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Monday, March 23, 2015
TV Discussion: 3/22/2015 - 3/28/2015
Hello fellow TV Addicts! This is our weekly place to discuss all non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
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NBC this morning had an interview with MadMen cast. They all made it very clear that the show was about Don Draper and his story. There are obviously other storylines but his is what the show's about. End is coming soon. January Jones said there are some surprise endings, including hers.
My bet is that Don either dies or gets back with Betty. That falling image of a man during the intro just makes me think he's goig to die.
Roger said his ending was at first surprising but after reflection really was where the character was headed.
Richard - continued from last week - you are right on Grimm - I do not think we have seen them kiss while volged. LOL
Arros - I don't watch that one Heard they are doing a third show that will somehow combine Arrow and Flash. Don't understant that really.
For me - way too many comic book shows/movies going on now. They are over kill at this point
Mad Men - Weiner sad that his initial vision of the Series Finale was Don Draper bringing his kids to his childhood home. That was the season 6 finale because he decided he had to throw everything he had at that season and come up with a new ending. So, the falling man doesn't necessarily imply death...but it could!
Looking forward to the final 7 though!
Grimm - I read all your comments last week...they were hysterical! Decent episode....but come on...Adalind preggers with Nick's baby?? lol Yeah, I guess it's funny!
Comic/YA Book Adaptation Movies - Yeah, the market is saturated. Did this point come up in the last thread? I can't remember. But pretty much if you want to be in a summer blockbuster these days you'll have to be in a Comic Movie, a YA Novel adaptation or Star Wars. lol
Comic Book Movies--My wife and i haven't gone to a movie with just the two of us in YEARS. She's not a comic book movie fan. And otherwise she doesn't see anything that's worth the time and money.
Saturation seems normal when producers are looking for success formulas.
Madmen, yea he may not die and if not that's why I'm rooting for a Betty and kids reunion. Sally certainly wants it. And each has grown up a lot. Before he was so self absorbed and she was just fairly immature playing a role. She's not happy and he's not happy. But as I've always said, if you're looking to someone else for your happiness you're guaranted to be disappointed. So, I hope they can find contentment and happiness from within first. Only 7 eps to do it in.
Vikings--probably my #1 show now. Anyway after giving it some more thought I am wondering if Lagertha and Ragnar are playing a game to set up Kalf??? It just makes no sense for her to not fight with Ragnar unless she's fighting for something else? We'll see.
Americans - Yikes on the burning tire around the body thing ! I thought for sure that Martha was kicking Clark out. I would have assumed that the Russians would have been for apartheid rather than against it somehow. That whole conversation by the black South African was veryy telling in that they are willing to give up so much to gain freedom for their country and county-men. Generous of Elizabeth to ask the Big Guy to help get Phillips son out of Afghanistan !
Flash - had to look up that name Wells called himself. Eobard Thawne, a “distant relative” of Eddie Thawne.
Wells says that he was there to kill Barry. Why? Because he’s marooned in this time period for 15 years, and only the Flash’s speed can get him back to his time.
Scandal - They made such a big deal that Lena Dunham was in the show - I saw Girls twice and hated it. LOL So I don't now any other thing she has been in. Th Portia DiRossi character sure has a big set - asking Mellie to hire her as campaign manager. The show seemed more like it's usual self - despite the stupid story line with Sue (he boss sexually harasses her, she gets fired for reporting him, the goes to kinky website where for years she has sex with rich and powerful, then writes a tell all. Just so she can feel better about the past) Huh ? And then Huck kills her just so it won't screw up his immunity ? And Quinn is only mildly annoyed by this ? Nice !
Grimm - I thought it was funny they got her preggers. Expecially as we were so sure Juliette would be preggers.
MJ on Flash, I suspend disbelief so I can watch shows like this--lol. Maybe that's why these kinds of movies are so popular--watching and thinking at the same time is a waste of time--lol. There is better but perhaps more offensive terminology that could be used.
Grimm--On the Adalind flash with her and Nick living happily ever after together with their child and then she goes "like that's ever goig to happen"--LOL. But, what if it did???? It's not impossible for Juliette to go down a dark path. She and Nick haven't married for lots of reasons, maybe they don't "belong" together. I'm probably nuts for bringing it up, but what a surprise it would be.
GoT--Been rewatching some. I'm not a big rewatch of anything type though after the 2nd time--lol. One thing I picked up on was Tyrion having been at key fortified installations, like the Vale, the Wall and of course Kings Landing. He has found weaknesses for each. I think what Bron said about how to take the Vale will be remembered by Tyrion. And of course T just may not be Tywin's son--lol. Just saying he could be key to the upcoming battle for Westeros.
Also, in my searches I ended up reading about upcoming season and the Telegraph had an article on S5E1 in detail. So, I spoiled the opener for myself in one way but in another can watch it better looking for details. Big shock ending.
GoT--Another thing that's starting to bother me is the notion of the LONG winter we've been talking about for 4 seasons. It looks like S5 will not be winter either and so we'll likely only have 2 seasons of winter for a show that kept talking about this long winter. Another way to say it is that the admonishments and warnings of a harsh long winter are loosing their effect. It's like crying wolf too many times and nothing happens. Plus there's not going to be much time left for us to see Westeros during winter.
GoT - We may need a friendly reminder about denoting book speculations of the show vs. stuff already covered on the show! lol
But, you can blame GRRM for winter never coming and not the TV show!! lol
**********POTENTIAL SPOILERS********
But we do know winter does come at the end of book 5. Just because it's going to be a long winter, doesn't mean the books will cover the long winter or the show. He did speak of skipping 5 years at one point for the kids to grow older but then decided against it. Maybe he thought they'd be 5 years into a long winter when he originally was mapping things out.
I don't want to know anything about the season premiere!! lol
As for the other speculations, I will just say good point! Nothing to offer at this juncture. :)
I read all comments on Americans, Scandal and Grimm and what not....I'm just so swamped I haven't had a chance to offer my commentary. But I'm all caught up!
Flash-Seemed like a contrived storyline and I hate time travel. It was just way too predictable that the girl wouldn't like him.
And of course Cisco lives. Show better that way too.
Dr. Wells is bad and what century is he from?
Scorpion--So, Paige and Walter being a couple was funny. ONly everyone knows it's a possibility--lol. The writers have got to go back to what they were doing in the first several eps. The last couple of eps were kind of childish with things that stretched believability.
But, I'm starting to say that about a lot of shows lately.
Bates - wow ! Norman is just becoming more disturbing each week. What a great actor. And now he is yelling at Norma and bossing her around. I could not believe how in control he was talking with Romero too. And how crepy is she when she is playing the Norma in his head. It was so yucky when faux Norma was helping him get ready for that bath. Don't know why we all assumed it was Annika in that lake - but how awesome was Vera Famigia (sp?) in that scene as well. Laughed when she showed up at school dressed like she was going on a job interview. Emma driving all the pot - with her hood up so as not to be recognized I assume - was good fun.
Justified - I didn't think she would shoot Boyd ! Dang! While it does sucks that Ava is being sent back to jail - she def did stop being their CI so I guess she does deserve to go back to jail. I thought it a bit weak that Ava immediately knew Dewey was killed by Boyd just because she found his necklace and it had a little blood on it - but I'll go with it. Interesting to me is that this is now the second time Ava has shot 'her man' so that she can take back control of her life. And both Crowders too. LOL . Love that Boyd was being forced to seek Limehouse's help. After Maggie Bennett Limehouse was my fave baddie.
Secrets and Lies - so they still have not explained the call that he made to the wrong number last week to Jessie? Cause I can't figure out why he would call her and say those things. So each week they pretty much make someone look guilty - then prove they did not do it. This week was Tyler, last week the Brit couple. So it's going to be someone they have not pointed the finger at - so thinking his wife ? LOL Still not sure it isn't Matty (handicapped boy - not sure his name is Matty ?) but since they have pointed to him I'm thinking it is not him. Still not ruling out the idiot friend either.
X-files - you hear they are getting 6 new episodes ? LOL Kinda ridiculous. I had quit the show before it ended so I doubt I'll watch it.
Grimm - you are right Richard - they def could have Juliette go dark with her new powers and Adalind and Nick hook up. But her vision of a 50's like perfection was hysterical.
Flash - def better with Cisco living. Don't remember the century for Wells. My husband reminded me - we had learned that when Allen's mom was being killed we saw the Flash from the future also there.
Scorpion - I've stopped watching. Not holding my attention very much these days.
Justified--I don't understand why Markham paid for Catherine since he knew she was helping Boyd. Kind of weak. Ava is just not trustworthy always out for herself, atleast that's how I remember it. Boyd will live and continue. So, Raylan succeeded in letting 10M get stolen by a woman who was supposed to be brought in eventually.
****************GoT--BOOK SPOILERS************
Do you think we'll see J Connington and the one he raised from ADWD this season? I can't find anywhere that he's been cast?
BCS - I like that we have a hint of why Saul hates HHM and that one guy so much. Jerk wouldn't give him a chance. Not that any firm of that standing would - since he graduated from a foreign school. Even Chuck knew that immediately but did not want to say it. I read some review of the ep somewhere and they think Jimmy changes his name to Saul to get out from under his brothers shadow. I'm thinking it's a legal thing and the name Jimmy McGill becomes too hot to use. LOL. I know I know that receptionist from somewhere - and she's lost alot of weight - Donna maybe? Can't remember the show. But loved the dumpster diving - that is was in the clean can and him in the trash - knew there would be a dirty diaper ! LOL. So Chuck using his ID at work to cover the printing - either this is how HHM will fire him or they will steal the case out from under Saul. Very interesting that Chuck was outside and not even noticing it - and he handled the cars clicker.
Hey guys. Traveling today but reading comments. Justified was awesome! Shield was okay.
BCS - saw a young Hamlin on a season 5 episode of friends where he was going to date Monica and chandler was jealous. Good times. Lol
Got - if I had to guess I'd say they'll skip those characters. Grrm kept expanding the world. Show is looking to contract.
Bates - Agree with you, MJ, both actors are great AND creepy! Ditto on your comments as well! Nothing to add except I keep wondering now what the uncle/dad has up his sleeves. Clearly he had a screwed up childhood also, but are his intentions as pure as he is trying to make Dylan and us believe?
Secrets & Lies - Definitely can't rule anyone out. They might be tricking us and ruling out people only to come back to one of them. The last couple of episodes, I've been thinking more that the wife is involved, but who knows! I'm just glad we'll find out the answer when it ends!
*****************8GoT book spoilers*****
Without JC it will be unknown then about AT. Atlesat with JC we would know AT would be coming. IF they skip AT, then the divergence becomes a huge problem for those looking all these years to that part of the end game. Count me as one of those fans.
Shield--Finally Ward's back. So, a cu de tat. A better ep. And who's Ward after? Who will he end up siding with? Nobody believes Coulson will end up loosing long term.
Hell on Wheels-just found out, but I'm slow on this. That they will have a5th season. DIVIDED between 2015 and 2016, ick, ick ,ick. Stupid AMC. One reason I've quit watching their programming. They just don't seem to respect their audience.
Got - all depends on if it's a red herring or not. Plus it wouldn't be the first time they've had other characters tell the same stories of minor players in the books. (Ie gendry being who Davos saves instead of another of Roberts bastards). It just gets too confusing from a TV perspective to weave in all of this exposition.
Lost - a writer from lost has a blog or site. I haven't read this yet but this article has a link to his site. Will check it out later but wanted to post it
**************GoT bookSpoilerS*************************
GoT--You view AT as a minor player? I thought he landed at the end of ADWD? That makes him a major player as I read it?
But again, I'm reading summaries, not the books themselves.
Richard, we really don't know how major a player he is. He could be a red herring. That's all I was saying. But if it's an important plotline, it might be filled by another void. Say if there IS another T in the world...we might just find out that TL will fill the void and the story will still play out. (That may be how it plays out anyway)
But, I think these stories are going to have to take slightly different trajectories at some point to make it digestable as a television show.
MJ - Thanks for the LOST blog link. I really wish I had time to read it because it sounds pretty damn awesome! lol
Vikings - already renewed for next year !
Lost - I know, right !
Blacklist copying Vikings with blood eagle!
vikings--omg, Alfred was born! That will be Alfred the Great. But wow, now I can see where the show is going. Don't forget Ivar!
I knew Ragnar would kill that guy, he wants to go to Paris and can't afford the distraction of retribution just now. But Floki could say something. Surprised he didn't really.
Lots of spirituality this ep, kind of like S1. Floki's lucky to have that wife.
I was just waiting for Floki to kill Athelstan almost all ep. Wow, is anyone safe? What a surprise and bold show. A special Athelstan ep afterwards.
Ragnar with the cross. Great imagery and foreshadowing.
Again, for me the best show going now.
Vikings--the more I think about them killing off Athelstan, the more it shows no one is safe. I can't recall a show that's willing to kill of it's stars. I mean he had as much screen time as anyone. Maybe more than Rollo, Lagertha, Floki, etc.
That's two stars in 3 weeks.
Got - general commentary on book and show differences. All makes sense and there is a chance ls may still show up based on the vague comments. Lol
That was mike btw. As is this!
I'm still out of town. I'll try to post a new post tomorrow but can't make any promises. Things have been nuts down here! Lol
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