Hello TV Addicts! This is Mike V. of the Lost Addicts Blog among others. I’ve mostly stopped writing recaps regularly, but please join our discussion posts for all things TV, occasional recaps (Hello There Obi-Wan!) and search the archives for Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fringe and several other shows over the years!
Monday, April 28, 2014
Game of Thrones: Season 4 Episode 4 - Oathkeeper
Hello fellow Westerosians and welcome back for another helping of Game of Thrones! After last week and now this week, it appears that season 4 is going to test the book fans' patience and willingness for change the most. I'm going to go ahead and say that this episode probably was the most different from the books since the beginning of the series. That said, I can probably still see where most of it is going to merge up with the books. But, there were some magical elements (one in particular) introduced that was theorized but NEVER revealed in George R. R. Martin's novels. We're at an interesting crossroads with the show starting to plan a future where there are no books to pave the way. Yet, they do have knowledge from GRRM on how story arcs end. So, we have to question things like, "Well, was this scene GRRM approved or is this a TV only creation?" Questions like these may not really have answers until the final books are released. Of course, it certainly makes things more interesting for all who are watching! Anyway, things are getting a little crazy on the homefront this week so my recap will likely be short. But, we'll have plenty to discuss in the comments.
Same spoiler disclaimers as always. I have read the books, several commenters have too. If something has already been revealed on the show, I'll describe the differences/similarities with no spoiler warning. If there is anything that hasn't been revealed yet, I will distinguish within the recap and in comments (and I urge everyone else to do the same!)
Here we go!
TV Discussion: Week of 4/27/2014 - 5/3/2014
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Note: Game of Thrones discussions will be split into a separate post!
Note: Game of Thrones discussions will be split into a separate post!
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,
Bates Motel,
Mad Men,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
Orphan Black,
The Americans,
Monday, April 21, 2014
Game of Thrones: Season 4 Episode 3 - Breaker of Chains
Here we go!
TV Discussion: Week of 4/20/2014 - 4/26/2014
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Note: Game of Thrones discussions will be split into a separate post!
Note: Game of Thrones discussions will be split into a separate post!
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,
Bates Motel,
Mad Men,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
Orphan Black,
The Americans,
Monday, April 14, 2014
Game of Thrones: Season 4 Episode 2 - The Lion and the Rose
Hello everyone and welcome back to our Game of Thrones discussion! Well, it finally happened! The Purple Wedding has come and gone. And now we can finally talk about why fans (not George R.R. Martin) labeled it that. I'm sure this episode shocked TV viewers not just in the sense of what happened, but the fact that it happened in episode 2 of the season rather than later on. If this isn't an indication that the 2nd half of A Storm of Swords (Book 3) has a lot of amazing moments, I don't know what else could be! I'm going to jump right into some discussion points after I give our weekly "spoilers" disclaimer".
I will always clearly label when I'm about to delver into future book stuff as I would hope fellow book readers would do in the comments. In the "Safe for all"sections, I will talk about differences from the books for plot points that have already occurred in both.
Let's do this!
TV Discussion: Week of 4/13/2014 - 4/19/2014
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Note: Game of Thrones discussions will be split into a separate post!
Note: Game of Thrones discussions will be split into a separate post!
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,
Bates Motel,
Mad Men,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Americans,
Monday, April 7, 2014
Game of Thrones: Season 4 Episode 1 - Two Swords
Hello people of the 7 realms and welcome to our first official Game of Thrones discussion thread! I know, it's been 4 years and I'm just getting around to it. We have certainly had our lengthy discussions in the weekly posts, but it felt like it was past time to give it its own space. Depending on my available time and the content of the episode, I may or may not include commentary within the post itself. We'll play it by ear!
A little background on my level of exposure to the world of Ice and Fire. I have read all 5 books in George R. R. Martin's sweeping saga, including the latest "intentionally leaked" chapter from the currently unreleased Winds of Winter. And of course, my obsession with the show is reaching LOST levels of dedication as I have rewatched it several times. I'm fairly good at not spoiling large events coming in the books. There may be a tease here and there, but nothing that would take away from your surprise of any coming big events. Like LOST, I will try to bring my encyclopedic knowledge of the characters, history and locales of the expansive saga to these discussions as I know it can be helpful to casual watchers (even readers as it's tough to remember everything. I'm guilty of that too!) And, after things air in the show, I like to compare how it was similar or different to the books.
For book readers, I won't forget about you as I'm always itching to look ahead too. I will clearly distinguish in the post between TV Thoughts and Book Thoughts. I ask that anyone that comments in the comment section, please do the same. In the past we've made it very clear in commentary when we're about to discuss Book Spoilers so that TV Readers can avert their eyes and keep reading. Even in my spoiler sections, I still try to be vague (using abbreviations where possible) in case wandering eyes accidentally view something.
Sound good? Good! I have a few thoughts on the premiere, so I'll dive into those and then we'll get into the major discussion below! Did I even mention I thought this premiere was fantastic!? Well, I did now! Here we go.
TV Discussion: Week of 4/6/2014 - 4/12/2014
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
Note: Game of Thrones discussions will be split into a separate post!
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,
Bates Motel,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Americans,
The Following,
True Detective,
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Revolution: Season 2 Episode 18 - Austin City Limits
Hello and welcome back to the revolution! We've arrived at Austin, Texas (and since they film in Austin, the setting is legit!) and seem to be amping up for a grand showdown for the season, possibly series, finale. I'm not sure if it was Facebook, Twitter or TV ads but I certainly caught the teaser that we'd be losing someone in this episode. And for a quick second, I started to suspect that the person I thought was untouchable might go down. But, alas, I knew better! Anyway, let's dive into some of the talking points of this episode.
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