blog Hiatus

Hello TV Addicts!   As I've been warning for the past few posts, I will be out of town over the weekend so I will be unable to post timely recaps for Fringe, The Walking Dead and Terra Nova.  I will try to post some brief thoughts on all 3 shows when I return plus anything else fun I've had a chance to watch!  (Sons of Anarcy, American Horror Story anyone!?)  But, feel free to continue discussions in my absence, just be clear of whatever show you're talking about just in case people don't want to be spoiled!

Thanks and I apologize for the inconvenience!  See you when I return.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Terra Nova: Season 1 Episode 7 - Nightfall

Well what do you know folks?  I was hesitant to press play on my TiVo tonight and start this episode and it turned out to be probably its best episode yet!  Now, as always, I'm not saying it was great when comparing it to some of the great dramas in TV history or anything.  But, I did find myself thoroughly entertained throughout the episode.  And it felt like we finally made some progress on the whole Sixers mystery and the overarching mythology.   Not much, but it was nice to know that they didn't forget about it.  To tell you the truth, about halfway through the episode, I was starting to get worried there wouldn't be any cheesy dialogue or moments and then the stuff just came pouring down like it was Hurricane Velveeta!   It was beautiful folks!  And we'll get to it all in the recap below!

The Walking Dead: Season 2 Episode 4 - Cherokee Rose

Hello fans of the undead!  The Walking Dead has still been on a roll this season, exploring new ways to gross us out and test our patience!  We had another great episode last night that once again slowed things down to reflect on their current status while continuing the search for Sophia.  And of course, it all ended with a big plot twist that we all speculated might come after certain events transpired last season.  Let's dive in to the guts of the episode!

Disclaimer: While I do strive to keep all of my recaps "Family Friendly" be advised that some pictures from this episode may be quite disturbing!   And a quote or 2 may go into PG-13 territory!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fringe: Season 4 Episode 5 - Novation

Finally, Fringe has returned!  And we can all blame the St. Louis Cardinals and Mother Nature for not allowing us to get our fix a week earlier.  But, the wait was worth it folks.  The episode lived up to its billing and Peter's return has just brought more questions with it than resolution, just as we suspected.  And while a majority of the episode did focus on Peter's assimilation into this "slightly different" world, there wasn't a whole lot of time to rest as the 2.0 Shapeshifters are back!  Well, let's dive right in folks, shall we?