Hello TV Addicts! This is Mike V. of the Lost Addicts Blog among others. I’ve mostly stopped writing recaps regularly, but please join our discussion posts for all things TV, occasional recaps (Hello There Obi-Wan!) and search the archives for Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fringe and several other shows over the years!
Monday, November 2, 2015
TV Discussion: Week of 11/1/2015 - 11/6/2015
Hello fellow TV Addicts! This is our weekly place to discuss non-recapped shows. I'll see you in the comments!
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Grimm--I will have to admit to being very surprised toward the end. I think my preconceived notions were at fault---lol. I thought Chavez was being set up as a regular, but then she was killed. I like Adalind a whole lot better than Juliette so I"m pulling for her now.
I like how the show didn't take itself too seriously with the highly unlikely combination of bad things happening to Nick.
The 4claw scratch/mark will likely go throughout the season.
Grimm - I watched the finale and then the new ep back to back - what an action packed 2 hours ! I also thought Chavez would be staying. I'm liking this version of Adalind so far.
Librarian is back! Any one watching ?
Legends starts this week. As does Elementary. My tv watching plate is definitely running over !
Blacklist - finally watched - will go back to read all your comments from last week.
Grimm - Too many shows to watch now!! I have about 15 minutes left in this one so will hold off on commenting until I see them. Except one thing...they're being awfully ambiguous to if Juliette is really dead! And the actress was certainly back for this first episode unless they filmed some stuff at the end of last season! lol Okay, that's all I'll say!
Had to write the TWD Recap, watch ONCE and GRIMM...couldn't fit it all in this morning. lol
Way behind on Blacklist now. And ugh...LEGENDS. When am I going to watch that????
Librarians--will be watching, not yet there.
Grimm--Juliette, well she died in his arms. If she came back that would be a huge turnoff since she was dead in his arms. But hey I guess his Mom could come back as the headless whatever too?
Blacklist--That statement on Grimm made me think of where the PR on the show is saying they are tyring to prove Liz's innocence. That's just nuts, she shot Connelly and an FBI agent would know if the gun she shot(her very own gun) was effective or not.
Grimm - Juliette is dead. I was worried they were going to kill Trubel - that would have made me unhappy.
Grimm - I know she died in his arms....but for most of the episode they had everyone questioning if it was really true. Then there was someone behind a closed cell door acting very WESEN-Y lol I'll finish the episode tonight or tomorrow morning.
Blacklist - RIP Pee Wee Herman ! I get Liz and Red trying to clear her name on being a Russian spy - but she did murder someone ! How is this show going to not have her answer for that with a trial eventually ? Last week's co-prisoner you are working with to escape being a fake was pretty lame realy. But I was glat to see Dembe back this week ! Doesn't Samar work for Red secretly ? How come she is not helping him ?
I love Mr. Kaplan. I was getting nervous for what Tom would do if he saw the news that Liz was dead. The whole thought that people and crowd fund a hit was pretty crazy. Working for Red sure does make your life end sooner these days. I won't even mention Liz driving the car while laying on the floor using the rear view mirror to steer by - LOL. But of course Red knows to go to the roof 2 building over to catch the bad guy - cause he knew that he'd jump that may roofs. Did the baddie let go - or did Red let him go ? I think Red let go of him. I have to be honest - I have no recollection of this bombing that this kid says her mom died in.
New Star Trek TV Series Coming, but sounds like CBS is going to force you to sign up for their streaming service to watch.
Greatest American Hero reboot pilot bought by Fox too.
Not sure I feel about either of these just yet but just passing along the news!
Ugh! Two more re-boots ? Enough already. Will def NOT sign up for CBS streaming so that is out. Didn't like the first American Hero - was not into that kind of show at that time in my life.
Oops - meant to say - have not seen Homeland yet but the ep title is Better Call Saul. Awesome !
blacklist--MJ I'm glad you're asking the same questions I"m asking. ON some of the other blogs I used to get really involved with they aren't really even questioning that stuff. They're saying another person shot Connelly. And of course the biggest disagreements are whether Red is Liz's Dad--lol.
Homeland - still way behind. Love the episode name though!
Reboots - I don't think Star Trek is necessarily a reboot. It could take place in the NEW timeline (i.e. the new movies) and be a whole cast we haven't seen yet. I guess it's technically still a rehash of an old brand. So yeah... Greatest American Hero...yeah I didn't really watch it too much. Just loved the old theme song. lol Could be funny if they did it right.
Librarians--Off to a good start. I thought the Librarian pursuing Eve was over done since they were supposed to already be established. I think we'll see some of those baddies again. At least Moriarti.
Star Trek--I guess I think it's a reboot since it's using the same title and will be a series. Probably a procedural so Mike you may not like it--lol. I'm guessing it will pick up on the timelines of the current movies as well and some similar stylistic cues. I just hope they don't muck it up. There have been other Star Trek series but they of course weren't as closely similar.
Star Trek procedural is different than a normal procedural! lol Plus...with JJ's disciples involved in it...there will be a running thread. lol
I think there are various definitions of the term Reboot. Was Deep Space Nine a reboot? Was Star Trek Voyager a reboot? Was Star Trek: Enterprise a reboot? Is CSI: Miami a reboot? Even the Next Generation is a new crew so it's technically not rebooting the original. It's more a continuation of the story.
Star Trek (2009) movie is a reboot, but they technically did it in a way where it's a continuation and the old stories aren't wiped out.
If LOST was to come back and recast Jack Shephard and all of his castaways it would be a reboot.
BSG on SciFi was a Reboot.
Gotham - Watched. Legends - Through Half. Supergirl - No time!
Reboot--I agree with the point about definition and I don't really consider the 2009 movie a reboot since it had some basis on the prior canon. To me, using the exact same title over again is part of the definition of a reboot. So, none of the various StarTrek spinoffs were reboots to me.
You are much more a JJ disciple than I--lol.
Reboot - Well then this new Star Trek probably won't be a reboot either as I'm sure it'll have a new name.
I wasn't talking about US being JJ's disciples...I mean people he's worked with and adapted or agree with his style of thinking. The guy behind the new series has been involved in many of JJ's shows and all the star trek movies. I was just saying there will probably be some serialization to the story! Especially with it being a streaming show.
I don't mind procedurals anyway. I watch plenty of them. but most of the ones that keep my interest have a pretty strong running thread through each episode. Grimm, Gotham, Sleepy Hollow, Fringe...all procedurals but each case is closely tied with the ongoing story. Blacklist....first 5 minutes and last 5 minutes are related to the long game but in between usually doesn't matter in the scheme of things. That doesn't keep my interest as much!
Blacklist - I did hear some crazy theory that Liz's gun was blanks and Samara actually shoots him. But that's ridiculous. LOL
Reboots - technically you are right - it's a continuation. But then you could call Xfiles and Full House continuations technically to. Yeah - the Star Treks were spin offs with whole new casts. As was all the Law and Orders and CSI's .
Procedural - Ha ! We got him Richard. He has watched procedurals ! Star Trek ! ;-D
Reboots - I would consider X-Files a continuation. There is nothing about that that is really a "reboot". Just like 24: Live Another Day wasn't a reboot. Maybe Re-hash. Re-Visit. lol Full House....yeah, that's not really a reboot either. Once again, really depends on how it's defined by the person using the word.
Yep..Spinoffs is the other word I haven't been using in this discussion. lol
Technically, I didn't watch ALL of Star Trek though. :) I've seen episodes here and there but never watched a full series (original, TNG, DS9, etc...) That's the thing about procedurals...you don't need to watch them all!
But Quantum Leap, that was a procedural (basically)...and I loved that show and watched every episode. It really wasn't until late 90s with HBO and on the networks in the 2000s with LOST/24 that 100% serialization start becoming a thing. Before that, I only watched a couple shows here and there religiously. And they certainly had beginning middle and ends to their episodes. But with the onslaught of TV these days, there's just no way to keep up with everything....And I watch so many serialized shows that it's the procedurals that usually hit the chopping block first.
I still find them entertaining for the most part....but I just don't have time to watch them!
Legends--a great start! So complicated and interwoven. Interesting going from LA to London, etc. So, his name in 2001 was Dmitry. I don't think that was his name in that English school. I bet that IDIOT teenage girl who wants to be a muslim gets caught in some type of terrorist stuff. I had a rebellious teenage daughter and found a way to cut that stuff out. Takes a lot of work with both parents in agreement on even the details.
BTW...I didn't even watch all of X-Files but I still plan on watching its return! lol
Blacklist--it started so strong with lots of serial potential. It still has LOT of serial storylines. I think you're missing a lot of them as they are spread out over the entire ep and cover multiple seasons at this point. But, there are some hokey things that have throttled back my enthusiasm.
Blacklist - Agree that there was lots of potential. And it's still a decent show. Just not the show I thought it was going to be. It's on our backburner to catch up on it. I'm sure there are lots of things interspersed in the episodes, but I certainly am not picking up on them because the episodes don't keep my full attention! lol
Xfiles - yeah I had given that up before it was over. But I will look at it too.
Fringe - talk about coincidence - I loaned Fringe to a co-worker over the summer. They just returned the final season this morning. And I read this morning a re-capper of Flash calling Wells from Earth 2 Wellernet ! Weird.
Crazy Ex Girlfriend - any one look at this ? Probably not. Quirkiest show I've seen in a long time. I'm not even sure that I like it - but it is different than anything else I've seen thats for sure.
Legends - still have not checked it out - but will soon
Fringe - Took me a second to figure out the connection....Walternate. lol I don't watch The Flash, but I have heard really good things.
Quantico - Finally checked out the pilot ep. Not bad.
Legends - Definitely was tough to keep track of what was happening when but it certainly was interesting. I forget how last season ended. Did we see him go on the run/into hiding? Or is that something that happened between seasons? And is Ali Larter not in this season or are we just phasing people back in? lol I think she might have been referred to, so I'm sure we'll get back to her.
APPLE TV - Got the new one yesterday! So far so good, but I'm looking forward to the updates that will come to it with more siri integration across apps. And I hope that someone will be able to get an app approved for VUDU or Flixter so that my Ultraviolet movies will be on the device too. Then I'll have my entire digital collection in one place and eventually searchable across apps.
For now, I'm sure it will still mostly be used to watch Disney Jr. and Disney XD. And all of the Pixar, Disney and Thomas movies we have on iTunes. :) lol
But the nice thing is I moved our old Apple TV into the Bedroom so now it's all accessible up there too. (hence, why I finally watched Quantico)
Shield--so more of the onion being peeled. Pretty cool about the Dr being the Latch or whatever it's called. I had to skip through parts of this ep though as a lot was kind of weak. I'm not feeling the chemistry between the ATCU head and Coulson btw.
Is it wierd that I still pull for Ward. He's really the biggest reason I watch--lol. I know he's doomed--lol.
LEgends--S1 ended with him wearing a hoodie on the run. After the video was released. A video that the Verax people made to frame him. I read where Sean is now involved in producing the show and wanted the show to become more gritty, etc. Larter is out for now.
BTW, still liking Bastard Executioner a lot.
SHIELD - Oh right...forgot I watched that too this morning lol Yeah, I totally didn't see that twist coming. Definitely spices things up...but I also feel like that may not have always been the intention with his character...not that it matters! I was fine with the "weak parts" as you say. But, like I always say...these are treadmill shows for me! lol
I always have this thought that Ward eventually will return to help SHIELD at some point. It's very rare for a running show like this to turn one of their main heroes into a villain. But, that could be what makes it unique from the rest too. lol He certainly has been more interesting a character since he went bad.
Legends - Ahh right...thanks for the reminder and the heads up on Larter.
B.E. - Good to know. Maybe one day. lol
Wicked City - surprisingly not bad. Def a procedural - but kinda a dark one. Always fun to hear the 80's music and laugh at the clothes too. They are using pagers ! LOL too funny.
Grimm - Chavez said a war is coming ? Who would war with the Vesen I wonder ! Is there a worse type of Vesen that is 'rising' ? But why then try to round up the Grimm (Trubel) and in the end Chavez knew Nick was a Grimm and said he could help. I'm lost on that one. Glad at least Rosalie seemed to mourn Juliette and recognize that what she had become was not her fault.
Scandal - last week's ep was great ! Mellie dropping all those truth bombs on Fitz and Olivia. Olivia telling Mellie who was really behind her sons death, and Mellie telling Liv taht her dad was behind the jury killing ! I'm not always on Mellie's side - but every thing she said to Fitz was absolutely true and he's been an a** to her for quite a while now. Glad Jake finally showed some backbone and told Liv to
stop coming back to him about Fitz ! And is Fitz not at all concerned that Olivia def did NOT want to marry him no matter how he proposed ?? Not surprised her dad is back in play - but it made no sense. He said he had all those files in his head - so how did they deliver pictures to that committee ?
Library - saw the first one. Is Noah Wylie back for good or is he just guesting again ?
Flash - it's become one of my must sees - it's that good. And that is rare for me with it being a super hero show.
Quantico - it definitely has some eye rolling moments - but don't they all.
Legends - I also read he os one of the producers. And instead of looking at so many persons he's been they are focusing on one this year. And that they filmed in europe this time. Still haven't had time to watch though.
Wicked City - The critics really ripped this a new one so I didn't even bother checking it out. My wife wanted to. lol I think it was more of a "been there done that" with the type of story it is. So the critics wrote it off. But ratings and fan reception has been pretty decent it looks like.
Grimm - Classic misdirection right? They make us think they're an enemy, but really they needed the grimm for help in their "war" or whatever's coming. Yeah...still confusing though until we know more. True on Rosalie.
Scandal - Yeah, as over the top as the show has gotten with what is plausible...it's still a really entertaining show. And Mellie has certainly had her moments to shine recently (last year, this year). LOL...good question on the pictures they delivered. He probably was able to access the photos or knew who to call to get them once he was out. (just me trying to make it more plausible!)
Flash - Yeah you're not the only one that has said that. Maybe I'll Netflix it over the summer. Speaking of
The 100 - Season 2 is available on Netflix so eventually I'll be able to catch up before season 3! I've heard great things about S2. S1 definitely improved as it went along.
Quantico - Oh yeah...the entire pilot I was thinking "I've seen this before in a hospital show and it was called Grey's Anatomy" lol I know they were going for a "Shonda-type" show without Shonda. I'll roll with it for now!
Random Sean Bean comment - Did anyone see The Martian?? He was in that and there was a reference to The Lord of the Rings while his character was in the room. I thought it was pretty hysterical. Had to be intentional. Anyway, that movie was really good!
Not seen the Martian yet.
Grimm--I"m thinking that there are different sets of wessen with different sets of objectives.
1. The Royals--want to maintain order.
2. The "joe blow" regular wessen who just want to have as normal a life as possible.
3. The radicals who want to burn the house down or similar.
4. Others, like those who want to take the royals down.
So, I'm thinking those in 1,2 and/or 4(or similar) want to work with the grimms to stop #3. But, that's just a guess.
Flash--interesting that it's good. I quit watching it and Arrow as it seemed to get too silly last season. We'll see about checking it out later
Quantico - Greys ? Really ? I had heard - incorrectly - that is was like How to Get Away with Murder. I watched Grey's the first year or so - don't see it in Quantico.
FLash - oh and another Fringe shout out - when they are on Earth 2 there is a yellowish glow - reminisent of the Red/Blue on Fringe. Flash does not take iself seriously all the time - that is for sure. It's not dark like Arrow. But it's not quite as campy or sweet as say Supergirl (which I liked). But they started half way thru last year to get more serious - but still always have humor.
Martian - have not yet seen it. Heard it was good though
Star Wars - have already bought some toys for my 7 year old great-niece for xmas. She's into these Disney Infinity characters. Also some video game of the older Star Wars. Her dad (my nephew) was HUGE into Star Wars so she has seen the original 6 movies several times over. Can't believe I'm buying Star Wars toys again like I did in the 80's ! LOL
Quantico - Oh it's there. The protagonist slept with someone who ended up working with her? Meredith and Derek! It's FBI in training, Doctors in Training. Definitely some early Grey's happening there.
Flash - Definitely will keep this on my To Do list.
Star Wars - Disney Infinity is purchased for the V. household as well! Santa is bringing it for the whole family! :) My kids are too young for the games, but Parker is getting more into it...and he sure likes to watch me play! lol Frustratingly, we have to play Lego Star Wars together and he always likes jumping off cliffs and won't follow me to the next part of the game! lol Still fun if I can get past my need to WIN!
Awesome to hear you're getting sucked in and buying stuff again even if it's not for you! Parker is really into the Star Wars Hot Wheels. We have found basically all of them. Only one on our to do list is BB-8. Finally snagged him on amazon, but going to try and hold off for the big guy on 12/25! If he sees it in a store though, there could be a melt down. lol
Limitless - did a little takeoff of Ferris Bueller - it was adorable ! LOL
Quantico - ah ! I see your point. On Q it's even worse - he's secretly investigating her.
LOL on Star Wars toys.
Limitless - heard about it but still haven't seen an episode!!
Quantico - Right lol
Shield - wow ! Did not see it coming that May's husband would be Lash for some reason. Should have - since there was no reason for him to be on except to annoy Daisy - but it did not occur to me. Glad to see I wasn't the only one surprised. I don't see Coulsen and the ATCU chick as romantic - but they do have a good sparring rhythm. I get that Daisy should be shocked that Coulsen does not seem to be reacting to the treatment of inhumans - but I hope she at least gives him a chance. Interestingly enough - is it bad treatment ? IF this were a reality - could we just have these people walking around with these powers ? I know, I know - right out of Xmen. LOL Ward - of couse he is doomed - he's a bad guy. At least Bobbi is back to herself - was tired of the same weekly dialog how she cannot yet go into the field. Hunter was funny first punching that guy to knock him out - then again to get the DNA sample.
Shield - Xmen, Heroes, now Shield...they all cover that theme to an extent. lol Ward's a bad guy that started off as a protagonist. That still gives a little hope when using TV logic. lol But like I said before, they may be trying to be an exception to the old rules.
Shield - when he came bac that first time I thought he'd go back to the good side and was a little disappointed. When he showed himself not to be good again I was happy the show was not doing the same old thing.
Sleepy - what the heck was that with Jenny - her fate has changed ?? And why now would you open that shard after being told you will be in trouble cause you will be taken - or whatever that guy told her ! Pandora went into a tree ! Crazy. Why is it always bugs ? I hate bugs ! LOL And haven't we all wanted to choke hold our boss and hand cuff them ? Just saying. The captain or whatever he is not being over Abby - really? He's her boss - don't go there ! So paranoia was released ? Interesting.
BBT--Loved that Nimoy was on. Boy do I feel old given how old he looks. Great ep with Will and NImoy both. I know, my geek is showing--lol. The baby issue being brought up is an interesting new dimension too.
I so laughed when the home remodeling was brought up. It seems to be a regular thing with husbands/wives.
anybody watching The Player?
Blacklist--loved Tom KA. I like Red doing his thing as in this ep flying in his private jet vs scrounging around in old cars. So, it appears REssler is onboard with helping Red take down the Cabal now. I'm sensing womthing's up with Samar.
Star Wars - no one talking about the new trailer released in Japan ? Looking awesome !
SHIELD - Yeah I do like that they're defying convention so far. I just figure there's always that possibility that they'll be working together at some point even if the trust is never back. Like they're going against a common foe at some point. (X-Men 2 style) But, maybe he doesn't make it out of this season. Always a possibility.
BBT - Yeah it was a good one. Nice of Nimoy's son to do that.
Sleepy - Oh come on you knew they were going there with Captain and Abby! lol The big win for the show is that they have never attempted to put Crane and Abby together. They have a great working friendship on the show. So of course they have to give them both love interests. Just be happy they wrote off Hawley or whatever his name was. lol I don't know what's wrong with my TiVo but every recording last night on various channels cut off! I don't usually have to extend my recordings. Not sure if the clock got messed up or the networks are screwing with times and DVRs due to November sweeps. Anyway, I missed the last few seconds of the show with Jenny, so I really have no idea what's going on there!
SW - Oh I'm most certainly talking about it. Just forgot to post it here too. :) lol Lots of new clips!
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