Hello TV Addicts! This is Mike V. of the Lost Addicts Blog among others. I’ve mostly stopped writing recaps regularly, but please join our discussion posts for all things TV, occasional recaps (Hello There Obi-Wan!) and search the archives for Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fringe and several other shows over the years!
Monday, April 15, 2013
TV Discussion Week of 4/14/2013 - 4/20/2013
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. I'm assuming we'll be getting into some pretty intense Game of Thrones discussions. We have some book readers and some non-book readers. So, we'll try to precede any book stuff with a "SPOILER WARNING". And of course, Mad Men has returned as well! See you in the comments!
Game of Thrones,
Mad Men,
Modern Family,
once upon a time,
The Following
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Watched GoT and will comment later. I will say I have to "hand" it to them for going through with a major plotline from the books. I never really had a doubt as it impacts so many future stories. lol Loved the "Bear and the Maiden Fair" song. GRRM wrote the lyrics to many songs of Westeros, but we never knew what they sounded like. Thanks to this show we have The Rains of Castermere and The Bear and the Maiden Fair so far.
I feel like they chopped out a lot of good exposition from the Mance/Jon discussions. You know like dialogue that could explain why Mance already knew who Jon Snow was. Maybe it's coming later, but in the books it already happened by now. I'll keep quiet unless anyone wants me to spill what I know! lol But, it should be clear by now that Mance definitely knows about the White Walkers returning.
Lots of other stuff to discuss, but I'll chime in later with my thoughts!
Watched the ONCE recap show too. I heard it was done very well and it totally was. I think I caught some stuff that I didn't before since it was all tied together so nicely. But, while I like Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, they just don't bring the same resonance as Team Darlton did to LOST. lol
Oh right...and Tyrion explaining the "positions" of the "ladies of the night"....he mentioned one is one of 4 women who have perfected the "Mereeneese Knot". That was a shout-out to UBER-Book Readers who have done their research on what took GRRM so long to write Books 4 and 5. Supposedly he had a really big problem with figuring out the story arc for a certain character. He always referred to it with fans as the Mereeneese Knot. Of course, that makes a lot more sense when you see that character's storyline unfold. lol Just thought it was a nice little reference in the show. lol
Edmure made me laugh--I don't know if they referenced him by name though. Tyrion bringing the chair around was funny too, kind of upstaged Cersei. Danaerys is getting ready to kick some **** and didn't like being questioned by her aides(maybe she should listen more?).
Jaime helping out Brienne was great to see, but loosing the hand wasn't--major game changer for him. One criticism I have about GRRM is the failure of Tywin to get his son back when he is so powerful and so many want to help him. Rmail exists.
When Mance referred to the blue eyes, I thought that was the shows ref to him knowing. I really want to see more of the events up North, maybe next week when they get to the wall. Mance referring to the horse parts arranged in a pattern as being artistic--interesting and Jon noting there wasn't any human bodies. The girl giving birth to a boy could have implications--the women seemed concerned.
The Melissandra/Stannis scene was sad for Stannis--he doesn't have the strength, but someone else with his families blood... She's up to something of course.
One thing I haven't really grasped yet is why GRRM leaves Theon in the plotlines. He must be important toward the end. Did he get a wolf, I can't remember for sure?
The scene with Tywin reviewing the war status was good to help everyone catch up.
Game of Thrones:
Okay first I'll discuss your stuff, Richard then I'll see if there's anything left for me to say. lol
I don't think they did refer to Edmure by name yet, but that was definitely him. He also was in the HBO show ROME, like Ciarin Hinds. I recognized him because he reminds me of Alan Ruck. lol (back in the Cameron days)
The chair thing was one thing I definitely wanted to bring up. It was my favorite scene in the episode. James Hibberd called it a literal "game of thrones" lol Apparently, there was a sentence in the book that explained where everyone sat in that meeting, but obviously the show had a little fun with it. And it paid off in huge dividends. Very important and strategic discussions happened at that meeting, in particular Littlefinger's new assignment. He's returning to the Veil of Arryn to woo Catelyn's crazy sister. lol And of course Tyrion is now Master of Coin which led to the fantastic non-book stuff of Littlefinger handing over the Westerosian General Ledgers...and Tyrion getting Podrick some action. I love that the girls didn't charge him which led to Tyrion wanting to have some "girl talk" and get details. lol
They made it clear even in this episode that Jaime hasn't been able to be found. Brienne was pretty good at staying off the radar until they got caught by Roose Bolton's men. But true...with the Lannister money, you'd think he would've been able to bribe someone to get him back. But, I'm willing to let that go so that we can watch this awesome storyline play out. And Jaime losing a hand leads to some great stories for him.
Yeah Mance was referring to the Wights, not the White Walkers but it's all in the same genre. lol The fact that there weren't any human bodies was because they're all wights now (i.e. Zombies created by White Walkers)
The girl that gave birth was Gilly. We saw her in season 2. She befriended Sam. Sam gave her a token of his promising that he'd return. He now has returned and she gave birth to a boy. Knowing Craster's past, that definitely is something of concern!
Mellisandre/Stannis stuff - Yep, she's definitely up to something. Of course, believe it or not I actually forget where she is going! lol I may have to refresh my memory on that one. I know where she eventually goes. But, I don't think that's just yet.
As for GRRM leaving Theon in plotlines...he didn't. As I mentioned, and you've probably read....Theon disappeared for 2 books...and returned in book 5. I actually thought he was dead at the end of book 2. In book 5 we find out what happened to him.....but since this show is chronological...it gives them the opportunity to show us in real time what happened to him. Also, you don't want a TV character, one of the leads on the show, to disappear completely for 2 or 3 seasons. He's a working actor and needs to get paid. lol My suspicions about this storyline seem to be right on the money so far. But, we'll see where it goes! For now, I'll stay quiet!
And no Theon is not a Stark child so he did not get a wolf.
I guess the only other stuff to bring up is Dany's storyline. She definitely explained how she wants to pay for the unsullied!! And she also wants the ones who are still partially innocent (i.e. didn't kill babies). But, she's going to give up Drogon!?!? (the best of her 3 dragons?) Pretty steep payment! And of course she took Missandei, the slave girl translator as well. She definitely has issues with this whole slavery thing, wouldn't you say? (obviously, I know where this all goes...but I'm just making comments as if I don't! lol) The walk of punishment was pretty intense. That was in the book but I don't remember it being so full of Christian imagery. (i.e. crucifixions) It was nice to have Barristan there to start talking about Dany's family...in particular Rhaegar, her older brother who fought valiantly at the Battle of the Trident only to be killed by Robert Baratheon in the name of love of Llyana Stark, Ned's younger sister to whom Robert was betrothed. (Whew that's a long run-on sentence! lol) Rhaegar's importance in this story has yet to be fully explored both in the show AND in the books!
I was wondering about where Melissandra was going to since I thought it too early for her to go to----.
Yea,White Walkers make Wights so I thought that was the TV show telling us Mance knows as well as ref to blue eyes. But how about the art work with horse body parts? Is there anything on that you can put some light on.
So, you have a Theon theory, which kind of gets to the core of--why? I don't understand why this guy can be so important--I guess I'll just have to wait to be educated. Part of what's driving my bringing this up is that book 3 will take 2 TV seasons, then we have book 4 and get into book 5 where Theon shows back up, so what are they going to have him doing for a few TV seasons when he did nothing in the books--pretty soon you run out of material, unless you make it up outside of the books--LOL.
Yea, Baeylish being in competition with the boy could be funny. Catelyn's sister looks like a downgrade from what Baeylish is used to. I can't recall if he knows about her and her son??
I missed the walk of punishment, when was it in the ep?
I thought this was the best of the eps in S3 so far, when it ended to the song(great song), I wasn't ready for it to be over.
GoT -
**Maybe Book spoiler, but I can't remember! lol**
Well, she did mention something about sacrifice and something about Stannis's blood. I think I do recall where it's going. But it's very vague in my recollection. I do know that Stannis never had a "son" per say, but that doesn't mean he never had offspring. lol
**end spoiler**
I don't remember the White Walkers being very artistic in the books. But, from one of the first shots of the TV show with the rangers north of the wall (in season 1), we saw that they did similar artsy stuff with the bodies. So, that might be a show thing...to make it creepier!
Well, Books 4 and 5 run parallel chronologically for most of it. So, while it took people 10 years plus to read about Theon again...he really wasn't out of the "story" for too long chronologically. Long enough..perhaps. But, it's clear to me in book 5 that he still has a role to play in the story. In the show...I know the producers said that Alfie Allen (the actor) nailed the part and they just wanted more of him. But, he is a POV character in the book, so he's somewhat important. I think they can stretch out what they're doing with Theon for this whole season. I don't want to say much in a non-spoiler section so maybe I'll say more below.
I think Littlefinger is well aware of Lady Arryn's nuttiness and her obsession with Robin. lol He's purely doing this for titles and maybe for some other purposes yet to be seen. But, he is serving Lord Tywin's orders as well.
Walk of Punishment - all of the slaves dying on crosses as Dany and her knights walked towards the Harpee of Astaphor. It was also the name of the episode. lol
it certainly was a great episode...maybe one of the best of the series. They've really found a great way to balance the book plot with their own storytelling devices and it's working really well!
If you recall in book 2....Ramsay Snow/Bolton pretended to be the character Reek and offered to help Theon defend Winterfell.....but he turned on Theon and the whole thing was a ruse. And of course by book 5...Theon has been belittled into something below the scum of the earth and goes by the name Reek and is Ramsay's pet. There is a long road to transforming him into that character. I believe this season we're going to see Ramsay do his whole "reek" ruse just in a different scenario. He pretends to be helping Theon escape from his captors, yet he may in fact be his captor and is just having a lot of fun with him. Eventually, he'll earn his trust and then will start belittling him into that Reek character. I could see this happening over 2 seasons...leading to season 5 where the first half of A Dance with Dragons would run parallel to A Feast For Crows. The show has gone much further out of the way to turn Theon into a sympathetic character...book 5 tried to do a similar thing. So, the show is just doing it earlier.
Book Spoiler INfo GoT
I was wondering that about Theon and the guy helping him escape. But, I couldn't figure out why Ramsey would do it--so, I discounted it. And I don't remember that character being Reek during Theon's time at Winterfell. I don't recall a Reek period, but my memory isn't the best sometimes.
I think you're onto something though.
Also, about Melissandra/Stannis--Stannis has a daughter Shireen and he has Targaryen blood. I don't know if Shireen is in the TV version though.
Mad Men - did anyone watch yet?
Leslie, I didn't but feel free to comment. I'll catch up when I can!
Richard - There are questions whether Stannis said he didn't have any children in season 2...but I think it was mentioned that he didn't have any SONS. I think the daughter is still in play. But we'll see!
GOT (book)
And you should certainly remember Reek after book 5! lol
So, obviously no Revolution last night due to the Boston Marathon tragedy. Awful stuff. Should be interesting to see how they fit in all of the episodes now since they were already planning to end on Memorial Day Monday. They can't do a 2 hour episode because of The Voice taking up 8-10. So, maybe they'll air another day during the week??
Mad Men - I watched it last night. Good ep! Lots of cheatin going on and Heinz drama. lol Couldn't help but laugh at the rift between Ketchup and Beans. lol Peggy got herself in a little mess with some insider trading scoop! Then there was Megan and the miscarriage. Oh boy. I'm sure there's more to discuss, and I will a little later.
The Following - My DVR messed up and didn't record it! So, we'll be buying the episode tonight to watch. Whoops! :-)
Watched HIMYM too. 3 weeks until the wedding! At least they're finally addressing Barney's non-changing womanizing ways. I wonder if that was foreshadowing. We already know there is drama at the wedding from all of the previous clips we've seen. Of course, I still wonder if they're going to show the wedding this season or if we'll flashforward. Lily and her moving to Italy for a year could be an indication of whatever "time jump" is in our future. I still think we may get a glimpse of the mother this year. I just think it would have to be in a premiere or finale episode. So, if they're going to do it, this season finale is the perfect time. If they're not and they plan to unveil her next season...it would have to be in the premiere or the finale. A sweeps episode maybe, but I don't think so. It's a reveal 8-9 years in the making.
I didn't watch all of the Following last night with all that was going on. But did see that Roderick and Joe were going at it and Roderick left with Joey. Ryan asked a member to come forward. So, I was wondering if Roderick came forward to help Ryan. Of course now Joe wants Roderick dead.
I've got to catch up on Madmen and the Vikings.
Totally horrible about what happened in Boston.
Following - whoa, quite the ep. Roderick/Joe was fun - thought joe was going to kill him. Poor Joey - everyone keeps stealing this kid. And now we know they have an escape plan from the mansion supposedly. Ryan going off-book and offering that deal was crazy too. ok - I totally believed Ryan was sneaking Roderick out ! LOL I must have been tired or something to have fallen for that. Kinda laughable how these followers are so adept and sneaking into places being watched by the FBI - just saying. At least I knew immediately when Mike left the kid in the bedroom instead of getting him out like Ryan told him that Joey would be snatched again, but surprised when Jacob left him by becoming invisible and sneaking away from the tree. But why oh why Claire would you stab Joe once then wait to try to stab the second time ? She should have been doing multiple quick stabs for more damage ! LOL - like I know how to stab people ?!? Was caught by surprse by the end with the boss man getting stabbed in the eye. Next weeks ep looks crazy.
HIMYM - Marshall's non-job was funny. Loved how the wedding planner could 'melt faces like in Indiana Jones'. Ted was so right that Barney is not acting like a man engaged to be married (everyone has grown on this show but Barney) and I guess Barney is right to be peeved that Ted is acting like he knows Robin better too. But ugh, I thought we were done with Ted not being over Robin. I'm hoping his concern was a friend type of concern. Not happy if we are doing the Ted/Robin dance yet again. Realisticly it takes time to get over people but it also takes time to fall in love too - since they have Robin and Barney fall in so quick can't they just have Ted fall out quickly too ? LOL Just tired of them rehashing the same stuff.
GofT - Good one on 'handing' it to them. This ep was quite amusing really. The seating at the table, the arrow guy missing setting the boat afire three times, even the wolf shaped bread was amusing. Bronn having his fun and then not having to pay! But OMG - they took Jamie's hand ! I saw a headline yesterday that Jamie had over played his hand - didn't realize it was supposed to be ironic. Guess he was trying to help Brienne out, and himself of course. Dead horses in that pattern was surely creepy though. Don't believe Dany will give up a dragon though. Thinking daddy Tywin knows the books are a disaster and that is why he gave the Coin Master job to Tyrion. Just glad that we didn't go there with Theon when that guy was pulling off his pants.
As for Mance - I agree he knows the white walkers are here - my original point was that he seemed surprised when Jon told him. As for Melissandre looking for someone with Stannis' blood - guessing they are referring to Gendry? The rest of the Barratheon males are dead - or maybe not. Could be I just don't know about them. Didn't know Catelyn had a brother til this ep.
HIMYM - I think the producers said that it's one thing to "know that he will not end up with Robin", but there is still a process of him getting over her. And, well...it probably wouldn't realistically happen until he meets his true love. But yeah, for it to be dragging on for 8 seasons is pretty crazy. And good point on Robin/Barney falling "in love" so quickly. Then again, their path to falling in love happened seasons ago but then it just went on hold for awhile. You could tell that Barney still had feelings for her and maybe vice versa...and then once we knew they would end up getting married...things seemed to move fast in present day. So, yeah I can see your point. lol
But, I think Ted's concern for Barney is legit here. As I've mentioned before, this was a great way for the writers still to give everyone their dose of "Barney" without getting him all sappy and relationshippy. But, at least they addressed that he is acting out of character for someone about to get married. I think it'll tie into the drama at the wedding that we've seen hints of.
It's far from a perfect show, but I still think they've done a lot really well. Loved the Non-Job stuff and the Indiana Jones stuff as well. lol
GoT - Definitely an amusing ep. Just for clarification: Arrow guy is Edmure Tully (Catelyn's brother). The guy that actually shot the arrow accurately is Brynden Tully aka Blackfish (Catelyn and Edmure's Uncle...father's brother). And it was Podrick who had his fun not Bronn! lol Edmure was definitely mentioned earlier in the books. But, I forget if he was in Clash of Kings or not (book 2). It makes sense for the show to introduce characters only when necessary so they don't get the viewers lost.
Yeah, those tweets/headlines were actually more spoilerish for book readers than tv watchers. I was watching a little behind schedule and my phone lit up with "overplaying his hand"...and I was like "DAMN...now I know what's coming in this ep!" lol I would say that Jaime definitely felt bad for Brienne's situation and wanted to help out. Of course, their whole ragtag journey happens over the course of hundreds of pages in the book. You feel that Love/Hate bond grow even more. They're doing a fabulous job on the show of it....but the problem is we just want to see MORE of it! lol One thing they didn't beat us over the head with is that Brienne is a virgin....She has never known love. So this would've been her official deflowering. Jaime did make a comment of having her returned to her father "unscathed" or some other word that kinda referred to it. But, if I recall, the topic definitely led to more zingers from Jaime in the book...but eventually helped lead to his wanting to spare her from the violation.
No comment on Dany's payment plan. Best watch that one play out on its own! All I know is when she agreed to give up a dragon in the book, I was really surprised and had no idea what was going on in her head. Which was strange because I believe we were reading it from her point of view! lol
You could be right with Tywin's assignment of the job to Tyrion. I honestly forget some of the details here and who knows what they'll explore on the show! lol
When I rewatched the Mance scene that you referred to, I didn't think he was acting surprised. I just thought that was him reacting to Jon's story of why he wanted to join the free men. But, people can definitely view the same thing differently! :-)
I've read other people speculate that Mellisandre might be referring to Gendry. Definitely makes sense since he does have Baratheon blood. Not to spoil too much...that would be a departure from the books, but it might just work if they went that way. The whole scene of her leaving Dragonstone didn't seem familiar to me so this might be a bit of departure from the books. But, I have an idea of where they could merge 2 stories/characters and not derail too much.
The Vikings yet again displayed why it is one of the great shows.
I am wondering if Melissandra is more interested in Stannis's Targaryen vs Baratheon blood? Esp since she worships the fire god and that could be related to Targaryen dragons
GOT: Vague Book Stuff
I did my research and now remember the book 3 storyline. There is a character by the abbreviations ES that was a focus in the book. But, there hasn't been any casting announcements for him. But considering what he is in the books, there's a good chance Gendry is going to fill that role. And considering how that storyline ends up (well, we don't know if GRRM has future plans), Gendry might fit the role well. It works for TV.
Oh and good to know on Vikings. I'm still recording them all. Almost done my Lord of the Rings marathon...so I can get into other stuff afterwards! lol
Revolution: just as I feared, they have nowhere else to catch up on Revolution so the finale is getting pushed to June. Oh boy.
GofT. did i say Bronn? Knew it was Podrick! Don`t know how i did that.
HIMYM. and i agree with what u said too, just bitchin i guess. lol
GoT - Yeah, but I figured you knew you meant Podrick too! lol
HIMYM - It's a favorite pasttime of HIMYM viewers to bitch about the show...so, I totally understand! lol
Could nbc try any harder to kill this show? Take it off for 3 or 4 months then bring it back so that its big finale airs out of sweeps AND on a holiday weekend, then push it back another week! They do have this channel called msnbc for their news specials afterall, so this was totally unnecessary.
The finale was already going to air out of sweeps. But now there are 2 episodes out of sweeps. Everything I read is that it's still highly likely for renewal. But, it's still a mess.
The thing is, they actually got bigger ratings for the news coverage than Revolution. (not much bigger but still)
Agreed though, it's a mess.
My cable was out when I got home last night, so I was not happy. Not out all together, but the signal would last for 8-10 seconds, then stop. You could change channels, and it would last again for 8-10 seconds. So, the Uverse guy is coming from 4-8 this evening. I just hope it's not my DVR because there is a lot of stuff on there waiting to be watched. Nothing from yesterday, of course! You would think if they can transfer files from a computer or your cell phone, they should transfer stuff from one DVR to another, right? Keeping my fingers crossed that it's not my DVR. This makes a TV addict nervous! :)
Whew! It's not my DVR and I can watch The Following On Demand.
Crisis averted! lol You would think though that you could transfer DVR information. Not sure if cable companies specialize in that or not though. Good thing you don't have to worry about it.
We had to go the iTunes route for The Following last night. (the curse of TiVo and the lack of On Demand) Crazy crazy episode though! MJ totally covered it in her analysis. lol We were thinking the same stuff in this household. But yes, it sounds like you may have previous experience in stabbing! Or at least have seen enough TV/Movies to be an expert in TV Stabbings! lol The show is obviously over the top on crazy, but it is entertaining. So, looking forward to how they close out the season.
Defiance - I gave the first hour a try. I'm sure I'll finish it up at some point, but a lot of it was pretty painful to endure! Lots of cheesy lines and costumes (the Planet of the apes type race is comical). Concept is still interesting so the other stuff I'm guessing could be improved upon. Nice to see some familiar faces from LOST in the Freighter Captain being the lead and Eloise Hawking being the outgoing mayor. Other than that, no other commentary yet. lol
Defiance-I didn't remember to watch until after the first 35 minutes went by. I'm not sure I missed much though. Again, IMHO, too much CGI, particularly when not needed. Not a top show to me, but OK. Has an old LOST actor too so that was neat, particularly the character she plays.
It's interesting that GoT/Vikings are the 2 best(IMHO) current TV shows and they aren't on major broadcast outlets.
I hope Revolution gets renewed, but I'm loosing some interest too.
Wow, I forgot about Grimm--great show too--I guess since I didn't see it last Friday.
Mike, good catch on the freighter captain.
GoT, book stuff.
Both ES and Gendry have Targaryen blood. I don't know if that's key, but seems to be to me. Given dragons and fire. I can see what you mean by Gendry filling that role.
Revolution - Funny, besides momentum being lost with the hiatus, I actually am still getting more interested with each episode. lol
Grimm - I don't think it was new Friday so you're in the clear!
GOT - Book Stuff (SPOILERS! Less Vague than usual)
Yeah, I always forget about the Targaryan blood in the Baratheon line. But, it's probably what led to Mellisandre misreading the fires when it came to Stannis. And why she eventually starts focusing so much on Jon in book 5, if we are to believe that Jon is the son of R and L.
Revolution, The major plot line is developing in an interesting way. And that keeps me watching.
It's just the slap stick approach that seems to be bubbling up in the confrontations. To the point that I now view Monroe and his men as nothing to fear, just bungling fools. Same with Miles. Charlie and Rachel are the only competent people on the show. They have no equal and so it makes the confrontations anti climatic. Now, if they had The Force, then I could understand--LOL. I experience the same issues with The Following sometimes.
Revolution - Nora is highly competent, just not doing much with her.
Grimm def repeat last week
Defiance - watched last night, was ok. See where they go with it. Typical syfy fare
Revolution - Well there are midichlrorians...they just need to enable access to them. So...therefore, they CAN have the Force. :-) lol But, I hear what you're saying. And agree with The Following.
Breaking Bad returns 8/11 and will have a talk show after it called TALKING BAD (I assumed that was would it would be called before I even saw the title lol) Ugh...that's still a long ways off!! Can't wait!
OK, I'm going to have to respond to MJ about Nora.
Yes a fight between Nora and Rachel would be interesting, then the winner could get(but not have to) Miles as her pet---LOL.
Lol Richard.
I read that about breaking bad! Wonder if the talk show will be any good. Next will be `Talking Mad` lol
Mad Men – Pete got busted! Now Trudy banned him from their home unless he is invited. (Side note on Pete: I read an article that his receding hairline is actually shaved in each season, and the actor has a full head of hair. Also, he is now engaged to Alexis Bledel who he met when she appeared on the show last season.)
Megan telling Sylvia about her miscarriage and then having Don walk in was pretty awkward! Loved it when Joan gave the Jaguar guy the cold shoulder! And, pretty funny that Peggy’s secretary had to tell her to be encouraging to her team. Now we have the Heinz issue brewing.
Did you notice the song playing at the end of the episode when Don came home and sat outside his door? It was “Just a Gigolo”. Lol
The Following – yeah, poor Joey is going to need some major therapy after all this! Note to self: Don’t cross MJ! Just kidding! I thought the same thing when Claire stabbed Joe! I also fell for Ryan sneaking Roderick out, so don’t feel bad. Maybe we should start calling the FBI boss the Governor now! lol
Jodi Arias stabbed her guy over 20 times--then shot him. So, I don't know if MJ is that far from reality.
Madman--What an ep. Don was raised in a whorehouse, explains much. Maybe he wants to be the rooster--LOL. Trudy laying the law down was great.
So, Heinz ketchup looks like it will be an issue. I bet Peggy does a great job.
Breaking Bad/Talking Bad - I'm just assuming they'll get Chris Hardwicke to host that one too. He does a fine enough job with Talking Dead. lol I wonder if this means Breaking Bad will be on at 9pm instead of 10pm when it comes back? That would be cool. LOL on Talking Mad!
Mad Men - Very interesting with the receding hairline! lol Had no idea. I did notice "Just a Gigalo" playing at the end of the episode. No David Lee Roth version at that point in time! I actually heard another version of the song in the end credits for a Boardwalk Empire episode too. Must be a pretty old song! lol
Peggy may do great career-wise with Heinz, but she may lose a friend out of it. We shall see! But yeah Ketchup vs. Beans? Hysterical. lol
Vikings - Watched the first episode. I heard it takes a few to warm up, but the first one wasn't too bad. Definitely some rip-offs from the start of Game of Thrones (the novel and TV show) with taking the kid to witness a beheading and making him watch. But, I like the concept. I can't imagine they're going to get too far in that boat when venturing west (at least this early on in the season)! lol But, maybe I'm wrong!
I'm so glad you're checking out Vikings. Ragnar was a real person although this is not an historical piece, it has some of the key players that caused key changes in the course of history.
Yea, there is some GoT similarities--and I like them too.
Vikings - Thanks for recommending the show, Richard! I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Dexter - Officially confirmed as the final season. WHEW! http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/04/18/official-dexter-final-season/
The ravens in Vikings are used by Odin(the main Viking god) to get information and see what's going on as well as let his people know that he's watching them. Some say they helped guide his people. Kind of like warging, but more than 1500 years before GRRM.
I have wondered if the ravens in GoT used by wargers had some basis in the Viking lore.
Vikings - I'm sure GRRM borrowed from all sorts of lore. lol So yeah, I guess it goes both ways. Vikings is probably borrowing ideas from Ice and Fire, but GRRM probably got the ideas from historical truths. lol
Anyway, I watched episode 2...where they reached England. (silly me, I thought going west meant going to the NEW WORLD, not England! lol)...good ep. Obviously, they are creating some tension between the brothers. entertaining so far!
Yay! New Grimm tonight. I might have to check out Vikings, esp since it already got a season 2. I`m sure they will marathon it this coming week leading to finale, or i`ll get fr on demand.
Uh oh, might have yayed too soon. Cbs has already said they are pulling shows for news tonight on boston manhunt. No word yet fr nbc
Ugh...I understand that they need to cover it, but it definitely screws up prime time and DVRs! Make sure you're DVR is still set to record revolution on Monday. Sometimes if it already tried to record the episode it won't try to record it again. So, same would go for Grimm if it gets preempted.
I was looking forward to seeing Grimm tonight!!
NBC and ABC have wall to wall Boston coverage right now.
Interesting. They're moving Grimm to Tuesdays!
Must be a tivo thing, mine doesn`t care if it tried once before. Getting crazy - pulling hannibal this thurs as ep is kid on kid violence, not just airing later but never airing it apparently. Grimm - not saying when airing last nights though - just that moving to tues in 2 weeks. Castle switched 2 eps two - but at least airing it later unlike Hannibal
Grimm is airing next Friday. Saw on Facebook and twitter. Lol I have my TiVo season passes set to "first run" only so that it doesn't pick up reruns. I'm guessing you can probably set your dvr to do the same. Lol but it sometimes becomes a problem in instances like this! Lol
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