Monday, March 16, 2015

TV Discussion: 3/15/2015 - 3/21/2015

Hello fellow TV Addicts! This is our weekly place to discuss all non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!


Anonymous said...

Vikings, great clip of upcoming ep.

If you watch, just recall what I've said is necessary for the show to continue long term--lol.



Anonymous said...

Blacklist--Interesting article and poll on Tom/Liz.


mj said...

Ahs - Jessica Lange not coming back. like her but think this will be good. It had become the Jessica Lange show

Mike V. said...

AHS - Yeah, she said last season that it was her final season. Murphy was hoping he could convince her to stay though. lol I agree, it might be improved without her in it. She is pretty awesome though!

Bates - Only watched half this morning. Because....

Community Season 6! - Yahoo Screen debuted the 1st 2 episodes of Community. Still the same ol' hysterical show...but the cast is slowly leaving for various reasons. I think I'm the only one that watches here though. :)

BCS - All caught up. Last night's was pretty good. Loved when that woman finally lost it over the money when Mike took it from their house. lol

Last Man on Earth - We watched the 1st 2 episodes after hearing so many good things about it. It's hysterical!

Bloodline - Kyle Chandler's new show is coming to or is already on Netflix. We'll probably check it out. (it's the Damages crew that is making the show I think)

Kimmy Schmitt - New Netflix show, hearing good things.

House of Cards -only 2 eps in.




Game of Thrones - Finally into season 4 of my rewatch! :-)

Mike V. said...

Got/winds of winter - grrm may regret his wording on this quote but it sounds a little promising on the next book. lol

Anonymous said...

Shield--Two of the agents didn't show up for work. Coulson only asked about Hunter not Mac. I'm really not happy with the Ward absence. Is he going to come back, I keep watching thinking he will and continue to get disappointed.

Skye's Dad being nuts is sad. And threatening to put his daughter down was just silly. Actually to me this ep was kind of sad--lol. Nobody beats mae, skye or bobbi, it's like chicks on steroids. The new Shield, I thought what Coulson was doing is the new Shield.

BTW,am I the only one who liked Kyle in Dune?

GoT--maybe poor GRRM is seeing/feeling what I posted about, ie someone's going to drive the story forward and he's not doing it. Maybe he wants some control back of his baby? If he doesn't finish a book before S6 and 7 he becomes a little irrelevant.

I think the show and entire SOIAF fandom would be better if he finished the book and could keep up his current position. It's so much fun when he does interviews so we can watch for clues.


Mike V. said...

SHIELD - Yeah but Bobbi explained where Mack was. Guess you didn't see the previews for next week. There was a shot of Ward, but I won't say what it insinuated in the preview. lol

I think we're supposed to be in the dark with what the "REAL" SHIELD is. But yes, we thought Coulson was new shield.

Kyle has been in lots of stuff lately. I'm sure when I watched Dune way back in the day I liked him too. lol He was in Twin Peaks (which I never saw)...Desperate Housewives, How I Met Your Mother (The Captain!), among other things.

GoT - GRRM is always talking about how he's felling the pressure. It's just a problem with his writing process. Plus, I'm sure he wants to enjoy his spoils a bit during the process too. lol But yeah...if I was the author I certainly would want my material out there before the adapted material hits the screen. I've been preaching about this for years now too. If the show reveals a certain HUGE theory before the book does, that would kinda suck for GRRM. And I personally don't think he'd allow it. I'm guessing there has to be something in his contract that states that if certain things aren't revealed in the books yet, they can't reveal it in the show. That's just my guess though.

But that's going to be a problem with Book 7 regardless....unless we go with my personal ridiculous theory that he's been writing both books and will time them to be released before the applicable seasons! lol

Justified - Watched..was good! Will comment later.

Last Man on Earth - We're all caught up. Hysterical show.

Blacklist - We watched the Deer Hunter ep. Meh. Have 2 more to catch up on maybe tonight.

I noticed that the other networks are not taking a break for March Madness on Thursday. Yikes...I have a full slate. Tonight on the other hand, nothing but The Americans. And new Grimm on Friday!

Anonymous said...

Shield--Bobbi didn't explain Mac's absence until half way through the show and Coulson was questioning about showing up for work that morning/beginning of ep. Glad to hear Ward's coming back.

GoT--I've secretly been hoping he comes out with both books too, working on them both. But I would be surprised if there's any contract that will keep the show runners from moving ahead on disclosing anything. I mean it really makes no sense that they would wait when there's been no firm date on a book release. And yes it will suck for GRRM and the book readers. But he only has to look into the mirror to see who's at fault. And further if I were an avid book reader, I would not have as positive of an attitude towards GRRM. I predict if he doesn't get the books done soon his popularity will decrease. But hey, he's pretty high up the mountain now so almost no where to go but down.

What HUGE theory, is it one we've posted about already?


Anonymous said...

Blacklist--BTW there are over 400 posts on the WSJ site!! Some posters I think are addicted.

Justified--I recorded may watch later since it's the last season. I watched most of S1 and liked it. But I thought the show went downhill chasing rabbits, changing storylines, etc after that. Basically about two guys and a girl. Have we ever seen that before--lol. Maybe I'm wrong.

Flash--big killing and reveal last night


Mike V. said...

Justified - Richard, you should do yourself a favor and at least watch season 2. It's a very good season of television!

Blacklist - I just don't see it! lol It's entertaining, but I find myself easily distracted during it. lol

Anonymous said...

GoT--a longtime character gets killed off on TV but not in the books.

I wonder who it is? I suspect I know but wondered what you thought?

LOL, divergence ahead.


MJ said...

I'm finally caught up to last weeks shows ! Ugh. Have given up a few things in hopes of watching things quicker.

Scandal - did we talk about this last week ? LOL I don't remember. I can't believe Huck's wife wants to charge B613 - and Huck agreed in the end ! I did not think he would. I love Abby and Leo together. The VP's whole laugh thing was very funny. the whole thing with the neighbors 'friend' was pretty nice. But Olivia drinking white wine cause the red reminded her was silly.

Blacklist - everyone is talking that the fact that Red hired Tom was shocking - but didn't we already know this ? I thought we did. I laughed out loud when she snidely stated she sucks as an agent though. Think they also mentioned how Red benefits each time he helps them. And was any one surprised that the young boy was Tom ? This show has not been very surprising lately at all.

Justified - I am sooooo going to miss this show. They are on fire this year - so much tension. And I love the new snarky Rachel when she deals with Raylan. Wynn Duffy was the snitch that got Katherine's husband put away ? Whaaat ? Didn't see that coming. At least he's smart enough as raylans new snitch to know how far he can go with Boyd. And look at Loretta - standing up to the outsiders! We'll grow our legal pot and we'll make money off of it - not you ! LOL Made no sense to me that the Ginger from ER suddenly was trying to extort money fr Markam - guess they just wanted to show how ruthless katherine can be ? Boyd being chained in the mine wasn't too tense - we all knew he would not die that way - but it was surprising. Very telling that he accused Ava of being in on it though.

BCS - those Kettlemens are nuts. They really think they are getting no time for this crime ? And did Jimmy really think that all those elder care files (that he dumped on his brother) were going to cover rent on that fancy office ? But having Mike steal it and then giving it back to the gov't was great.

Bates - and where did Norma get a dress like that ? LOL I think she is getting blonder each week. And did sheriff almost kiss her ? I ws surpprised that se so freely told sherrif that Norman was with Annika last. It was hysterical when Norma tells Norman to stop getting into cars with questionable women = slutty women and that unhinged women keep getting drawn to him ! Look in the mirror Norma. That whole Peter Pan and Wendy ever got to have sex conversation was a bit odd. How creepy is the guy played by Opie from SOA - and how creepy Dylan's uncle/daddy got too.

iZombie - any one look at this ?

MJ said...

Kimmy - very Tina Fey. Have watched the pilot and I liked it.

Cards - I'm waiting for summer so I can marathon it. Same for Bloodline.

Def too much tv ! I still haven't watched Black Mirror either.

Last man Earth - I'm not caught up but yes - been better than I'd hoped. Last one I saw was the wedding and then at the end the two cars hit. LOL Recognize th wife ? She took Kenneths job as intern on 30 Rock !

MJ said...

Shameless - I cannot believe the advice Sammi was giving Chucky ! Too too funny. And that she tats the swasticker (sp?) on his face ! Lip and the teacher was funny. And the doctor at her first pot buy too.

Anonymous said...

Blacklist--falling asleep--LOL, you're watching too late. Maybe you just don't care about the characters? We did not know Tom was hired by Red. We saw Red pay Tom at end of season but most thought it was a pay off for him to not see Liz again. The posting on the blacklist sites are like at the 200 to over 400 range now, it's crazy how many more people are invested in the show.

Justified--LOL, this show is still funny. LOL on growing legal pot. MANY years ago I was working in KY and found out just how seriously they take their pot growing. They're a bunch of nuts. Be careful if you ever break down in KY. Still same Ava, Rayland, Boyd stuff going on afer all these years I've missed. The black chief is funny--wants her big office. I like many of the actors on it now, even some guy from LOST(Lapedus?)who is Ava's Uncle. Who doesn't like Elliott? Boyd's still not in jail after 6 seasons---lol and looks more successful while Raylands been there. Do you ever think we're going to find out there's a reason for that beyond what we've seen on screen? The teenage girl scene was so contrived when she "stood up to Elliott" that it was painful to watch so I just had to fast forward and laugh. Not that a young ambitious teenager wouldn't do something stupid, but that the townspeople around her were all in legitimizing her.

Who will Ava end up with, any bets??


Anonymous said...

LOL on blacklist, you said distracted and I was thinking you meant falling asleep.


Anonymous said...

MIke, do you think BL is being produced too much as a procedural now? I'm thinking so because there seems to be NO canon for the show> I mean Liz didn't even have a scar last ep. So many inconsistencies from one ep to the next. I've read professional critics who seem to think that's the case too.

Mike V. said...

Blacklist - I didn't fall asleep watching last night...i was just DISTRACTED! (i.e. didn't care what was happening lol) Lots of games on my phone during!

Richard, yes I think it's a lot more procedural than last year. It always was, but they seem to be getting away from the story arcs that made last season so appealing. Seems like maybe that will get better when Tom is back (which I know he already is...just haven't watched yet)

Last Man - Of course I recognize the girl! 30 Rock is one....but she's also the voice of Trixie in Toy Story 3 (which you know I watched on a loop for a year with Parker when he was 2 lol) ....she's been a feature in some of the later animated TV specials too. Yea she's been around for a bit in a few things. Funny. Of course, if you saw the cars collide at the end...then you saw who got out of the car. The one and only Betty Draper (i.e. January Jones)....I can say this is the first time I noticed that maybe she knows how to act. lol

GoT - Richard come on...THE theory! lol R+L=J I think it makes perfect sense that GRRM wouldn't want that revealed on the show before the books. Now...if he reveals it in book might not matter!

No clue who might die...but you know Grenn and Pyp were characters that were with the show since season 1 too and they were killed last season. So, it could be a minor recurring player like that. I can't see them killing off one of the MAIN players if they're still on the board in the books. Unless they REALLY are diverging!

gonna have to catch up on the other comments later. :)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking R+L=J but since that's actually pretty well known so thought you were referencing another. For them to wrap it up in 7, maybe they need to disclose toward the end of S5 or at least tease toward S6.

ON the death, I was thinking more like ST up north. Or a character of a similar level. Maybe someone older.

Interesting that he's still alive in the books but dead on the show. Consolidation at work of course. Which I think runs contrary to GRRM's desire/writing at this point. I mean didn't GRRM say it may take more than 2 more books to finish?

Mike V. said...

Got - Well known yes, but still something fans are eagerly waiting to be revealed. I think it should be revealed in the books first.

ST would be interesting...i forget how AWDW ends but i'll discuss in spoiler speculation below.

GRRM did say it may take more than 2 books. He said it'll end when it ends. He just keeps writing and the publisher decides where to cut if off as a book. lol


At the end of ADWD I think Sam is in the citadel and runs into Jaquen with his new appearance, right??

Anonymous said...

LOL, yea it should come out in the books first but GRRM has taken too long for that to happen, perhaps.

That's why I've said poor GRRM(and actually poor book readers too), he's lost control of his story. The TV show will likely disclose all of the secrets he's built up to. And he only has himself to blame. AGain, if he does his job and gets the books out I think ALL would be better off.

ADWD, I was wondering about that and we know what Juaquen is??? But there's others too.

Personally I'd like to see the Ramsey, Theon and Brienne stuff go away--lol.

HBO rebroadcasting GOT from season 1 soon for those who want to catch up.


MJ said...

Shield - so it's going to be the Xmen show now ? LOL Any time they want to show Blair Underwood I'm on board - but it was nice to see a slightly more human side to May. What boggled me was that Coulsen was just ok with the fact that Hunter and Mack just seemed to be not around. That when it was mission time all he had was Bobbi ? Just weird. He didn't even bring it up until well into that mission. So Bobbi and Mack think they are working for the 'real' Shield - like the on that was left to Coulsen to run by Nick Fury himself is fake ? What ? I literally laughed out loud at that group sitting in a diner in rural Wisconsin and no one was even staring at them ! I don't think so ! And what is shield doing to help all those people left in that catatonic state ?

Secrets - I knew that 'researcher' that hired Ben to paint was going to be a reporter. And what is wrong with these parents ? They youngest girl - they sure are going out of their way to show how she overhears everything and that she is a snoop. Has to be a reason for that. the nly neighbors who seemed empathetic to what they were going through and now Ben has screwed them over, though pretty lame that a pediatrician cannot tell his son has an illness. Just saying. Most interesting was the phone call drunk Ben make the night of the murder apologizing to Jessie.

Mike V. said...

GoT - My point is that I think the TV show will suffer if the books aren't ready. Sure, they can cover the broad strokes of the story and provide closure from a TV perspective. But, I just have to assume that there are things in the contract to not reveal certain key details if the books aren't out yet. I could be totally wrong about that.

I don't think we'll be seeing that stuff go away. But the Iron Islands stuff has been confirmed that it will not be in the story. They also hinted at what Jaime's Dorne story is and it works. (not too much of a stretch from the books) All of this was covered in James Hibberd's EW cover story. It was a good read!

If people have HBO and want to catch up on Game of Thrones, they may as well just log into HBO Go (pending they have a decide with it available) and watch the whole thing! lol

I'm on the season 4 Blu-Ray...which is getting more and more silly for me to buy since they're all available on HBO Go! But, I like the extra features. :)

MJ said...

Justified - they have been trying to put Boyd away for years ! LOL Teenage girl - season 2 or 3 had her mentoring under a very specal character so Harlan knows who this girl is and what she is about. Show de3f is about Rayan and Boyd with Ava stuck between - but other season have not just been about them but for the final season it def is about the three. Richard - Mike and I have been speculating that both Raylan and Boyd die.

Last man - yeah I did not see her (30 rock chick) in any of those. LOL I knew she was January Jones and knew what she was from but have never seen it.

Anonymous said...

OK, I get your point now. To me that's an adder of why GRRM needs to do his job--lol.

I suspect the contract has a clause something with the intent of--"D&D can disclose whatever is necessary for them to properly tell the story" and "D&D must put forth a "best effort" in telling the story which includes disclosing information not herertofore known to the public at large"--lol.


Anonymous said...

MJ on Shield--Xmen reference--HUGE LOL


Mike V. said...

Justified - I've read all the comments and just don't have time to comment on it all. But I've been really enjoying this season and Tuesday night's episode was fantastic!

Yeah we've been speculating that they both may die. But I gotta think if Raylan does survive he will not end up with Ava. He'd end up with Winona. (sp) They DO have a daughter together.

What if it goes down that Boyd goes to jail, Raylan survives and has his family, but Ava is the one that doesn't get out of Harlan alive?? (cue Brad Paisley's song one more time!)

Anonymous said...

Adultry aftermath a big theme this ep.

Vikings--Ragnar not wanting sex is so not realistic after being at sea--lol. I mean he's got the best looking gal, etc. (I know it sounds like I'm a pig--lol).

Did I say Siggy dieing last ep was awful. But the actress had to leave the series because of her family and the shoot schedule.

Floki is so right about Christians taking over the Vikings. From the inside out as they convert.

Yay, I was right about Harbard. I wonder what will come of the child with Aslaugh?

Rollo going from the best warrior to being beaten by Bjorn is a good sign for the series to be on for a while. I heard they may be doing more eps? But a bear will marry a princess, not sure I've got that figured out yet. I know there is likely a Russian deal at some point.

The Wessex slaughter will of course become a big deal. But there may be one more huge event first.

LOL on Ragnar saying no use in arguing with Lagertha.

The previews looked pretty amazing.


Anonymous said...

Vikings--Oh yea I should say something about the ending with Bjorn and Lagertha. It was so sad to see a child want his parents together as a family(even if for the purpose of sacking and looting--lol) but have his Mom basically tell him to grow up. She was riding off in her own particular direction, separate from what the rest of the clan was going to do. In a way she needs to grow up since it appears she's kind of pouting and leaving Ragnar as well as the others. But, we'll see.

The Paris raid will be different without her. I still think she'll end up going.

Kind of surprised Ragnar wouldn't take her Earldom back. But I was glad they showed that she didn't have the backing to take it back herself. Rarely do shows have the realistic elements. I mean she's not been there, wasn't a long term part of that group.


Anonymous said...

Blacklist--The Tom stuff worked out about like I thought it would. And of course he still loves Liz. So, it looked like last night Red killed Liz's father and is trying to make up for it. Who knows as they give us bits of different things. But, it seemed like a confession with the emotion he and Liz were showing.

Connelley delivered some powerful scenes. He's on the way up. Interesting how they are portraying corrupt people getting ahead.


Mike V. said...

Vikings - Yep, the fallout from all of the cheating was definitely a big deal. As for Ragnar, I think he sensed something was up and that's why he didn't want to sleep with his wife. But I disagree on the best looking. I think he should've stayed with his ex if it was all about looks. lol

I think you discussed Siggy dying. Didn't realize there were off show conflicts.

I was starting to suspect Floki might get killed off this season, but it turns out he was right not to trust Eckbert. (sp)

You were right about Harbard...or at least Floki's theory that Harbard is actually Odin. Are we to believe there are supernatural elements to this show?? Or is it just their belief in them that is real? Like if Floki says he's Odin...does that mean it is fact for this show that he is Odin or they just BELIEVE he's Odin???

So you're thinking we may have a change of ranks one of these days where the show isn't about Ragnar but his children and the story will continue? It would be interesting if that's the case.

Anonymous said...

Vikings--I'm good with Lagertha too, but prefer Aslaugh. Seriously after being at sea for many many weeks and having your wife do what she was doing. And he's a Viking--lol. YOu're right and I know we were supposed to believe he sensed something was wrong. I just found that VERY hard accept and out of character. I have really been disappointed though on how that relationship has been written. If you recall when he met her how regal she was and how he had to have her to the point of crushing his son--there was nothing that would stop him from taking her to bed. And the stories about them would indicate a closeness we're not seeing now but what was there before.

GREAT question on Harbard and the show reality. I took it as Harbard being a god on the show for real along with the implied fantasy element. BUT your question makes me think that may not be the case since it's on History channel. OK after thinking about it some going back to S1's memory banks(rusty--lol) when Ragnar was seeing through the crows eyes(Odin) I'm back on track with Harbard being a real deal for the show. YOu may recall this was when I saw many parallels to GoT.

The next ep will have some more on this I think. As far as the reality of Odin's power in the show.

Yea,in one of the links I posted for last week the show runner says he wants to take it to the point of them discovering North American continent. Unless they just go total fantasy that would mean beyond Ragnar. And last night the seer wasn't giving Ragnar such great news. My concern for the show is the actor playing Bjorn will have to change my opinion of him a LOT if he has to carry the show. I think this is why Ragnar and Lagertha both have said he needs to grow up?

In real life Bjorn and his brothers become more famous than Ragnar. They effected so much change in the world.


MJ said...

Justified - if Raylan lives he'd better be with Winona ! True Ava could be the one who dies. But I don't see Boyd back in prison.

Anonymous said...

Justified--OK, so I have forgotten about Winona, who's she?

So, nobody likes the idea that Rayland is somehow letting Boyd be successful? I mean if you're the one in charge of that area and look at where Boyd was in S1 and where he is now then it seems he's been very successful since Rayland arrived.


Anonymous said...

Vikings-BTW, was I the only one waiting for Eckbert to kill his son when he reached over while near the thrones? I wonder if he'll offer up his son when the Vikings come back?


Anonymous said...

Dig, anybody watching. E3 was last night and the story moves forward with many pieces at work.


Anonymous said...

Grimm--Juliette can be such a jerk. Yea, ask the one you love to kiss you when you haven't showered after being all grossed/smellied,etc up and see what happens. I thought the volgas were for when you were scared or upset, etc. That whole scene was just silly. Adalind having Nick's baby is funny.


mj said...

Justified. - Winona and Rayland were married once. They dated and they have a baby together. No - Raylan has never LET Boyd succeed. This is the first season that is 'have to get Boyd this time' due to Raylan leaving Harlan. they def have wanted him but he always slips out. They have arrested him several times

Grimm. - i felt she'd showered and cleaned bup by the 'kiss me' scene. all the blood fr her lip. was gone. i feel sorrry for her. And bad for Nick's guilt. Hysterical Adalind preggers with Nicks baby. We all guessed Juliette would get pregnant when she was Adalind and wondered who's dna the baby would have - never guessed the opposite would happen. i think that even tho Adalind was Juliette the dna is Adalind. They can volga any time they want but fear can make it innvoluntary. loved the rabbits foot angle

Dig - not yet watched

iZombie -- surprisingly amusing. kinda a cop show with a zombie morgue attendant. good humor/snark. Light entertainment

mj said...

Flash - any one watching? Know was a huge reveal but not being comics fan i did not understand it. Didn't even understand his actual name! And did they justripus off by cancelling all we saw since he skipped back in time? Cause there were actually quite a few reveals

mj said...

Blacklist -- we've thought he knewher dad and felt responsible before. They are just going to keep teasing. only the corrupt get ahead on this show!

Anonymous said...

Flash, MJ I'm watching. Yea it was a big ep with death and reveals. I'm not a Flash comic book fan. But I've heard of alternate Flash or something similar name. He's a bad guy. And maybe the time traveling will come into play as they go so fast.

Arrow--anyone watching.

MJ, your take on Juliette is interesting. LOL on showering and cleaning up. That was a reference to my real life and wife--lol. My point on the volgas was that we've really only seen kissing when they're not volged.
