Monday, August 4, 2014

TV Discussion: Summer of 2014 Part 2

Okay, the thread was getting a little long, so if we were ever going to have a part 2 now's the time!  This is a place where we can continue to talk all television through the summer.  This thread will probably last us until the fall onslaught of new and returning programming starts.  See you in the comments!


Mike V. said...

True Blood - Well, it was pretty inevitable Bill and Sookie would get back together right? lol I did notice that they were mirroring back to their season 1 initial union with Sookie in the white dress. Granted, it was random that she went home and got changed after a whole episode of doing other things but whatever!

Episode was okay...obviously the hunt for the cure seems to be the closing arc for the series. Of course, Bill is progressing pretty rapidly. Will he get it in time? Jason is finding himself into a fun situation with Hoyt's new girl, Jess and that other crazy vampire.

I did notice a trend of everyone wondering if life would be better away from Bon Temps. Seems very final season esque discussions.

Definitely ready for this show to be over! lol

2 behind on the leftovers now. But we're going to wrap up House of Cards first. I think we have 4 left. We'll probably tackle Revenge next. Not sure if we'll have time for Nashville or The following. And not really sure I care! :-)

MJ said...

TB - loved Adalind and guy not knowing what to do with all the stuff in the sex dungeon. Really - jason has to want another of hoyt's girls ?!? Did I miss something - why was Sara hallucinating ? The japanese guy with a southern drawl throws me off every time. And now they are just being obvious - Jason was shirtless more then he was dressed practically. Loved Arlenes dream too. Saw absolutley NO reason to have Niall back except apparently they just want to get all the characters back one last time. And enough of the Bill flashbacks. yeah - Sookie and Bill will be together at the end when he either lives or dies.

Anonymous said...

Ship--OK, now we're making progress on one front and loosing a Captain.
I wonder what happened to Tex? It would be hilarious and a great surprise TV move for him and the Dr. to get together. I still think there is something important about Tex we don't yet know. That is, if he's still on the show--lol.


Mike V. said...

TB - Agree, no point in Nial returning unless they were just reminding us about him for a future episode. Probably more what you said though, just to get everybody back one last time.

You didn't miss anything with Sarah. The hallucinating was bizarre. Maybe it's the cure in her blood that's making her see all kinds of weird stuff???

MJ said...

Longmire - can't believe its the finale tonight !

Anonymous said...

Longmire--yea, it's a great show

Anonymous said...

Longmire, wow lot's happened. So, Branch's Dad hired David to kill Walt's wife. Then Branch's Dad killed Branch. HOpefully he's alive, but couldn't see how.


Anonymous said...

Longmire--I should add that I am hoping Branch is alive since we didn't see the actual shooting or outcome.

Falling Skies--Lexi is out of her cacoon and more powerful. She just wasted that girl thinking it was helpful. I guess we're supposed to take from that what the Espheni think of humans.


Anonymous said...

Longmire--The ejected shell casing landed in the area where they had been standing to shoot, ie where Branch was standing.


MJ said...

Longmire - didn't get to watch.

Falling Sky - that was some fight. So over the Lexie thing, and now she's taken her brother with her. Think Maggie is dead ?

Last Ship - Love how Tex is from Reno! LOL Don't care if him and to doc get together or not really. Not yet trusting him either. Def think more to him than we know. But very interesting they think they have found someone with natural immunity

Mike V. said...

House of Cards - Okay 2 episodes left. So, we just watched the episode where the wife got the Security guy (meechum) drunk. Do I need to say more? I saw it coming and still can't believe they went there. lol 3some fine...but did they really need Frank to kiss him too??? lol crazy. Of course this was in parallel to the girl on girl action that Doug was spying on too. My wife said that LGBT Rights Activists must've LOVED this episode. lol

Anonymous said...

Falling Skies--Yea, I was wondering and think we're supposed to wonder if Maggie is dead. They brought in that other girl with Pope who is a kind of similar character(to replace kind of?) but Ben was crushing on her, so who knows--lol. If the Hal/Ben/Maggie triangle is to happen, then they'll need her--lol.

Longmire--you'll likely want to watch the scenes with Branch and his Dad a few times to try and figure out what happened, at least I did. With the way it ended, the show could go in many different directions next season.

Blacklist--anyone seen the promos?


Leslie said...

Orange - finished the season. OMG! Loved how Vee got it in the end. She had her Shawshank moment, but it didn't turn out so good for her! lol And, at least the cancer lady won't die in prison. Loved that they took down the lady assistant warden, and Caputo was pulling out what little hair he has with all that was going on during his first couple of days as the new asst warden.

Piper gets back at Alex by setting her up, but at least she will be safe back in prison, right? lol

Anonymous said...

Dome--that last shot showed a seriously big hole in the Earth. They think they're beyond the dome, but I'm not so sure.

Longmire--I've heard a lot of people don't like that the show hasn't yet been renewed. Include me in that group.


Mike V. said...

Orange - Leslie, sounds like you had a pretty similar reaction to the finale. It was a good season and a good closer! Caputo was hysterical this season, especially in the finale. And yep, sure looks like Alex will be back full time next year. I remember reading that she was only going to be in 3 episodes this season due to conflicts Laura Prepon had or something. And it literally was 3 episodes she was in. But it all worked out storywise.

House of Cards - We finished! Great show. I had a feeling early on this season that it would end in possible impeachment of the president. So he finally wheeled and dealed his way to the top. Now what? World Emperor? Galaxy Crusader? Or is he just going to get revenge on all those who scorned him? Should be an interesting 3rd season. I had read way back in the day that Fincher and Spacey agreed to 3 seasons and out. Like they were going to produce all of the episodes at once and then they would be done. Like a limited series run. It certainly seems like there wouldn't be much story to tell after a 3rd season, but money talks so we'll see!

Mike V. said...

House of Cards - Oh yeah, forgot to talk about Rachel Pozner and Doug Stamper's trip to the woods! Certainly looks like he's dead, right?? I'm sure there were exit interviews when the season was initially released. I'll have to look it up. And I guess if Rachel is on the loose, she is a liability to the Underwood Administration.

Anonymous said...

Hell on Wheels premiere was good. Still miss Lilly though but Bohanan is married and has a baby.


Leslie said...

Dome - I was again having LOST flashbacks with the bottomless cave! I wondered if that takes you to another dimension or something. So, Melanie was able to take Angie's place as one of the four hands, but I don't remember if she appeared only AFTER Angie was killed.

Anonymous said...

Dome--I think she came around before Angie was killed by Sam. We saw her first at the lake with Julia, then Sam. I think that set Sam off. But, somethings changed because when Melanie touched the dome she didn't have something special happen like the others.

LOL on Lost flashbacks.


MJ said...

Longmire - OMG ! So Branchs dad had longmiress wife killed just so Branch could be sheriff ! How messed up. I did not see the dad reload after he did his shots but I rewound and saw he did have one shot in the barrell. i hope branch killed him. Love how they forced the prosecutor to declare Henry free of all charges immediately.

House Cards - i was sad to see the rib place close. Didn't mention it cause could not remember where in the season that happened. Yeah - All the way to the top ! Agree - not too many places to take the show.

Leftovers - wow they had some humor ! Dana (Is that her name - they said it 100 times and now I can't remember) was funny drunk and having a good time. So what - now that she's been hugged by the miracle hugger all her pain is gone and she's free to have a life ? Was odd watching her shop for food for the kids she no longer had and then throw it all out.

Mike V. said...

House of Cards - Yeah it's tough to remember everything to comment when you're binging! I did love that episode on Freddy and it was a shame that he was a casualty of "war".

Leftovers - 2 behind now but I'm sure we'll catch up on that next. But maybe not 2 tonight. That might put us to sleep! lol

MJ said...

Once - meant to ask you - have you recognised the actor who will be Elsa ? She was henrietta.

Mike V. said...

ONCE - Of course I did...and reported it on this blog! :-) lol

Mike V. said...

SOA - Trailer with footage! Haven't watched yet.

MJ said...

SOA - first trailer ! I just came here to post that too. LOl Is that Juicy rolling around in the dirt by a dug grave ??

Once - LOL - should have known !

Anonymous said...

Extant--I think I asked before, but not sure--is anyone else watching?


Mike V. said...

SOA - Not sure if I remember seeing Juice rolling around a grave but wouldn't surprise me if he gets what's coming to him in the final season. I'm sure there will be several casualties in the end. Looks good though! I did notice it said a 90 minute premiere, so that's not 2 hours at least! lol It might be a little easier to keep up with it this year with the Mrs. not growing a child! :-)

Extant - Nope, not watching. I'm at my capacity for the summer! lol

Leftovers - well, my wife bailed so it's up to me to catch up on my own time. Only thing is, I'm really into Clone Wars right now, so I think I'm going to see that through to the end! I guess by then I'll know if it's worth it to finish Leftovers or not. :)

Leslie said...

Extant - I've seen about 3 episodes so far. Think there is 1 or 2 sitting on my DVR to watch.

True Detective - I got through the first 3 episodes. Love the dialogue between Woody and Matthew! Definitely liking it so far.

Mike V. said...

TD - Great show Leslie, enjoy it! Both Harrelson and McCon OH HEY! (aint even trying to spell lol) are deserving of Emmy noms and wins this year. Though, I still would give it to Cranston for his final Breaking Bad act. We'll see what happens!

Legends - Forgot to say I did set the DVR for this one. We'll see if I can fit it in. :) Gotta give some love to Boromir/Ned Stark/006! lol

MJ said...

Exrant - I've seen the first 2 or 3 but am a little behind now.

Longmire - forgot to mention - hysterical when Walt accidently punches Vick ! Also Walt/Henry arguing who gets to dig out the feather in the corpse.

Emmy - I want Cranston to get it.

Anonymous said...

Extant--yea I wasn't so good with it, but it's gotten better.

Longmire--yea that punch was funny. It needs to be renewed asap, a great show.

Legends--I don't know if I can set my DVR out that far, when does it start?

TD--It was great. The next one is looking not so easy to put together for them with an actress bowing out.


Anonymous said...

Legends--programmed DVR, all good.

Mike V. said...

Legends - Sorry Richard for not responding. Looks like you got it all figured out! lol

I set the TiVo for Starz "Outlander" too. Ron Moore of DS9 and BSG fame is behind's based on a book and time travel related but in an 18th century England setting. lol I think that airs this weekend some time. Not sure when I'll watch it all. But I like to be prepared!

Leftovers - surprisingly caught up last night! Read your comments on last week and this week's MJ. They were 2 strong episodes...and I did appreciate the moments of humor. Especially when the priest said "I say f*** too" lol Obviously setting up a potential romance between Kevin and Dana (funny I had that name memorized last night too and now I can't remember if it's right either). Those bodies that dude at the conference was creating so people could say goodbye to their loved ones...that's kinda creepy! But it was nice to see people having a good time for once. And yeah they're finally tying in the miracle hugger guy into the A plot. It's funny, when I wasn't watching for a couple weeks I was dreading putting them on, but once I do I find myself enjoying them. I'll try to keep up with them from here on out. Probably 4 eps left I think?

MJ said...

Leftovers - oh yeah - those fake bodies were totally weird and creepy.

I saw today that the Pres spoke last night - probably ruined a bunch of my recordings. Sigh!

The Fall - this is that british/Irish show Gillian Anderson did. Was a serial killer mystery/cop show. Very good acting - only 5 eps. Guessing a second season coming since they really did not totally end it. Had the Huntsman from Once in it as well - who is now Mr. Grey. LOL

Anonymous said...

Outlanders, will check it out. HOpefully won't be a timetravel nightmare where rules change based on which theory is used for a particular ep.


MJ said...

Outlander - I don't have Starz so I'm def out but not sure I would have watched either way. Way too much stuff to be on very soon. LOL

Have a good weekend everyone !

Mike V. said...

True Blood - Good episode. Nice that Hoyt cleaned up that messy situation for Jason and Andy. And maybe he's going to give it another go with Jessica. They seemed to be setting that up since he doesn't want children. So, maybe he and Jason are going to do a partner switch. That also was made clear that Jason/Jessica are just really good friends. lol

Seemed too easy that Bill was going to get the cure, so I assumed it wasn't going to happen. Does that mean he's going to embrace death? 2 more episodes. Just realized I'll be on vacation when the series finale airs so I probably won't be watching until after. Oh well!

Leftovers - Still enjoying this one too. Kevin got to do some comedy with his fake texting to his daughter. Nora got to hose down Liv Tyler which was also pretty funny. Still getting a creepy vibe from Kevin's daughter's friend. Is she into Kevin? Did something happened when he blacked out? Anyway, at least he ditched the drugs so he should be of sound mind now. No idea what's going on with his dad though. It would seem like he is in contact with the departed. That seems to be the implication at least.

And then could it be the miracle hugger is a hack? Multiple pregnant women with protectors...both of them thinking they are the host of the child that is the BRIDGE? and the bridge to what? To the departed? All very interesting, all very Lindelof. lol Which means, I'm assuming no answers are coming our way which he and Prerotta have both clearly stated it's not about that. Though, a little part of me hopes they are just saying that to hope it sways us to not focus on it even though an answer might come.

I mean come on...2% of the world's population's all mysterious, it's touched on all the time....but they're never going to tell us where they went??? And I just feel like a twist one day (if the show gets to see one day) would be that one of the departed "returns".....of course, they could explain it later on that they really never departed and were just taking advantage of the situation to disappear.

Anyway, just rambling.

Didn't watch outlander yet. I recorded though.

Anonymous said...

Ship--interesting on the Russian ship getting badly damaged and the patient zero escaping/infecting.

Outlander--I watched, wasn't really impressed but will watch next ep. Thought there were way too many weak/forced transitions after she went back in time.

Hell on Wheels--New provisional governer is going to be fun to watch when Bohanen gets back.


MJ said...

True Blood - Sara thinks she will return from the dead as the princess of peace? What is her deal with the hallucinations and all? Her story doesn't even make sense. I think that her being the cure was brilliant - but there is no logic in the way she is acting. I'm so 'who cares' about Tara and her mother. They are not going to get me to like Lettie Mae either. And just how was Hoyt able to track Jason and he girlfriend to Violet's house when Hoyt doesn't even know who Violet is ? Soooo boring and predictable that Jessica and Hoyt are probably getting back together. So what ? They are going to cure Eric and let Bill die ? I'm feeling pretty let down by the series now - cause this show never did the expected and was always just crazy. So all these nice pleasant little story tie-ups are boring.

Mike V. said...

TB - I still think it's the blood in her system making her act all crazy. Plus, she always was a little bit on the crazy side. She was always religious so she's taken that to a new level of fanaticism. I don't find it that out of character since she's a whackjob. lol Notice I didn't even comment on the Tara's mother stuff? I totally forgot about it. lol I never liked Lettie Mae. I didn't predict Jessica and Hoyt ending up together. I actually thought they were plotting for a Jason/Jessica match, but it makes sense he'd get away from the supes in the end.

I'm not counting really on anything just yet in terms of Bill and Eric. They'll lead you down one path and flip the script on you in the end. It would make no sense to cure Bill in the 3rd to last episode if that's the whole arc of the final season.

Granted, I was already let down by this series years ago so I don't even care how it ends! lol Just seeing it through to its conclusion.

MJ said...

TB - agreed on pretty much all.

Hey - strange question Mike. LOL Last year when I was going to Malvern fr Jersey I remember getting off route 1 and taking a local road - it was the painful part of that journey! LOL I know you were familiar with it at the time - do you remember the route number ? Thanks if you do

Mike V. said...

MJ - Heading back to Silicon Valley East? lol Yeah, you should take 252 from Route 1. I'd actually go a step further from there and hang a left onto Providence Road and then a right on Warren Road and that'll take you through downtown Malvern and you can get to 29 from there. I sent you a modified Google Maps route (or tried to send it). Hopefully it helps!

MJ said...

Thanks Mike. No - going elsewhere and thought I'd have to take 252 again and did NOT want to. LOL I just couldn't remember the number so I could avoid it. But it's 272 that I'll be taking. Going to Herrs factory and then Lancaster. Saw 272 and thought oh no ! LOL I did get that link and thanks much for it.

Leftovers - what is it with the dogs ? LOL I don't get it. Def do't trust the daughters friend either - something def happened with her and Kevin that he's not remembering. I don't mind oddities but i like explanations which is why I think alot of people will get tired of this show if they are not giving them to us. Agree - bridge to what ?? And since the dad is cray cray why is the reverand helping him so much - like he doesn't believe that he is crazy ? Def like the lighter tones though.

Anonymous said...

Williams--Just AWFUL, will miss him terribly.

Dome--OK, so now we're starting to have a little bit of swerve back into the book, kind of. Will see what they do with Barbie now.

Mike V. said...

MJ - no problem. Glad it's not 252! Though my route would've had you avoiding most of 252. lol

Leftovers - Yeah I don't get the dogs thing either. Will we find out? No idea. I agree...explanations are nice. But for Lindelof to have carte blanche (sp??) to just do weird things and not be held accountable for them, that's a scary thought. I really think some of this weird stuff will get explained. Like why was Kevin seeing weird stuff? He was drugged up. Is Cray Cray Daddy talking to the departed? Or is has he just lost it due to PTSD of the 10/14 event? It's looking like Miracle guy is turning out to be a fraud. We'll see how many open questions they leave when season 1 is done. That might be telling on if people will stick around for more. (if there is more)

Robin Williams - Yeah, there are no words. It's a big loss for the world. He seemed like a genuinely good man and a genius comedian.

MJ said...

Last Ship - good ep. Some pretty glaring oopsies though. Like - they have lost propulsion and then they show a guy steering the helm ? Also when they were climbing down the ladder to get off the ship there was a big line leaving the deck - um - in the middle of the ocean ther are no lines leaving the ship ! Just saying. Knew they'd rescue that family too.

Falling Skies - I cannot believe they put those spikes in Karen. And that Anne - who was insistent that Karen give permission - didn't hear the words from Karen herself and took Hals word for it. But in the end Karen was grateful for it. Wonder what the moon has to do with it all now.

Anonymous said...

Ship--You are definitely correct about the helm and lines--lol. I keep forgetting you know about boats/ships. Were you Navy? My Uncle flew for Navy and I have a CG certificate.

Skies- I think you mean Maggie?-Yea, the Maggie thing seemed weak to me, that is a lot of made up drama about something we knew was going to happen anyway. Ben continues his pursuit of her and them both having spikes will come into play somehow. Poor Hal may not have picked up that his brother is pursuing his girl. And what a dushbag for Ben to be pursuing Maggie. Seems weird given age differences. And how about Lexie and the conversion of humans.


mj said...

Ship - yup ex-navy! Lol

Skies - yes Maggie! I always want to call her Karen who is now dead - by Maggies hand. I don't see how Lexie sees it as the peaceful solution. Guesswhen there are no more humans theywill have peace. Ha!

mj said...

Leftovers - just saw thatits renewed for 2nd season

Anonymous said...

That is so good about NAVY, my Uncle was Navy and my Dad a Pointer--lol.


Mike V. said...

Leftovers - I heard speculation from critics that they thought it would get a 2nd season regardless of performance just as a sign of good faith from HBO. lol But good news! I'll see if I'm on board for more after the finale.

Legends - Watched the pilot. Gotta love getting the genre recurring characters in there for the pilot episode. BRAM from LOST, and Zeiko Ivanek from LOST, The Event, Revolution, Heroes, countless other shows (True blood too? lol) Anyway...sean bean survived the first ep! All good so far. lol Seems like it'll be a procedural with hints of serialization along the way. Pretty much what I assumed for a TNT show. But, it's a nice hook to speculate whether his actual name is his true identity or if it's another legend. Obviously romantic tension with Ali Larter's character. No Whip Cream bikini this time around, but she did give him a lap dance. lol

FYI The latest Nerdist Podcast interview (Chris Hardwicke's podcast. Really good interviews) is with Sean Bean. I'm only partly through, but they apparently do talk Game of Thrones for a bit. They usually talk through the whole career of whoever they're interviewing. I'm subscribed and pretty much listen to whoever he's interviewing even if I don't know who they are. Actually, there was a Comic-Con live panel that they posted last week with Evangeline Lily. She was pretty funny...and talked about how horrible it was to shoot LOST on a daily basis. (i.e. the conditions, weather, running lol)

Anonymous said...

Legends--I thought it was going to be stupid focusing on domestic terrorists. But, with the idea his "true" identity might not be true makes it interesting, plus if they change the focus of the types of cases he works on. I think we'll see more of his wife later, not sure they're totally done? But the Larter deal--it was hard to take her seriously after the lap dance, etc. Plus given her background on other shows--lol.

Maybe it's kind of like Falling Skies in that it's the actors that make the show vs the storyline, maybe too soon to tell though?

These days are strange when I think about how TV used to be. That is, today has cable TV out producing major broadcast TV. At least for a LOT of shows I prefer to watch--lol. TNT used to be mostly reruns. I remember working with them in their old digs.


Mike V. said...

Legends - Yeah, I'm sure his whole family life will become a bigger part of the show. On the podcast I mentioned Sean Bean said the original plan was for him to be a different Legend every week, kind of like Quantum Leap where he'd leap into a new person each week. lol But, they changed that because it ended up being too silly. Of course, I'm sure he's still going to take on multiple personas but probably that added serialization of who he really is is what they built into the story.

TV certainly is different these days. There is so much quality content on so many different platforms that it has become intentionally impossible to watch it all. TV analysts refer to it as the "nichification" (well I made up the word lol) of television. Less viewers, but dedicated viewers makes for still a powerful marketing tool since you're marketing towards a specific niche/demographic.

I've heard good things about The Nick on Cinemax too, but I don't have the channel. I'm content with the shows I'm watching and at least this blog is open for anyone to discuss whatever THEY are watching!

Anonymous said...

Ships--pretty good again. Looks like we're headed toward home? Very interesting about the LT being pregnant.


Mike V. said...

TB - Actually a decent penultimate episode. I like that it focused on the characters and closure for them more than the final conflict, which makes sense would take place in the finale. Still think a twist is not out of the question for who actually meets the true death. Obviously, it makes the most sense to do the switcheroo on Bill and Eric. Of course, fans would be pretty upset of Eric kicks it! I don't really care. lol The Eric/Ginger scene was hysterical. The Jason stuff was surprisingly well done. We knew something was going on with that blonde girl when it was first introduced but the way it was handled was well done. Even the Hoyt/Jessica stuff was decent.

Leftovers - Surprise...the head of the guilty remnant was up to no good! lol But of course they had to throw in these random blackouts of Kevin's to confuse us still. And now we know where all his shirts went. But what's up with the blackouts??? Is someone drugging him and he's unaware? I guess we're also supposed to assume the friend did not do anything suspicious with Kevin? I dunno...vague once again. But the daughter now has joined the Guilty remnant...maybe that was someone's goal all along. In any case, dark times continue! But it's still an engaging ride for me.

MJ said...

legends - it was ok. We'll see where it goes

TB - Bill releasing Jessica was sad. Crappy way to wrap up Sam though. Hysterical with Eric finally having sex with Ginger - and how quickly it was over. I got confused over why Gus had Pam silvered down - why was he asking who else knows there is cure ? What tipped him off that they shared that info ?

Mike V. said...

TB - Yeah, crappy way to wrap Sam up though his reasoning certainly made sense. lol

The Pam thing, well Pam seemed to be getting bold with her plan to sell off what's her face to the highest bidder. So maybe something happened there where maybe they were pretending not to understand her??? I dunno, you're right it does seem like there was a scene missing or something.

Or maybe it was the fact that Eric wasn't around when he returned??

MJ said...

TB - just read your comment LOL I also liked that they spent time on the characters. They could go all romantic and have Bill and Sookie die together. I'm hoping Eric and Pam both live though

Mike V. said...

TB - True...I guess Sookie could go too. We'll see!

I think I mentioned, I'll be on vacation next week so I'm going to miss it. If I'm lucky I'll stream it on my iPad when the kids go to sleep lol If not, it'll be there when I get back.

Crazy the Emmys are on a Monday this year too. And the monday I'm away no less! Maybe I'll see some of that.

Anonymous said...

Ship--forgot to mention that The Smokemonster from LOST(not really but the guy) made a showing last night and so looks to be a part of the show in the finale and next year.


Anonymous said...

Dome--wow, great ep. Still hoping Barbie will move more toward the book version. Aktion--always a mean giant corp to blame somewhere--lol. Love the red doors, we saw them in a prior ep.

Am I the only one that find Julia's poured on skinny jeans a little much ep after ep? I mean, she's no teenager or young woman.


Mike V. said...

Penny is coming to scandal!

MJ said...

Leftovers - either I forgot or I never picked up on it but Patty is the one who stoned that other lady ? What? So does this sherriff like have a split personality ? How else can he be laying in bed and wake up in the woods ? And the dog guy - is he hearing voices like sheriff's dad does too ? They really brought the crazy this week. The thing with his shirts was weird too. And were those bodies that they were bringing in to the room with all the clothes laid out ? And does Amy NOT have a family ? I was half convinced Jill was going to stab that dog. Finally they explain why Liv Tyler is with these loonies. I just read EW's recap - I def did not catch the word Cairo o the radio and didn't notice what was on the tv. LOL I'm not going to give this show the Lost treatment. Interesting what EW thinks those 'packages' are going to be though. Did the daughter join ? I thought she just asked to see her mom ?

Last Ship - quite the tense episode. When they were showing the capt's family I figured one of them would be sick.

Sleepy Hollow - OMG ! Now i can't wait for this to return ! I have all but 1 on my DVR and plan a marathon for Labor Day.

Strain - any one watching ? Been really good. Keemy from Lost on it - seeing Richard's post about Smokey reminded me .

Scandal - I did hear that Sonya Walger would be on. Been hearing about a few guests for New Girl too.

Enjoy your trip next week !

MJ said...

Falling Skies - meant to say - they had quite some humor tis last ep. The whole Kennedy speech thing and tom making fun of himself. We all knew the thing with the borthers over Maggie was coming. Crazy - now they have to attack the moon - using the unmanned drone no less.

Mike V. said...

Leftovers - Definitely not "LOSTing" out on this show. The characters are not likable enough and the plot is too depressing! But, I still do enjoy the show as a character study.

Yeah, Patty was behind the stoning of the other lady. It was to gain sympathy for the guilty remnant. Maybe Kevin has a split personality...either that or he's being drugged somehow beyond what he had knowledge of. Maybe even Patty was behind it?? Seemed like she wanted to be in the situation she was in with Kevin. We also don't know what's up with the dog guy either, which you mentioned. But maybe he was in on it with Patty.

I'm not even sure who Amy is. lol Oh is that the friend? yeah no idea what's up with her. I guess there was an episode where she mentioned she needed to stay with Kevin and daughter (ahh you said Jill. I forgot the name), but I forget why.
They did explain why Liv Tyler is with them? Must've missed it. I didn't read the EW recap this week so I didn't catch any easter eggs. I did notice some lost references in episodes past. Like specific numbers being called out. lol

I thought the implication was there that she might want to join up with her mother. But maybe not.

Sleepy Hollow - Definitely looking forward to it coming back! But didn't check out the recap video. lol

The Strain - I have them all recorded, just haven't had time to watch. But with Keemy in it and even Corey Stohl who has made quite a name for himself in a short time with House of Cards, Nonstop, The Strain, and next summer's Ant Del Toro and Cuse involved? Seems like I definitely should be checking it out one of these days!

Thanks on the vacation well wishes! We're looking forward to the break!

Anonymous said...

Falling Skies--Lots happened this ep, including a marriage. Matt saying his feelings aren't puppy love was funny, but his letting the girl loose was tragic.

Yea, you could see the brother issue coming a few eps ago with Ben's crush on Maggie. Sometimes the writing for this show is childish/crazy. It's really the actors to me that keep me watching and the idea of a better future, not depressing.

Yea, seriously in any other show, going to the moon would be laughable for a dystopian era militia.

Not watching Strain. Looking forward to Blacklist return.


Anonymous said...

Leftover - they said liv tylers mom died the day before the disappearence so her time to grieve was stolen from her.

Strain has been pretty good. Heard getting second season

mj said...

Oops - me above

Mike V. said...

Leftovers - Ahhh thanks, didn't catch that.

Strain - Heard that too

Halt and catch fire - Surprised to see this one is getting a 2nd season too. They were quoted saying they have a history of growing low rated shows as they eventually "catch fire" lol. Maybe this is an example of that. I heard maybe it gets a little better, but I haven't watched an episode yet.

Mike V. said...

SOA - Sutter revealed How Many club members will die by the end of SOA.

I guess it's surprising he'd reveal that, but that makes sense considering there are still tons of non-club members that could meet their demise too. I'd put top billing on Gemma. Unser is already near the end.

Mike V. said...

There is a poll for each club member. They're pretty much leaning where I would assume as well. But the one that's 100% is pretty funny that there is no doubt he'll meet Mr. Reaper. lol

Leslie said...

Dome - Been pretty interesting lately. Obviously, Barbie's dad knows more than he is letting on. Loved the computer guy working his magic!

True Detective - finished it. Really enjoyed it! Great acting from Matthew and Woody.

I'm not watching all the other stuff you guys are, so I can't join in on the commenting. :)

Mike V. said...

TD - Indeed, it was a master class in acting! Looking forward to what they come up with for season 2 with a new story/cast.

Other Shows - We're all over the place now Leslie! Of course, it is summer but I think this is just a sign of where TV is going. Too many options/platforms for everyone to be watching the same stuff, even at the same time. But there are those rare times where we all are watching the same thing!

Revenge - This may come as a depressing note, but my wife and I tried to put this on the other night and realized halfway through that neither of us were paying attention. So, we decided to axe it! lol Sorry MJ/Leslie! Of course, we never could keep up with the real-time conversation about it anyway. Same goes for Nashville...AXED! and The Following...AXED!

Catching up on Brooklyn 99 right now and loving it! We always loved it, just ran out of time to watch.

I've heard great things about Veep, so if we have time maybe that next. My wife heard good things about Mindy Project, but of course it's not on Netflix! So, we'll just patiently wait on that one. Seems like we're trending towards comedies currently. lol

I'm not even sure what I'm interested for Fall Network TV besides the returning shows I'm caught up on. Gotham I'll definitely check out. But other than that? ugh...the thought of new shows just makes me tired!

Signed - Mike V, host of a TV Addicts blog! LOL

Anonymous said...

Leslie, what are you watching?

Dome-I think Barbie's Dad may be helping the gov cover things up but who knows. You're right he certainly knows more.

BTW, one of my favorite shows is Hell on Wheels, I don't think anyone else is following.

Blacklist comes back 9/22, can't wait.


Leslie said...

Richard, let's see.....True Detective, Orange is the New Black (both seasons), Murder in the First, Extant for 3 or 4 episodes, but dropped it, The Lottery, but it may be dropped this week. I don't have any paid movie channels. And, a couple of other stupid shows that I don't want to admit to! lol

Anonymous said...

Extant --I've been watching and thought it got better. Finale is tonight. The last ep was good and we learned a lot.

True Detective--I watched and waiting for new season.

TNT and FX has a couple of shows. I tried one ep of the Strain. I just saw the 2nd ep. Yet another vampire show--lol, but maybe not bad with the twists.

I've not heard about Murder in the First.

What are you looking forward to coming up this fall?

LOL on embarassing shows, me too sometimes. Like Batman reruns.


Mike V. said...

You want to talk embarrassing shows? There are certainly several that I rarely mention on here! Lol I stopped talking about my summer catchup when my wife and I decided to finally go back and watch the final season of gossip girl! Lol it was as painful as it sounds! But you gotta love josh Schwartz produced shows. I'd rewatch season 1 of the oc in a heartbeat if I had time. And well Chuck was fantastic!

There's nothing to be ashamed about with batman reruns! They're hysterical! Not that I regularly watch them.

Though I'm gonna guess Leslie might be referring to some reality tv trash! I have gotten sucked into my share of bachelor/bachelorette seasons. But I refuse to do anymore! Lol

Couldn't get into the rising star show either even though I'm a big brad paisley fan. Lol

Legends - watching right now and not paying attention. Not a good sign. Lol

MJ said...

Halt - was also surprised to see a second season for that one

SOA - oh my ! will have to check it out. Hoping Gemma doesn't die but is not allowed to see jax or the boys - that would be torture for her. yeah - Unser has been dying for years now. thinking Smits dying too - he was pulled back into the gangs.

Axed - LOL. Just too much to watch isn't it. I gave up Hannibal and Once before those were even done last year.

I love both Mindy and Veep.

Extant - it did improve but don't think last night was the finale. Next week they will air 2 eps and that will be the finale I thought

Embarassing Shows - we all have them !

MJ said...

SOA - TWO!?! much lower than I thought but of course they are only talking club members. Def feel - like everyone else does - that Juice will die.

Mike V. said...

SOA - Yeah after you think about the non-club members that probably will die...then 2 club members make sense. Unless we're talking the dismantling of SAMCRO which I don't think is the point of the show. This is based on Hamlet afterall! The monarchy continued! Of course, SAMCRO killed Horatio (Opie) who was the hope for the future in Hamlet. Maybe JAX's kids will be the hope for the

But yeah...Juice is a goner. And then the highest votes other than that were Jax and Tig...which I agree with. The majority (close vote though) think Jax will live though.... I can see that.

Mike V. said...

MJ, didn't realize you posted twice...just saw your 2nd post.

SOA - Yeah, I figured Nero, Gemma and Unser are on the chopping block. Though a Gemma fate of not seeing the kids would be interesting (i.e. they go off with Adrianna or whatever her name on SOA is)....

Axed - Way too much to watch. We're just at the point where if the consensus is we're both not interested, then we just aren't going to force ourselves to watch!

Loving Brooklyn 99 right now. I think we have 5 eps left. The episode at Holt's house was fantastic.

Yeah, I think we'll find a way to watch Mindy, VEEP is on HBO Go so that we can manage!

mj said...

Blacklist - yeah its on for a month or 2 then is off again til like Feb.

Anonymous said...

Extant--I forgot if anyone else is watching, but the "baby" escaped and has some serious powers. Ethan is gaining big time capability. I"m wondering if he'll be involved with handling the "baby". Funny how the head Japanese guy is involved with both deals.

I'm so glad I can FF through commercials on all shows now--lol and reduce the time investment.

Legends--was pretty good again. In some ways they need more Bean and less Larter. He's activating an existing good Legend for next ep. I bet he's glad the world is big and hopes his pics don't go viral. FBI agent being killed tells us that surprises can happen. This time it's the Russians.

With what ISIS has done, I bet more shows go back to the bad guys being muslim extremists.


Leslie said...

Yep, Mike is right. I admit I have a reality show here and there that I watch as my guilty pleasures. It's just such mindless TV to watch! No Bachelor/Bachelorette anymore for me either, but I will confess to Big Brother and Survivor. Murder in the First was on TNT, and it was nice because it was a complete story.

Not up yet on many new shows....I know Stalker has caught my eye, so I'm sure I'll check it out. Is there any new show that is really being anticipated this season?

Mike V. said...

New Shows - Maybe it's too early for hype but usually by now I have a good idea on what Network shows are coming up. The only one I really know about this year and am excited for is GOTHAM. Granted, that's not going to appeal to everyone, but I do like me some Batman lore!

I'm sure I'll start seeing ads for stuff during football games and the Emmys and all that stuff. There's some HBO stuff in the works that I'm looking forward to (that I can't think of off the top of my head).

I do think the networks are going to continue to suffer more than ever though with the onslaught of cable and streaming content offerings. I'll continue with my existing shows, but I don't know what else I'll really get invested in.

Reality TV - Never watched Big Brother...I did watch a couple seasons of Survivor when a friend of a friend was in the cast. I'm sure you remember Stephenie (I think that's how she spelled it) LaGrossa? She was on back to back seasons I think. And she ended up marrying Kyle Kendrick of the Phillies. Crazy. wife loves HGTV and I find myself easily getting sucked into those shows all the time. Sometimes mindless TV is where it's at! Even the food network has some great shows. But they just make me hungry! lol

mj said...

Gotham- will look at it but not that excited. They are over killing super heroes. We already have shield plus Arrow which I don't watch. Adding Major Carter, Gotham and Flash. Too many when you add in movies too.

Mike V. said...

Yeah but Gotham is BATMAN's origins. I can take or leave the rest. I don't watch Arrow and don't plan to watch the others. Not even sure if I'll ever catch up on Shield.

Once again, the market is getting more NICHE....not everything is going to appeal to everyone. but Gotham should have a strong following from Batman afficianados.

Leslie said...

New shows - I was just going through a slideshow of the new shows for the did I miss that Matthew Perry is Oscar in The Odd Couple??? I heard they were remaking that, but never heard Matthew was cast. Will definitely have to check that out!

Anonymous said...

New Shows--I will check Gotham out if I remember to dvr it.

The odd couple could be good, maybe.

I don't see any NEW shows not yet being broadcast that I'm really interested in so far. But am looking for return of some good ones. I'm hoping True Detective will be good.

I've never watched reality shows, wife watches HGTV.


Mike V. said...

Odd Couple - Funnily enough, Odd Couple was specifically a vehicle for Matthew Perry. They're rebooting it BECAUSE of him. lol SO they were both announced at the same time. I"m sure I'll check it out but I'm also pretty sure it'll be awful! Poor Perry, he just hasn't been the same since FRIENDS.

Yep, looking forward to TD too.

Mike V. said...

Lost - lost themed phineus and ferb episode 9/27 in honor of 10 year anniversary of premiere. Written by lindelof. Starting terry oquinn. Show is actually pretty decent for a kids show. lol I think they're doing a Star Wars ep soon too.

mj said...

Odd Couple - i see Perry as the Felix rather than an Oscar.

Phineus Ferb - yez on star wars one

MJ said...

True Blood - Mike don't read if you haven't watched yet.

So Bill died - but it was a little cruel to ask Sookie to do it for him. Her not giving up being Fae was yet again a parallel to gays in the real world - you are who you are and you have to accept that. While it was amusing to see Pam and Eric with their informercial I wished for a better ending for them - they made them kinda cheesy. Glad Sara got her comuppence though. I get why Jessica and Hoyt marry so quickly for Bill's sake - but that was dumb really. Hoyt basicly married a girl he knew for 2 days. Totally lame that we don't get to see who Sookie was with ! Heard that in the books Sookie wound up with Sam.

Dominion - don't know that anyone here was watching. I got way behind on that one and just finished it. They def went to some interesting places.

Anonymous said...

Dominion--I was watching and yes it did. Gabrielle vs Michael, but not just that simple. And the Chosen One is looking to maybe upset the apple cart so to speak. The LOST actor leader(forgot his name) is out doing something as well. And the ladies from lezzy land are spies and all over Claire/baby. And there's an arch angel involved--maybe as a double agent kind of, who knows as this show could go in many directions now.

Last Ship--great ep/finale, Interesting family connections and not surprised Capts wife died. He needs to be single for Rhona--lol. Was so great that Tex kissed Rhona and she seemed to be kind of shocked but maybe liking it. The SmokeMonster may actually be a good guy???? I can't imagine they'll spend all next season just dealing with clearing out of Baltimore area. Just sick about burning bodies in power plant, kind of reminded me of soylent green. I mean when you're dead, you're dead so you won't know you're burned(some want to be creamated) but to kill people to do it is just downright awful. Funny how Granderson's daughter turned against her. They have to bring Tex back, maybe he'll rescue Rhona?? And die in the process to make it a surprise??? I'm out on a limb now--lol.


mj said...

Dominion - exactly! And lol on lezzy land. That female sure is a treacherous one.

Last ship - will read yr comments tomm after I watch tonight.

Fall sky - didn't watch this either. Next week 2 eps are the finale

Tru blood - actress who played young Tara could be her sister they were so alike

Anonymous said...

Falling Skies--Wow, big changes with Lexie. And seriously it's like cue Hal's entrance when Maggie and Ben kiss--lol. Can't wait for the finale next week. Going to the moon sounds cool. I wonder if Lexie will go. And I really like the notion of seperating things sending them into space from an atomic level. Talk about doomsday machine and smart too.

Great to see Lexie call Tom her Dad. I think she saw how Tom wouldn't allow her to be killed whereas her other Dad was going to try and kill her. And the beamers didn't have a chance with her around.


Anonymous said...

Game of Thrones was LOCKED OUT of the Emmys! I really don't pay much attention to these awards deals as they're kind of self agrandizing and definitely political.

But, it still stinks


Mike V. said...

Breaking bad deserved everything it won! Other categories I agree with you. I didn't expect much for thrones.

MJ I watched true blood. Think I agree with your thoughts but I'll write more when I can. I think Alan ball tried to replicate his 6 feet under ending. Lol (which was really good for a show I never watched besides the ending lol)

mj said...

Last ship - was so surprised Granderson was speeding up those deaths. And now Tex will have to rescue the ship!

Fall skies - I actually said aloud 'cue Hal' Don't believe he's forgiven his brother though x
And wow Lexie has some scary powers.

Awards - gave them up years ago

Anonymous said...

Dome--a good ep with lots of info and changes. I'm actually liking this show--I'm maybe embarrassed by saying so though--lol. They went back into the Dome. And Big JIm seeing Pauline in their home was priceless. I really like watching the actor that does Big Jim. I wished it would move more toward the book though


Anonymous said...

MJ, for Ship--you will laugh when you find that recappers are saying the James docked in Baltimore--lol. Seriously, it's scary how little is known. I will give the show credit though for having it anchored in the bay as would be closer to protocol, if not further away. And seriously no DOD or other armed services on radio in the DC/Baltimore/VA area is not realistic. I would have thought they would have sent out a helo to check things out before anchoring.

Also, they let armed men on the ship without the crew having arms. I don't think their was more than a handful of Troopers. Why didn't the James crew go to the armory!!! The crew knows the ship and could have closed hatches/compartments, etc--I don't know just so many things. That whole part of the storyline was dumb. And helos are coming for them.


Leslie said...

Dome - yep, good episode. Don't be embarrassed, Richard. Interesting that they all had a flashback as they were coming back into the dome. Guess it would suck if you came back, but couldn't swim! Maybe that's what happened to Lyle! lol I didn't read the book, so I have no expectations.

Anonymous said...

Legends--What a GREAT ep. Sean Bean is basically playing different characters. And we have Larter for comic relief in stating the obvious tactical stuff. It's a way of showing she's in charge but fails miserably. And when the dude came out after the action and started shooting it showed she didn't have a good grasp on "securing" a site. Then she shoots him showing how mocho she's supposed to be but it came off so funny. In the real world, she would get written up and as much as demoted for that.

Gates knows more about Sean than exposed so far.

I liked the VX girl working with Sean, she seemed like she could act.

And oh, Sean putting the drops of VX in the guys eye was tense.


mj said...

Ship - they stated the ships helo had no fuel. But def should have called GQ! And pisted a watch and not let armed peeps aboard. Of course by then the capt had radioed back that all was good with the cops and troopers

mj said...

Crap!!!! Just read that Longmire is cancelled

Mike V. said...

Well I'm back! And I have nothing more to add to my True Blood comments. I'm glad I watched through to the end, but the end was nothing to write home about. lol

Still have to watch last week's Leftovers but nice they didn't air one over Labor Day.

7 days until SOA and the new iPhone announcement! lol

Anonymous said...

MIke, glad you're back.

The Strain--been catching up, not awful, maybe even interesting--LOL.

Falling Skies finale--not bad and actually love that Tom is just floating in space. That move actually makes this show very different. Lex is gone and that is sad since she had it going on with the looks. Hal stepping up and leading them to take the fight to the Espheni sounds good too.


Mike V. said...

Strain is on my list. I'm a fan of Corey Stoll (even if I can't spell his last name lol) since House of Cards, so I'll probably check it out.

Should be through my Clone Wars marathon in a couple weeks, then I can do some DVR Catchup before the Fall onslaught begins (probably will be too late! lol)

MJ said...

Richard - you hear about Longmire ? Hoping they find a new network for it.

The League starts tonight. Been Netflixing that one this summer

Very excited for SOA. I'm gonna try to stay up and watch it.

Strain - I've enjoyed it a lot

Falling Skies - I loved the last 2 eps ! They actually made Lexi interesting again. Great when she took out that Ashveni guy. And when they cocooned up. She was very cute as a brunette.

Mike V. said...

SOA - We will try as well. lol As I mentioned, it shouldn't be AS hard this year to watch these late night eps. But we'll see!

League - I've seen episodes here or there but could never keep up with it. I think I do have it on "my list" to eventually watch on Netflix. It is funny from what I've seen. Hmm...wonder if that means Always Sunny's final season is starting up soon.

Mike V. said...

Leftovers - 20 minutes into the episode but then had to go to sleep. Nice that Lindelof got himself a flashback episode. The Garvey family was begging for some pre-event exposition so it's been revealing so far!

Anonymous said...

Longmire--I'm pretending like your post didn't happen--lol. Yes, they renew awful shows and cancel Longmire--oh well. Hopefully they will get picked up.

Falling Skies--this show is actually good now.

Legends--starting to get into some meat here and Sean is doing a good job.

The Strain--The guy who played Rudy got killed. This show does not seem to be serving up typical stuff.


Anonymous said...

Falling Skies--I'm thinking Tom saw something at the end which is a genetic relative to some Aliens we've already seen. Wouldn't it be funny if related to humans background, maybe skitter background?


Mike V. said...

Strain - Well I'm spoiled but I don't care I just had to comment. When I think of Sean Astin, "the guy who played Rudy" might be the 3rd thing I think of. lol

1. Lord of the Rings - Samwise Gamgee
2. Goonies - Mikey!
3. Rudy
4. One-off character on 24 lol

Rudy was a great flick though!

Mike V. said...

LOST THE MUSICAL - Anyone going to be in LA in a few weeks? lol

Mike V. said...

GoT - didn't see this coming.

Anonymous said...

The Strain--sorry about the spoils. Yea, he will always be Rudy to me, esp given my FB background. I think the show could kill of almost anyone and that's one of the things I like about it. It's really getting interesting with the flashbacks too.


mj said...

Strain - loved their faces when the one girl just ran thru them and got away

Leftovers - was a great ep actually

GofT - huh! Was surprised at first til I read how the show has prety much caught up to books with their story. Better this way then to have dragged on his journey to get there even longer

Mike V. said...

Leftovers - Still only 20 minutes in but was enjoying it! I'll be caught up before the finale on Sunday.

Game of Thrones - Well yeah, I mentioned it in my finale recap too but there were thoughts and theories of how Bran could still remain involved with the show in season 5. It all factors into WHY he's at that tree. But, it's true...seems like they have a plan. GRRM is writing book 6 and odds are it should be out before season 6...and he's taking the season off from writing an episode too to make sure it's written. So, sounds like they're just waiting for more script. And there is plenty to focus on in season 5 without dragging Bran's story out as much as they already have.

Come on George, write like the wind(s of winter! lol)!

Still no way Book 7 will be done in time unless there is a secret surprise in store for us that he's already working on that too. But I can't imagine due to his track record that this would be the case.

Mike V. said...

Leftovers - Finally finished the ep. It WAS good! Great to see how the Garvey family got so messed up right before the event. Kevin was drifting from family and even cheating on his wife DURING the event...and the lady he was with disappeared. I actually kind of laughed when he was looking under the sheets for her. lol

And of course, Laurie was pregnant and it was heavily implied (through the course of the season and by the look on her face) that the unborn child disappeared. Kinda saw that's where it was going when she went in for an ultrasound.

And of course, very LOSTish in the way it tied the other storylines around it like the Preacher guy with his wife...he was checking on a tumor of his own, and she volunteered to drive when it was benign...we know she gets paralyzed during the event. And Laurie saw the mother with her screaming child in the car on the way to the Ultrasound appt. Good stuff.

The worst part of the episode was how forced it felt to make the Garvey kids younger and so ridiculously happy. But it was cool to see them doing a human circuit and the light go off because one of the people disappeared.

All in all a good episode and fills in a lot of questions that were asked during the season...pretty much what I expected to happen by the end of the season. Some people are just too impatient these days and non-trusting of the Lindelof!

Anonymous said...

LOL,LOL,LOL All I had to read was the last line-LOL,LOL,LOL!!

Mike V. said...

Glad you caught it, Richard it was for you! lol

Of course, I know there are bigger issues with the show for people in that it is just super depressing. But, I like that it rewarded viewership with answers to the character questions it was setting up.

It's not for everyone, but I think it's a well done show.

Mike V. said...

Himym alternate ending -

Gotta say I kinda like it. Though I wish they still used the downtown train cover lol

Mike V. said...

New Shows - I usually trust Matt Roush's opinion on shows. Basically, it sounds like there isn't much worth writing home about this year but he did mention Shonda's new show on Thursday (get away with murder) and all of the superhero shows, especially The Flash (maybe that was enough incentive for me to set the dvr for this in addition to Gotham lol)....

"Question: I really enjoy your column and appreciate your insights. You've done well for me over the past few years, suggesting great shows that I really loved including Friday Night Lights, Lost, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Good Wife. I even watched the entire series of Fringe on Netflix based upon your recommendation. Now though, nothing looks that great for this coming fall. Can you tell me if there is something coming that is worth adding to my list? — Julie

Matt Roush: Good timing, as TV Guide Magazine's Fall Preview issue will be out this week, and you can see my and the editors' recommendations in print. I will say that very few of the new shows, even of the pilots I enjoyed, have me eagerly awaiting the next episode. Not a lot feels new and fresh, except maybe Showtime's The Affair (with its conflicting and overlapping points of view, very provocative), although Shonda Rhimes' How to Get Away With Murder looks to be a juicy nightcap to an all-Shonda Thursday lineup, the various superhero-inspired series are all well done (I'm especially taken by The Flash), and Madam Secretary could be a good fit with The Good Wife, though it's not initially as compelling. I'll be curious to see if viewers embrace Fox's Red Band Society, which tries to be a feel-good dramedy about kids feeling bad in a hospital setting. (I'd love it to be the next Party of Five, but that may be asking a lot.) Among the comedies, Black-ish shows promise, and at least has a point of view, unlike the too-many rom-coms, which blur together, except for horror shows like ABC's Manhattan Love Story (with the off-putting gimmick of broadcasting the character's thoughts in voice-over). The biggest and most pleasant surprise is The CW's Jane the Virgin, a wacky but sweet soap in the over-the-top style of Ugly Betty. As always, adjust these recommendations to your own viewing taste, and you'll likely find a couple of shows to add to your playlist this fall."

Full article:

Mike V. said...

Leftovers - A fitting end to the season. Certainly not a show for everyone but there was some really good performances and a lot of storyline closure.

Wonder what Kevin wished for? I'm gonna guess to get someone from his family to want him around. Which he got with Jill when he saved her.....Mom finally had to speak when Jill's life was in danger because of her own dumb actions.

Nice that their Guilty Remnant's plot finally came fully realized after all the little clues dropped from episode to episode. They took the pictures so they could make those decoy bodies (featured in the New York episode with Norah) to make the LEFTOVERS remember who was lost. Somehow I didn't see that coming. It was pretty chilling.

Nora did end up remembering in the end and we thought she was writing a suicide note but she was really just gonna skip town until she found ol' "miracle baby" sitting on Kevin's front porch. So I guess the son ditched the baby there and then went to find his mom?? lol

Crazy...anyway, I thought it was a pretty entertaining show. Depressing all the time? Sure, but I got invested all the same.

I'm not going to apologize for enjoying Lindelof's work. The man earned my respect with LOST and I've enjoyed everything he's been involved with since even if people want to cry "HACK" all of the time.

I'm enjoying CUSE's work post LOST too. They're both industry pros.

Same goes for ABRAMS! lol

CUE Richard's LOL's! :)

mj said...

Himym alternate - it was sweet but predictable. Exactly what we thought they might do. So I'm glad they didn't.

Leftovers - i could not decide if she aborted or it disappeared fr my recollection of 3 wks ago when I watched. No finale - had football fever

Mike V. said...

HIMYM - Yeah, technically both ends were predictable due to all the seeds planted throughout the series. lol But yeah the official ending is definitely more in the spirit of how the show was, even if it was bittersweet.

I think the fact that they had that entire episode dealing with Ted coping with Tracy's sickness (we speculated at the time but the end confirmed it) pretty much indicates they were never going to go with the safer ending.

Though, it was nice to have Bob Saget narrating it where as Josh Radnor narrated it in the actual finale.

Leftovers (non finale talk) - I think by the very nature of what the show is about, the montage that it was part of, and the result of her signing up with the guilty remnant, I think it's safe to assume it disappeared.

Anonymous said...

Ray Donovan, what a great show, things are getting crazy. Poor Bunchy.

Strain--We saw the head vamp and the German's conversion. So, Eph still loves his wife--who didn't know that--lol.

Outlander--So, we have 3 years until the big battle. Maybe that will have an effect on the show's number of seasons? The battle is factual. I wonder if she can change the future though??? Always a time travel consideration.

New Shows--not interested in any really. Looking a lot more to the return of shows like Blacklist.

I'm also enjoying Legends with Bean.


Mike V. said...

Unfortunately haven't had time to keep up with any of that lately.

How is Outlander? Has it gotten better?

I've heard Ray Donovan got good this season. Worth getting into? never did.

Behind on Legends too. Just too much TV.

Almost done Clone Wars so I'll be looking for my next venture. But wasn't sure if I should catch up on something like Agents of Shield, or get into these other shows.

Still need to watch last season of Boardwalk so I can watch the final season. Ugh! lol

Anonymous said...

Dome--a good ep, like that Lyle is back and that Jim/Pauline may be patching it up. Still, I want to see more of the Barbie that's in the books.

Outlander has gotten better. Honestly I wasn't crazy about a show with the voice over narratives it had. But it has gotten better and is due for a big change in direction. It is based on the books. I'm not sure we'll get to the battle of Colodun?

Donovan is VERY good. You can kind of see where things are going, but there are some surprises. I really think these Hollywood fixers are for real and have been for decades.

Legends is even getting better. Keeping Larter's time to a minimum helps--lol. Several layers at work.


Mike V. said...

SOA - I actually stayed awake!! lol The 12:30 end time sounded intimidating and I thought I had read otherwise. It was nice to see that it was the SOA Afterward tacked onto the end of the 1 hour 30 minute (plus) episode. lol

Naturally, I saw several scenes that could have been edited down a bit but whatever. It was an entertaining premiere. And just more damning to Gemma. It'll take the whole season but she needs to get what's coming to her!! Hopefully, Jax finds out she was behind his dad's offing too. Not just Tara. Juice has Unser now... Not sure how Juice will get out of the show alive but hopefully he doesn't take some people down with him.

The whole scene with the crippled dude getting drug around by Bobby was hysterical. (That sounds so wrong just saying that!)

I'm sure there's more to discuss, but that's all I have for now.

FARGO - Watched the first episode. Promising and I heard that it gets really good. We'll probably finish it eventually.

Clone Wars - 2 episodes left! These final Yoda-centric episodes reveal answers to one of the mysteries that the prequels introduced and never quite resolved (around disappearing Jedi when they die/are killed). Good stuff. Of course, I'm all amped up on Star Wars now so I may have to watch Episode III to see the end of the Clone Wars once I'm done. lol

Mike V. said...

SOA - Interview with Sutter and exec producer/director of ep

Anonymous said...

LEGENDS--WOW, what a great ep, even Larter contributed. Many layers exposed. This is the ep we've been waiting for!


Mike V. said...

Legends - Maybe I'll catch up now that I finished Clone Wars. I think I missed the past 3. (I've seen 2...not sure how many there have been)

Clone Wars was good. There is no official ending because Disney canceled it to focus on the their new cinematic universe, but the final episodes were still pretty powerful and important to George Lucas to get out into the world. This guy Dave Filoni was the Executive Producer and he did a good job mixing the dark adult themed episodes with some more kid friendly fare. He's behind the new Star Wars REBELS show that will air on Disney XD. I've seen some clips and it looks promising. Could still carry over some storylines from Clone Wars with some characters that were introduced there as it takes place between Eps III and IV. There is one particular character that is in Clone Wars but not featured in episode III so it would be interesting if they continue her story there.

MJ said...

SOA - I was sick and could not stay up ! Ugh. Plus I had the finale to watch again too. But got it done last night.
Can't believe Gemma tried to say she saw someone running from the house when Tara and Roosevelt were killed. And then he kills him with a big fork ! Yikes. Was not sure why he was trying to get in good with the neo-nazis. Was he figuring he'd be in there longer and need their protection ? Never has before ! And a Cosby kid is a Grim Bastard ! LOL I'm sure I read he was going to be on and totally forgot. Only Gemma can rationalize killing her daughter-in-law and not telling as actually helping your son. So - they went out of their way to have Gemma state she does not want to know why the club is after Juice - which we know is that he spilled the beans to Nero that Jax had that Darmady killed. So is this the heads up that once Gemma does find out that she will be afraid he'll spill her secret so will Gemma turn on Juice ? Hmmmm. Very sad when Jax basicly liked himself to his dad but in a negative way - like they both were wrong. Knew something was going down at this 'sit down' cause no one from Samcro was really partying or relaxed. But Gemma talking to Tara's ghost was just creepy! It's going to be one heck of a season. Agree the dragging was hysterical and it fells wrong to think so.

Behind on pretty much all else.

Mike V. said...

SOA - Yeah the Cosby kid!!! We recognized him too. lol And of course the neo nazi was Marilyn Manson (sp). I'm not really sure what he was doing either, but he brought it up at the table it had more to do than being protected in prison. He was creating alliances or something.

Interesting theory on Gemma/Juice...could be! Gemma talking to the ghost thing was disturbing, agreed. She'll get what's coming to her!

Anonymous said...

Clone Wars--so, why does it appear so convenient for the Jedi to just roll over? That's always been a big question of mine.

BTW, I still can't get over how easy it was for Anakin to break into and kill so many at the Jedi HQ with a flick of the wrist, compared to be so relatively weak/struggling when fighting one on one sometimes. Actually since Anakin was supposed to be the most powerful then be taken out by Obywon was a weak point in the whole story line.


Mike V. said...

Clone Wars - They made it pretty clear that the Jedi were manipulated and the Sith's plan was shrouded from their sight due to the dark side of the force. They also explored the Order 66 programming of the Clones in the final season which also took the majority of the Jedi by surprise. The whole construction of the Clone Army and Clone Wars themselves was a setup by Sidious (which was clear in the movie) and resulted in the destruction of the Jedi Order. Most died and some went into hiding.

Anakin killed Jedi YOUNGLINGS in the temple not full fledged Jedi. But at that point he had embraced the dark side. We must remember Obi-Wan defeated a Sith in Phantom Menace so him defeating Anakin shouldn't be that much of a surprise. Plus...we already knew that was the case based on the original trilogy! lol (well it was implied at least) And of course, his overconfidence was his weakness in that fight (to borrow a Luke quote to the Emperor in ROTJ)....Obi-Wan had the higher ground, and Anakin went for it anyway. And that's how he beat him. But, then he couldn't bring himself to finish him. Probably thought the lava would take care of that...but the Emperor saved him and hooked him up to the infamous suit.

Back to the Jedi Temple...he had the Clone Troopers with him too under Order 66. He didn't march into that temple alone. And of course, to keep a PG-13 rating, they didn't show Anakin killing all of those younglings on screen. So, I doubt it was just the flick of a wrist.

Basically the sith caught the Jedi off guard and took advantage of that by killing many of them unprepared. Then to exterminate the rest of the Jedi, they had the Empire behind them. Storm Troopers who can't aim, star destroyers, etc...

Granted...I'm not trying to justify that the prequels were good movies. They were far inferior to the Originals. Though Sith was obviously the best of the 3. This animated series did a bit to redeem the prequels. A much better Anakin in the series than Hayden. (funny though...the voice played aseries regular character on the 90210 reboot lol).

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I understand. But, the whole story as written relative to ObiWon near killing Anakin is extremely weak at best and contradictory to the logic presented. Keep in mind this story is about the Skywalkers and in particular was written about Anakin's rise, fall and redemption. Anakin has the metachloreans that far exceeded anyone else and had other things that made him the "chosen one". And in the end, he became the one that saved the Jedi.

But, Obiwon's skills were never presented as being the absolute best of the Jedi order. Quite the opposite, he recognized Anakin's ability. And yes, he did say Anakin's overconfidence was a problem. There was so much made in SW1 and other sources that Anakin was unique in his almost super powers. While simultaneously there was no reference to any rivaling capability, except Yoda. If Obiwon had been set up as a super Jedi similar to Yoda, then the hole in the plot I see wouldn't be there--lol. Maybe it was written with Obiwon having Yoda like powers, but the movie dropped that part of the story???


Anonymous said...

Yea, I now recall Yoda saying he didn't see some of the things the Sith were doing using the dark side of the force.

Which makes the good Jedi appear weaker than the dark Sith. Certainly it appears the dark lord was more powerful than Luke and anyone else except Anakin.


Mike V. said...

SW - All good points, but I think Obi-Wan WAS set up as one of the best Jedi. And his legend grows in the Clone Wars series as well.

But his defeat of Darth Maul alone where Qui Gon failed was impressive and convincing enough for me.

Anakin was young and immature in all of his failings. He hadn't mastered how powerful he would become. The Clone Wars series continues to show how reckless and lucky he is with his skills. But yes...he possessed natural powers that no one else had. But that didn't make him wiser than Obi-Wan in their encounter.

There certainly are plot holes in the SW series. But, I think that one is justifiable. lol

Mike V. said...

Blacklist - Season 1 is on Netflix! I'll keep recording season 2 but at least I have a way to catch up now. :)

PJ Carz said...

Re: Outlander, Richard and anyone else who is watching --

I am loving this adaptation. It is better than the book so far, and that is surprising but a delightful surprise. The actors are great, sets are great, music is great, I'll stop now.

We have all seen villains, but Black Jack sets a new standard of creepy gross guy.

Anonymous said...

Outlander--yea, maybe better than the books from what I know(only read excerpts from books). Black Jack was absolutely evil the last ep. Obviously comparing him to her husband. Loved it when she grabbed the bottle walking past Dougal.

BlackJack can tell that she's lying and she is a great liar.


Anonymous said...

Donovan--that scene with Kate was tough to take. Anybody think the heist will go off OK? NOT me. And Volcheck killing himself was too much.


Mike V. said...

Blacklist - Well, we dove in head first to this one finally since it's on Netflix. Already 4 eps in. Definitely a lot of ground to cover before next Monday but we'll catch up eventually. As entertaining and ridiculously over the top as I expected. lol

Obviously, I'm sure the big theory out there is that Red is actually whatsherface's father or that he knew her father well. No idea what is revealed in season 1, but we'll catch up soon enough. I'm guessing the father theory is too obvious to be the whole truth!

Mike V. said...

Grimm - New Wesen to look out for in season 4.

Anonymous said...

Blacklist--I'm so glad you're starting, it's a great show. My wife and I are so excited it's starting up again.


Anonymous said...

Blacklist--pay attention to the ep with the chemist. Lots of good background in that ep that people forget.


MJ said...

Grimm - I saw that as well.

Leftovers - I don't think I ever got around to discussing with you. We were guessing right about the clothes and the replicants. What a horrible thing to do to those people. I thought the woman was going to start making a grocery list and buying her family their faves again. Was surprised she packed up and was leaving. Was also surprised they killed the hugger guy.

TWD - am re-watching last season - just watched the first 3. I totally remembered Carol keeping her secret longer but no - Rick asked her if she killed the two and she said yes. Guess it was just Tyreese it was kept from. So weired to see them in the prison again. LOL

Mike V. said...

Blacklist - I think I already watched the Chemist episode. Maybe there's more. Definitely just watched the STEWMAKER episode. I saw that name on twitter when it was on the air. lol Not sure if they showed the blacklist # of each victim when it aired. But it's on netflix. I see that season 1 ends with #7 on the list. I could see them saving #1 for the series finale. Hell...Red is probably #1. lol

Leftovers - Never even considered the grocery list. I think most people just assumed suicide, which I did! Until I saw her packing her bags. I enjoyed the season. Definitely interested to see where Lindelof takes it now that the book obligations are fulfilled. (i.e. they'll move past the book's end in season 2)

TWD - That's one show I haven't had time to rewatch! (really the only things I rewatch these days are LOST, Game of Thrones and Friends. lol) I am looking forward to the new season though!

Anonymous said...

Dome--still getting better. Now we see Barbie's Dad is not the highest rung on the ladder. Maybe getting more into parallel with the book?


Anonymous said...

Stewmaker ep was with the Chemist, that's the one. It has some significant clues in it.

There is another one coming up, can't recall the ep name, but it has some significant background on Red. I think the one with involving past love interest?? Not sure. Not sure I can rewatch any of those eps either since I don't have them recorded and ONDemand only goes back to ep 19.

I can't wait for us to discuss the Red/Liz relationship. Lots of smoke there--lol.

I wish I had written down some of the clues. Oh well.


Mike V. said...

I'm sure there are Blacklist fansites around that list these clues...along wit tracking the actual Blacklist (since they're numbered) lol

We watched 2 more eps last night. One was with the girl from Revenge (Which you don't watch and I stopped watching)...she was a Russian girl who may or may not have been in cahoots with Liz's husband. It is possible Red is planting stuff to frame the husband or the husband is just a really good liar. The ep before that was with the guy that buried someone alive.

Certainly not picking up on clues right now...just watching episode to episode. But, I'm sure things may get triggered later.

Need those kids to be in bed before 10 tonight or else we'll probably just be watching SOA. lol

Anonymous said...

There's been some casting news on Blacklist over the last several months.

Yea, I haven't found a website that has all the clues as I recall there were many.

And Netflix has paid the most ever per ep($2M) for this show so seeing reruns will be tough. But, the show runners say it is planned to go into syndication after a time with Netflix.


MJ said...

Blacklist - catching up on your conversations. Def alot of pondering if Liz is Red's daughter - and lots of red (no pun intended) herrings aroung that.

Strain - so it's Ef's wife that had the worn in her eye in the promo ! LOL

Anonymous said...

Strain--Yea,wasn't that gross! And the head man wants her for something. Remember that his German henchman was changed in much the same way, not attacked like the others. Makes me wonder if the wifey is going to be a serious threat.

Blacklist, yea the REd/Liz deal is big. But so are the people behind the people stuff, the big organizations at work here. LIke who was the apple guy working for. He was getting calls from the informant--won't say who that is now since Mike's not all caught up. By the end of S1 we learn a lot about what Red is up to and why. But other complications are introduced.


Mike V. said...

Blacklist - I appreciate you filtering your responses! We'll catch up as quickly as we can. Fall TV has snuck up on us though so last night we only got one in because New Girl and SOA were new. Last night's episode felt very much like a Fringe episode with that dude exposing a virus to try and find an immunity for his son. It was funny that someone mentioned "fringe science" in the episode too. You seriously could've taken that plot and easily threw Peter, Olivia and Walter in there! lol It was good though.

We're 7 in with 15 to go. Trying to average 2 a night but I don't think we'll catch up by Monday unless we get on a roll over the weekend and nap times happen! lol

SOA - Good ep...drawing a blank right now on talking points. But things are certainly unraveling fast for Jax! No moral's all gonna backfire on him. Especially when he finds out he's going after the wrong people.

MJ said...

SOA - Cannot believe that Juice did NOT leave Wendy's home after being told to go to Gemma's dad's place. Idiot. He really does want to die. Obviously they 'extra muscle' they killed was well known to the brother club who supplied them - he def knew that gun so early on they are showing us what is going to get Jax in trouble in his big plans. early on it's hard to follow all the moves - such a chess game. LOL Glad Jax finally saw his kids though. And disgusted that Gemma after talking to Abel about his mom being in heaven changes her mind about taking him to TM with her and leaves him with the sitter. I fear for Jax - he is pretty much lying to everyone and burning all bridges. Lied to Marks and Lin as well as Latino with Lin.

Just read your SOA comment - agree with Jax.

Mysteries of Laura ? Anyone gonna watch ? I'll check it out cause I love Debra Messing and not much back yet

New Girl/Mindy - didn't watch.

TWD - 3 more eps last night. LOL Hershel lost his head, but Carl had over 100 ounces of pudding. LOL Forgot how much the early part of season was 'what can you come back from?'

Mike V. said...

SOA - Yeah, that guy definitely recognized the gun..agreed. Jax is definitely burning bridges. Juice, yep...I have no idea what his motivation for staying is other than wanting to die or not wanting to live in hiding and start a new life. Gemma is a disaster. I like that Unser is back with the police for his final storyline. I wonder where they're going with the Nero/Adriana (always forget her name on SOA) bonding.

Mysteries of Laura - Don't think I'm checking it out.. Not even sure what it's about.

I set the TiVo for a few things though just in case they take off: A to Z (Mad Men dude and THE MOTHER from HIMYM), Red Band Society (fox), Gotham (fox), Madam Secretary (CBS - Wife was interested lol), I will set it for THE AFFAIR on Showtime...Joshua Jackson and Dominic West (The Wire) will be in that one......there's other things I read about in the EW Fall preview, but I'm drawing a blank again! For the most part the critics aren't too impressed with the fall network TV lineup. Just watching that awesome montage of FX shows during SOA last night, it doesn't surprise me that the networks are struggling. There are just so many options out there for smart/good content, and the networks still have to try to appeal to such a broad audience with their shows. Every once in awhile something Sleepy Hollow, Blacklist. So there's a chance a few shows will make it out okay this year too. The critics are generally positive about Gotham so far, but less so for the "origin story" vibes and more for the "cop drama in cool setting" aspect.

Mindy - Still need to find a cheap way to catch up! Come on Netflix!!!

TWD - Ahhh this is a good refresher for me...keep it up! lol

Anonymous said...

Twd - on the way to get meds they heard ..terminus...alive on the radio!

Fall - Ato Z is a def. Madam Secy too- like Tea Leoni. How toget away with Murder - Shonda show so def a look. Will look at gotham, flash and Constantine. Fighting with Fios on Showtime so hoping to have it back soon. Forever is a cop show or coroner but he's immortal so will look at it.

Mike V. said...

How to Get Away and Flash were 2 more I planned to schedule. Watch? different story. lol

Anonymous said...

Extant was great. The ending was so neat with Ethan.

Hale Barry being mother to a white kid and black good may cause some racial issues though. That is with the black kid being bad and the white kid good. If the show had a white mother it might get more flack.


Mike V. said...

Blacklist - Watched 3 last night! We must've hit November Sweeps with that 2 part episode and a #16 blacklister. The underground FBI hot site got invaded and Don got injured (Donald?)....Red eventually got out of the box to save Lizzy. And one of his people was killed. Then the next ep had them chasing after the #16 dude ending with Lizzy asking if Red was her real father. He hesitated then said no. Which is ambiguous enough to think that he still might be or there's a story there.

Also, Lizzy's father by adoption was dying and mercy killed by Red in one of those eps.

Good stuff, moving right along!

New strategy with the kids, they just sit in bed with us until they get tired and we watch the show with the closed captions on. I covered Parker's eyes at some gruesome parts, but he was rarely looking up from the iPad. lol PARENTS OF THE YEAR!

Anonymous said...

Keep going and get ready for S2 premiere.

Extant-- It was the finale and I didn't even know it--lol. I don't know if this show will get renewed, but it's better than about half of them out there. And Ethan the boy makes it worthwhile to watch.


MJ said...

Extant - haven't seen it yet.

A show I watched all summer - and was pretty good - had 2 hr finale saturday and college football raon 45 mins over ! jerks ! LOL Now I will never know the
end cause doubt it will be back

Blacklist - is his name Donald? You mean the ep where Red saves the agent by putting him in the cage with him ? That ep was one that turned me from casual watcher to more serious about it. yeah - he hesitates before saying no about being her dad but he also stated he would never lie to her. That's been the thing that most fans can't agree on. And he had stated that all his family are dead too.

Mike V. said...

Blacklist - I don't remember him stating his family is dead yet...but he has had visions of a girl running around the backyard of his old house he blew up....and he looked up a girl (who is the actress from House of Cards) who I would assume might be another daughter candidate. Forget her character name right now but it came up on the computer.

Yes the agent's name is Donald, I double checked. That 2 parter is the highest ranked on IMDB, which I usually look at while I'm binging...funny because I can usually tell that someone is going to die in those episodes because they're the highest ranked. lol Not sure what that says about the world and what we enjoy in our media! :-)

Mike V. said...

Blacklist - Obviously, I'm not going to read up on these characters until I'm caught up to the latest episode but thanks for the link!

I agree with the actress playing Lizzy. She hasn't sold me that she's a hardcore agent yet. Then again, she really isn't supposed to be...she's supposed to be a profiler. But they put her in agent scenarios all of the time.

But, she's decent enough to keep the show moving until the Spader showstopping scenes. lol

Donald--Ressler is a bit of a stiff too. I'm sure that will evolve as they show moves on and he bonds with the characters he's forced to interact with.

Anonymous said...

Liz--everyone last year was laughing that she's supposed to be a profiler and it's REd telling her how to do her job as she doesn't seem to be able to profile--lol.

Don't forget the pic that Red got from the Stewmaker. And don't forget what you learned about Liz.

ONe reason Ressler seems stiff is he's supposed to be stiff and uncomfortable with the whole idea of Red being there in the first place. He was assigned to kill Red.


Mike V. said...

Blacklist - Yeah agreed on Ressler, that's why I said "I'm sure that will evolve as they show moves on and he bonds with the characters he's forced to interact with." lol I figured he's supposed to be stiff.

I vaguely remember the picture and what we know about Lizzy...but I don't want any more details in case you unintentionally spoil something. If I miss it, we can discuss in hindsight. lol

MJ said...

Blacklist - Ressler ! That's him. LOL I think that they always use his last name. Richard - totally forgot how often we commented on how Liz was the worst profiler ever.

TWD - Rick left his zombie bomb for the marauders. Lizzy killed some bunnies - and almost aspixiated Judith. And that wonderful ep where we spend way too much Beth time (though them sleeping in the trunk of the car was intense) with her annoying us and Daryl just so we can learn at the end that daryl feels guilt that he stopped hunting the Gov and really does care. LOL Also met the three going to DC - can't remember their names - and the geek killed their car. LOL. Carol is back and poor Tyreese is so happy to see her. And most are now on the path to Terminus

MJ said...

Leslie - meant to post yesterday - hope you are doing ok. Heard Texas had very bad rains and flooding.

Anonymous said...

Has everyone seen the ep, The Cyprus Agnecy? If so, I want to make sure all know about a huge reveal in that ep.


Mike V. said...

Blacklist - Red was calling him Donald/Don a lot in that 2 parter. lol But yeah, usually Ressler. I'm getting better with the names now. My wife kept talking about Tom yesterday and I was like, "who the hell is Tom??" Duh, it's Lizzy's husband from the 90210 reboot. lol (Yes, I painfully watched some of that first season for nostalgia's sake!)

We watched 3 more last night! So we're 13 in now. There's a slight chance we might be able to sneak in 9 before Monday, but we'll see.

That's funny about Liz being the worst profiler ever. Too true!

The cases we watched last night where The Alchemist, the Good Samaritan and I actually forget the other one. But it was revealed that Bend it Like Beckham (sp) is the mole. lol Such a shame, I always liked that actress. But, it looks like Red has plans for her. Ohhh yeah, and Red killed the big cheese FBI lady because I think she was running that mole operation. And Alan Alda is part of that big cheese committee too. I don't know what it all means, but it seems like Red is getting pressured by some corrupt higher ups in the government and he certainly seems to have an agenda against them. I'm sure it'll all become as clear as mud in the near future!

Legends - Catching up on this one now that I finished clone wars. I have 2.5 episodes before I'm caught up. Should be up to speed by the next new ep.

Still debating catching up on Agents of SHIELD. I just don't know if I have it in me! lol

Mike V. said...

Richard - That's the last one I just watched. lol

TWD - Nice synopsis Mj! All coming back to me. lol

Anonymous said...

Important note then: REd does not know all that happened on "that night".


Mike V. said...

Blacklist - Right she had info on his family and he opted to kill her anyway, right? Such a great TV tactic to stall answers! lol

Mike V. said...

Blacklist - Forgot to mention also, the girl that Red was looking up is now putting the moves on Tom (she's the actress from House of Cards). So, not sure the connection there...unless Red wants her to put the moves on Tom to try and uncover something.

Anonymous said...

Keep trying to figure out what's going on, that's a LOT of the fun of the ride.

Just a key note, ANYTHING to do with "that night", Liz background and Red background is important. Lots to keep up with and you're playing Sherlock Holmes.

The show is VERY good at giving great clues if you look for them. They pay off, maybe in the next or many eps later.


Mike V. said...

Himym- pineapple incident solved!

Blacklist - I'll take that all under advisement. Thanks!

Mike V. said...

Game of thrones- yes I'm on Instagram now too. But game of thrones tweeted a season 5 pic of Tyrion. Might be a little spoilery but if you factor in the events of seasons 1-4 not really lol

Mike V. said...

Blacklist- watched the entire season in 8 days!! Ready for Monday night! I'll probably start back into the weekly fall posts starting then. I'll write more tomorrow about my thoughts on the show. But we enjoyed it!