Hello TV Addicts! This is Mike V. of the Lost Addicts Blog among others. I’ve mostly stopped writing recaps regularly, but please join our discussion posts for all things TV, occasional recaps (Hello There Obi-Wan!) and search the archives for Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fringe and several other shows over the years!
Monday, February 3, 2014
TV Discussion: Week of 2/2/2014 - 2/8/2014
Hello TV Addicts! Here's our weekly place to discuss the non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
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So, definitely didn't watch Shameless or Episodes due to the most boring super bowl in sports history. lol
But, I did watch New Girl and laughed a lot! I know those episodes do silly things like have characters unrealistically interact with celebrities, but Nick and Jess's reaction to running into Prince was classic. lol
Anyway, they did a good job teasing 24's return throughout the game. I knew there wouldn't be much footage since they just started filming. But there was enough....Jack and Chloe!! WOO HOO!!! Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. I'm so excited for its return! And, I think the fact that's only 12 episodes makes me even more excited.
That familiar sound from 24 caught my wife's attention.
Was a super bowl that allowed me to go to bed for some reading--lol. Troy and Joe are NOT the best team and so they missed a lot too.
Saw the new Banshee ep. There may be a new blue bloods ep on the dvr. I'm actually looking forward to this weeks REvolution.
Not a fan of Joe Buck. Troy as a player annoyed me (being a niners fan) but I think he's decent as a color commentator. But yeah..as a team, maybe not the greatest.
I could've sworn Revolution was on hiatus until after the Olympics, so you might be looking forward to it for awhile! :-) lol I double checked my DVR, yep...no new episode this week. Sorry!
Troy seems to take only a QBs viewpoint vs seeing the entire field, no comment on coverages/line play, stunts and VERY bland--no passion. They're like 2 stiffs in a booth speaking with a low level of knowledge.
That stinks on Revolution,but will make your week easier--lol.
We rented RUSH this weekend as I'm a long time F1 fan and so are family. Too much gratuitous nudity and not enough on events. Well done in many other ways however and mostly accurate. This movie and ALL shows on HBO/Cinemax/etc have way too much nudity to the point that it slows down the plot line. The way it's progressing, it could soon be porn. I really hope they dial it back on GoT.
If RUSH had been family friendly, say PG-13 or so, I know a LOT of people who would have taken their families to see it vs just not going.
You're probably right on Troy too. Honestly, I barely pay attention to the commentary anymore. lol
Definitely looking forward to the break on Wednesday/Thursday! :) But, Walking Dead returns Sunday so it's a pretty short hiatus! lol
Yeah, Premium shows and some movies definitely have taken things pretty far these days. I didn't see Rush, but agree that even Game of Thrones is just throwing it in there sometimes because they can. George had the stuff in his books, but not to the extent that HBO is adding. The whole scene with Podrick comes to mind from last season. Though, I did like them referring to the Meereeneese (sp) knot. lol
Rush does seem like the type of movie that should attrack teenagers and probably didn't need to have that stuff. I agree!
I saw Gravity over the weekend finally. (got a sitter) I had heard that half of the experience is seeing it in the theater in 3D. I probably needed to see IMAX for the full impact. But, it was still pretty amazingly shot. That Alfonso Cuaron has a great eye. I don't think Space was ever shot more beautifully....especially since they didn't actually shoot it in space! lol
The Merenesee knot, that came up last week re Dany. I've been thinking a little more and there are obviously grand things they can do with her and the dragons this year. But still, mostly boring on overall plot advancement.
Can't wait to see how big the dragons get by end of this season!
GoT - Vague book stuff: Yeah, considering there is still no book 6 in sight (unless D&D have inside knowledge from GRRM), I think they'll try to draw out the rest of book 3's events for Dany as much as they can. Though, getting into the Meereen Politics game could be fruitful even if they draw on what's in book 5 more than what was actually in book 5.
But yeah...the dragons should be getting even bigger!
This is definitely the season where they need to start panicking if they don't have more material to write to. They'll have to consider making Books 4 and 5 into 2 seasons when maybe they could've gotten by with 1. I think there's plenty there that they could delve into. Maybe even make book 4 and the part of book 5 that runs parallel chronologically into one season and then the rest of book 5 into another season.
Considering where ADWD left off...it indicates there's going to be TONS of "big" stuff to adapt in The Winds of Winter. It could be multiple seasons itself. I just can't imagine how many seasons of this show they're going to make though!
In any case, I'm excited about season 4!
SOA - lol. I hope they do not go over. Don't want another 13 weeks reading your wednesday complaints. :-) j/k
Superbowl - OJ Simpson was the last time we saw a slow moving Broncho
Oops - meant to say I am watching Helix - but haven't seen fridays yet
Shameless - Carl is such a psycho! That is all I have to say for now
SOA - I'm sure I won't complain AS much. It will be the final season afterall...but please don't make it more than 13 episodes!!! lol
Superbowl - lol...nicely done
Love the Bronco pun!
Helix is pretty good actually. Lots of stuff opened up on last ep. An actress I liked was killed off--maybe that was the last ep?? Anyway it found out who the killer is. And we know a lot more of what they're doing to the infected. Of course the question of whom is behind all this is a big deal. Interesting to see Peter talk/explain.
Yea, the Meereen stuff kind of bores me as I can't help but keep the overall story in mind.
I can't recall, do you think they're be an important landing on Westeros this season??
Game of Thrones - Still Vague book stuff, but might want to avoid it if you're watching the show only.
Hmm, if it's what I think you're talking about you're way into book 5, so no I don't think so. The biggest arrivals for season 4 I would think are the Martells (i.e. Red Viper).
"Maybe"...we'll start seeing more of Theon's family get involved, but I think that really starts in A Feast for Crows (book 4), and there's no telling if they're planning to cut that out all together. Surely, they're working with GRRM to see if that's a big no no. lol They still are on the game board for his sprawling tale, but they're taking awhile to get where they're going! i.e. THE KNOT!
Game of Thrones - maybe Theon's "FAMILY" is the wrong choice of words. But, whatever those crazy water bound people of Pyke go by. lol
I just found out Strong Belwas is not going to be in the show. Adds to my fear of boredom re Dany stuff--LOL. I mean there's action, just not "moving the ball down the field", if you will.
I think you're right about Theon. Poor Theon.
I can see the Targaryen stuff coming after this season but was hoping for some of it--LOL.
I've said this before but will mention it again. How about swapping GoT recap for REvolution??? I really don't like the over the top comments on some of the other sites but it might make a lot more work for you with a lot more people getting involved??
GofT - Yeah, I heard fears before about Strong Belwas because he wasn't introduced with Barristan as he was in the books. But, there's a chance they may just give the task to Daario to beef up his character. Even from the trailer, it looks like that scene is still going to happen.
Dany is always the "long story arc" of the show...same with White Walker stuff up north. It's like How I Met Your Mother...people keep wanting to learn more about the damn Mother when there is a journey to get there! lol Now we're finally in that last season of HIMYM and those rewards are coming. There will be some kind of clash of Ice and Fire....there's a reason dragons were introduced to this story!!
But, a lot has to happen to get Dany where she needs to be. And she creates quite a mess that needs cleaning up and there's a lot of pieces that need to get where they need to be to help Dany out.
Well yeah..with Theon obviously there will be more stuff with Bolton's bastard...(forgetting his name right now lol) And I'm not sure it will be caught up with Book 5 yet so it might be more filling in the blanks for the writers again. But, maybe they'll get to some of the book 5 stuff.
There could be hints to the Targaryan stuff but it's still too soon to be getting to that. And, once again, if it ends up being a red herring in GRRM's books then it might be cut from the TV show all together. We'll see!
I know you didn't read the books and so you're just thinking of your knowledge of the story in general. But there's still half of the greatest book of the series to get through. There's lots of stuff in there.
BOOK SPOILERS!!!!!! Don't Read!!!
Purple Wedding, Tyrion's trial and the Red Viper stuff, Tyrion's escape and everything that comes with that. (guessing that will all be episode 9...PW probably episode 4). Up at the wall there's the battle against Mance and the Wildlings and you know who coming to save the day. That's going to be one long battle if they have it going all season. So, maybe they'll draw that out a little bit before the battle comes.
Dany still isn't at Mereen yet so there's all of her stuff leading up to that.
Bran...he's already beyond the Wall and he's running out of story. But, he just split up from Osha...so now any stories that happened with just Him and the Reeds can be told.
Sansa and Littlefinger stuff...nothing else need be said there.
Arya and The Hound...still lots to tell there before she goes all Valar Morguhlis (SP) lol
And of course....the big epilogue of season 4 if they decide to do it.....Lady Stoneheart!!!
Plus Jaime has arrived at King's Landing much sooner than he did in the book...(as did Brienne)...so it'll be interesting to see how they handle that
**************************************************END SPOILERS
I can certainly make dedicated discussion areas for Game of Thrones since we often get into it more than other shows, but I just don't see the point of recapping it since I already know what's coming!! Plus, with the birth of baby #2 coming 4 or 5 weeks into the season, I don't think I have the time to put into it the level of commitment that I'd want to! lol But, I appreciate the idea!
As for more people getting involved, I just don't see it. The days of LOST and the growing readership are past. I don't see more people coming here to discuss than usually do these days. Let's play it by ear.
Oh yeah...the other problem is that Walking Dead and Game of Thrones may overlap a little (maybe not). There's no way I can recap 2 shows that air on the same night! lol
Not hearing any real info on the next book and GRRM stating that he doesn't like to be rushed makes me wonder too about material going forward. Although I understand that the producers know how it all ends.
Yea, there's lots of stuff that's going to happen and I can't wait to see the stuff up North. And Arya's changes as well as items you detailed.
I was thinking the RV vs GC fight would be the last one or two eps for this season. I am concerned about RV scenes re nudity though.
And I'm probably guilty of wanting to hit the fast forward button--LOL.
$$$$$$$$$$$$4end spoilers$$$$$$$$$$$44
I was thinking when people google info on the show your site would come up and so traffic bump up.
Yeah, guess there's a chance RV vs GC would be episode 9 as well. I could see that happening in the same episode.
I'm the opposite. Considering we're in the best part of the story I don't want to fast forward anything!! lol
But, I'm also to see if the adaptation of books 4 and 5 might work better than in book form. Should be fun to see!
I tag Game of Thrones in all of our discussion threads but maybe if it's part of the subject, it might attract more people. Or even people that come here and don't comment might see it better and dive into the discussion. In any case, I think I agree we need a dedicated discussion section for Game of Thrones. So, I'll plan on having dedicated postings for each episode. If I have time to write up a few things, maybe I'll do that. Could do a "TV Section" and then a "Book Section" to the recap where I could spoil and if people didn't want to read it they could blow right past it or something like that. All speculation. I still don't think I'll have time! :-) lol
But, basically my first comments when the episode airs ARE my Game of Thrones recap. So, if I'm going to write that stuff anyway, maybe I can just post it as the recap! lol We'll see.
HIMYM - We're definitely in the end game here, so the powerful and important episodes are coming in droves!! Naturally, I needed to defend the show on EW.com comments as people are complaining they went to the Ted/Robin well yet again. It was pretty clear to me that this episode needed to happen. Here's what I said...which is pretty much my show recap. lol
"I guess we're watching different shows. The writers have clearly been setting up for years that Ted needed to get over Robin to be ready to meet the mother. We saw last week that the mother had her own baggage that she was able to let go of (just before she's about to meet Ted). They're both perfect for each other in that way that they had problems letting go of the past. The theme of the episode was about letting go of the past. That's why Barney was passing on his "wisdom" of womanizing to 2 young men who are probably the age the 5 of them were when the show started. He is officially getting out of the game and ready to start a new venture with Robin. And of course Marshall letting go of the past of trying to "WIN" the arguments by bringing up a painful past. Lily letting go of her dream to move to Italy for her job, and do what's best for her family.
The fact that we knew Ted booked a ticket to Los Angeles meant we knew we had to find out exactly to what lengths he went to get that locket. It was a fun trip down memory lane to get one last glimpse (or mention) of his infamous girlfriends along the journey.
The only thing that didn't work for me in this episode was that they could've cut off the "letting go" scene when Ted and Robin's hands parted. I don't think we needed to see Robin fly into the sky! lol Even I, the HIMYM eternal defender, have no defense for the level of cheesiness that reached! :-)"
Best line of the night...Ted saying what the audience is feeling "It's been a long week!" lol
Himym - yeah Robin floating off was pretty bad. Agree with majority though that they drug out Ted letting go waaaay too long. But I've said this before. To me it spoils the wedding weekend -I'd have rather allthat be behind them. But I knew it would come up one more time and they did it well. If anyone is surprised it came up again they are idiots. Loved the 2 young guys getting schooled.
GofT - whatever you do will be fine with me. Like the idea of book and non-book sections so you guys don't have to keep warning of spoilers.
Himym- oh yeah - guess all the speculation on who picked up Lily was for nothing.
True Detective--I stumbled on this last night while looking at OnDemand options. Wow, what a great show. With Mathew McCaunaghey.
Some info on True Detective.
One reason I posted this is about the anthology approach and it's supposedly being so different in how it's ran. I really don't know enough about running a TV show to comment on that. But, the anthology idea could be a huge double edged sword.
BigBang Theory--My wife noticed with the last ep that Penny has really gone downhill in appearance and manners. For example, table manners. But more significantly look at her hair--unkept looking and the roots--well now they dominate so to speak. Anyway it occured to me that maybe this is intentional so Penny may realize the group is not good for her or something like that.
Whatever the reason of her appearance, she's really not that beauty queen from the first couple of seasons.
Helix - was that noise the dead burning monkeys? That was creepy. Still mad they killed off the vet woman (doreen ?) Rat from her mouth was nice touch. Did we ever find out how Hataki stopped that one vector in his tracks? He def has a thing for Jules - he asked for her specificly to come there afterall. Team fallen apart again? Hmm. i don't believe Balleros is dead though. And 'white room' is the outside?
True Detectice - Yeah Richard, we've been watching this one and making some comments about it here. Definitely a good show. I'll check out that article later. The Anthology stuff does have its plusses and minuses. The idea that you can attract good talent to these projects because it's a one and done series is great. American Horror Story started this trend a few seasons back. And it's probably going to get more prevalent.
Even 24's new miniseries is pretty much this new model. Shorter seasons with a beginning and an end. Options to do more, but not required. Audiences for the most part are starting to prefer this so there aren't multi-year commitments. We'll see how long it lasts.
GOT - Well, I was just saying if I did any type of recap I'd have a book section and non-book section IN the recap. Trying to monitor 2 different comments sections on this site might not work too well. :-) But, I'll see what I come up with. lol
HIMYM - I think it works out perfectly that both Ted and the Mother are getting rid of their old baggage around the same time. There's nothing saying that they fell in love immediately when they met. I'm sure there will be an attraction....it would be disappointing if there wasn't a kiss, but I guess we'll see what happens. Maybe they'll do a scrubs season 8 like ending (the real series finale) and have like a montage of events that happened later in life....that could be kinda cool with this show.
But yeah...the Robin/Ted thing definitely was done to death...but I know that was intentional on the writers' part too. Doesn't mean it worked all of the time!
BBT - I feel like I read something about this before, but I think they toned down her looks in later seasons intentionally. Maybe so she's just not the "hot dumb blonde" next door and there's more substance to her character than that.
I doubt it has anything to do with her realizing the group is no good for her! I would think it's actually the opposite. That she actually surprisingly fits in well with the group of nerds! lol
MJ, Helix--Yes the horrific noise was the monkeys or so it seemed. You are so bad liking the rat coming out of Doreen. We don't know but it seemed to me that Hataki could somehow communicate with the vector telepathically or similar. Yea I loved the white room being outdoors--lol. It sure is picking up.
True Detective--OK then well how about this. They are hunting a person with similar ideas about God as Cole? The blindfold and praying pose is a tip off. The burned out church with an image of the blind folded praying. Difference being one has gone over the edge.
True Detective - Wow, you've already thought about the show more than I have. Of course, I'm just marveling in the acting performances of Woody and Matthew and even the supporting cast. Cole definitely has an interesting perspective on life and he seems like a different person in the more present day. Obviously, we're meant to think he's a suspect too. But, I like your idea that the killer may just be like-minded. But, then if that is the case, something happens to Cole over the course of time since that case that changes him a bit. Maybe he comes in contact with the killer and identifies with him. I dunno...guess we'll see! I'll see on delay though...Walking Dead returns Sunday and that's my appointment television!
The Following - anyone watching this time? As for Joe's look, Dexter, the lumberjack came to mind. lol
Following - Planning to watch but we're 3 behind as of last night (i.e. didn't start the season yet lol) I thought we'd be able to get to it this week since there weren't as many Sunday shows but Parker had other plans for us!
Still need to watch Shameless too.
Episodes was good again and disturbing! lol
Not watching The Following, it should probably have been an anthology--LOL. To me, multiple seasons with the same serial killer/cop thing--starts to get old--regardless of how they change the deck chairs. I really like Kevin Bacon and the guy playing Joe and some other characters though(wife comes to mind).
I dvr Intelligence and will catch up on that tonight. It's been better than my first impressions.
BBT--that's a good point about her fitting in and has been the case for the show so far. But, the other girls in the last ep even looked at her like she's rude/crude. Made my wife's and my antennae go off. She's definitely changed.
Her acting career is dead and Leonard turning her proposal down certainly puts her in a low place. Now the girls are showing her less respect.
Somethings up, not sure what?
I wonder if it somehow parallels Sheldon's experience with James Earle Jones--now I'm thinking WAY TOO deep--LOL.
Following - Def watching - but behind on last nights.
True Det - that wasn't on this weekend right? If so I missed it
Anthology Talk - Good call Richard and good timing on the call. The Following probably would have worked much better as a different villain every season. Maybe even a different hero too. I can't see them dragging this on for multiple seasons either. But, I'm planning to check it out eventually as my wife does enjoy the show!
Intelligence - I still have them all recorded...but I only watched a few minutes of the pilot. Most shows do improve from a pilot episode so I'll keep monitoring people's thoughts on it! lol Is it purely procedural or is there some touch of an ongoing story happening?
BBT - There definitely is some kind of story arc going on with the show right now which is more than it usually has going. Maybe it's all leading to Leonard and Penny taking their relationship to the next level. I can't imagine they'd break the two up a 2nd time unless it's for good but I guess anything's possible. Especially if Leonard is reconsidering his relationship with her. But, they don't have much of a show anymore if Penny isn't part of the group so I don't see them toying with splitting her up from the group for too long of an arc, if at all.
Funny, for all of the obsession I had with analyzing FRIENDS and HIMYM over the years, BBT is a sitcom I've always taken at surface level. Never really considered where it has been or where it's going.
Funny on the parallels with the Sheldon/James Earl Jones experience. For the record, I thought that whole storyline was hysterical! I like this silly approach James Earl Jones has been taking to his latest projects. Falls right in line with his Sprint commercials. lol
TD - MJ, no it was not on. You're good!
BBT - I thought the JEJ stuff was hysterical, too! I'm also looking forward to this week's episode since it is their Valentine's episode, and I read there is something special with Sheldon and Amy.
Intelligence - I love watching Josh Holloway, but I've been disappointed in this show. Still recorded last night's episode, but it may drop off my list soon.
BBT - Hmmm..."special" for Sheldon and Amy? In the progression of their relationship, that makes me think that Amy will get tagged out halfway to 1st base. LOL
LOL! Good one, Mike!
What did you guys think of the Seinfeld spot during the Super Bowl? I just watched the unedited version and now have to check out the rest of this series which I didn't know existed. http://comediansincarsgettingcoffee.com/
Intelligence - mostly procedural. Hintsof ongoing threads, 1 with his missing wife which may or may not be dead. Another thread possibly with someone being like him.
So excited TWD back this weekend. Hear these 8 eps will be very diff - very character driven since all of them are scattered
@Leslie - Thanks! I was pretty proud of myself on that one, regardless of if it was funny to anyone else! :)
Seinfeld - I watched it yesterday. Definitely had its moments! Would've been great if they could've gotten all 4 but George and Jerry talking about nothing is the next best thing!
TWD - Norman Reedus (Daryl) was quoted guaranteeing that this is the best 8 episodes they have ever done. I'm excited too! But yeah, I assumed all 8 would have them split up and maybe some or all together by the end. Looking forward to it!
Shield--StanLee cameo was great. This was actually a pretty good ep. May being nice at the end was interesting. Ward looks to be blaming Coulson. So, are Sky and Fitz going to be an item now?? The Clairvoyant is pretty tough. Funny with Coulson/Ward on "it".
BBT-yea Sheldon/Amy on Valentines Day could be sharing a cupcake--LOL. Maybe he'll let her sit in his spot.
I wonder how long this series can keep going like it's set up. But the writers seem so good at coming up with material.
True Detective--I've only seen the first 3 eps/first act. I understand it's getting ready to change gears to more action. I'm hoping the guys get together before the end.
Shameless - Crazy episode as always! Lip went nuts and I thought he was going to get expelled...but I'm glad something good happened to him by the end. Frank and daughter bonding was nice too (after the comical reveal that she was a daughter). Fiona is a mess. Deb is a mess. Carl, agree, is a psycho! Love this show!! lol
Didn't see Justified yet :-( We got to it Friday last week, so I'm thinking it might be the same again.
BBT - Good call Richard on sitting in the spot. That would be quite the move by Sheldon! lol Shows like BBT pretty much will stay on as long as they can stay funny and they can afford the talent, and the talent stays interested. And since it's the one of the highest rated network shows right now, I'd imagine it will stay with us for at least a 2 or 3 more seasons. I've lost track of even what season they're in. But, in the recent past the most successful shows usually end after 9 or 10 (Seinfeld, HIMYM, Friends). Cheers went like 11 I think.
TD - There have only been 3 episodes so you're caught up.
New Girl - Easily the best episode of the season. Seth Cohen (Adam Brody) from the OC guested and was hysterical, The Waitress from Always Sunny guested as was great....and then all of the antics in Schmidt's "loft" where great. They must've gotten the feedback about always screaming earlier in the season...things seem to be getting in a better groove now. I never stopped loving the show though!
Looks like BBT might need to get relocated. CBS just got the rights to Thursday Night Football for 8 weeks of the season. Yikes!
So, interesting the NFL sold the rights on Thursday night. Many players wanted Thursday night to go away for safety. NFL is just hypocritical when it comes to $$$$$$$$$$. I've still got friends in the league.
BBT--I saw a promo where there will be a train involved. Season 7. Pretty soon the talent won't be looking so young either. I wonder if any of the couples will have a baby toward the end? I could see Amy and Sheldon using invitro--LOL.
Intelligence--Not a bad ep. Could see some relationship development. Lillian killing the bad guy was funny with her Dad there==wonder if he knew?
NFL - I guess it won't be any more games than the past couple years, but they'll just be simulcast on NFL Network and CBS for those 8 games. But yeah...I'm not a fan of Thursday Night Football either. Football should remain a Sunday sport with one Monday game! lol
BBT - I thought season 7 but wasn't sure. Maybe that's why they started this Penny/Leonard arc. I thought about maybe a kid for them....but Sheldon/Amy definitely makes for the most interesting scenario when taking Sheldon into consideration. Howard and Bernadette being the most obvious choice since they're already married.
ONCE - another LOST casting. Ol' Radzinsky (Eric Lange) will be playing Prince Leopold.
I like thurs football- allows us to see more games rather than just local and the 2 night games. Heard several nets were bidding -including tnt.
Intelligence - wondered same thing, did dad know she had him killed? Interesting char twist for her too. Loved that they were spying on the senator
Justified - really really good ep
Shameless - also thought lip would get kicked out. Good that he is learning that the world won't put up with his crap. Wasn't happy that he didn't care if he knocked up Mandy
Shield - pretty good ep. Looked like those 2 hotties were basicly holding Lee up. Loved the disappearing train! And that May was the oneto hotbwire that truck for them!
Football - Yeah, but it's usually sub-par football. Thursday nights mean that the players don't get a full week's rest between games. I'm sure it'll be successful. People were already watching them on the NFL Network. I just like it better when it's not always competing with prime time television shows!
Justified - I'm sure! :-(
Shameless - Yeah, that wasn't very classy of him! Then again, what's this show called again? lol
I give you guys major props for being able to keep up with SHIELD and Intelligence and everything else I essentially decided I don't have time for! lol
BTW - 3 episodes left of Orphan Black. Very good!
Lol - you do watch other stuff though that we don't. And I don't think the rest of us have small children
***don't read yet Mike
Justified - Paxton killed by Boyd, Ava taken away to a bigger prison, he gets rid of the crooked cop. Whew. Raylon basicly admitted to Art that he allowed Sammy to kill that guy. Wonder if with Ava they are going toward some Orange New Black territory. Loved the Boyd/Daryl stuff. And we gotto see Alan Tudyk - love that actor. Art was fun in that diner - they need to give him more scenes like that. Was shocked to see Theo Tonin back. Def did not see the cajun guy getting killed by Danny either. Butthe whole thing with Johnny setting up the ZZ Top wannabe by buying his guys loyalty- brilliant!
Castle - Leslie what did u think of the dress? I hated it!
Yea, keeping up with the shoes aren't nearly as tough now with the dvr. I can watch a 1 hour broadcast in like 40 to 45 minutes now---LOL and when I want. I basically keep up with:
The Blacklist--favorite
BBT--love it
Blue Bloods
True Detective(newbie)
Shield (if I have time)
I've been dvring(LOL on verb form) Criminal Minds but haven't watched it yet. Been catching up on past eps of Farscape--sometimes when I watch them I think they aren't as good as I recall--LOL.
That's probably about 6 to 10 hours a week--does that qualify as a TV Addict---lol.
Thursday night football is all about feeding the desire for more pro football and $$. But all experts know it's a bad deal for the players, coaches and play quality. The NFL is competing with NCAA now as both are wanting more days/time slots. It's all about $$$$$ The most hypocritical is NCAA since they're supposed to be amateur. There were 2 play off games that couldn't sell out normally this year and so maybe the saturation point is near. CBS does a lot better job than FOX on broadcast of the games though. Dierdorf was one of the best and he just retired.
Light Bulb just went off. I can save money by not paying for NFL network any more now that CBS is broadcasting Thursday night games.
Cha Ching.
@MJ - yeah, I know! But of course I run a "TV Addicts" blog. So, it's funny that I'm behind on a lot of stuff! lol But, I always knew this would be a problem eventually. :)
@Richard - Yeah, I've been watching stuff on DVR Delay since 2004. I can be very efficient with what I watch in a night! Back in my prime TV watching days, I could watch a lot of shows that aired from 8-11 and still be done by 11. I was a master! lol Of course, it took its toll on my brother who I lived with for awhile and then my wife. Now, with 1 kid, we don't start watching TV until 9 and then we basically watch all we can before it's 10:30ish...and then that's it! Totally different. lol
My list of shows I watch has definitely decreased but it's still deserving of TV Addict Status! lol Sunday alone has enough television to last me all week!
BTW...2 episodes left of Orphan Black. Sarah's kid just got hit by a car. Totally didn't see that coming!!
Richard - CBS is only airing 8 of the 16 games that will air on NFL Network. But...Football and network TV will definitely get better records than NFL Network I would think. Walking Dead is the exception to cable TV doing better than network TV. lol
NFL networks did 14 Thursday night games last year, mostly due to issues we've referenced. I wonder if they'll sell the other games to another network?
NFL - I doubt that NFL Network will sell the other games...but that's just based on what that article said. Sounds like it's 8 simulcasts on CBS and NFL Network and 8 stand-alone NFL Network Games.
TWD - Interview with Kirkman about new characters. http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/02/06/walking-dead-robert-kirkman-season-4/
Thanks for TWD article
Following - think you all discussed early in week- no shocker art gallery lady a follower - but the twins mom got me. And the young girl killing her mom to stay with Joe surprised me too
BBT--well, we were right about a big event coming--LOL. The kiss. Sure didn't expect it though. My family is big time into trains and so am surprised they didn't have type F couplers--lol/
Shield--BBT reminded me of watching the last ep with the train. That train sure looked like the Napa Valley train--not a European coach set for sure. I think BBT and Shield could have used the same train.
BBT - Awwww...that was a sweet moment for them! Very well done! So, is Raj gonna have a new girl?
BBT, It was well done. Oh yea the vet. That's so funny since she's a looker. Wait until he calls her, he'll probably blow it as usual--lol. But, it would be like the show to bring in another smart girl for Penny to deal with. Maybe Penny will end up going to college??
TWD - any one see the video on EW of the prank played on passersby ?
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