Monday, October 20, 2014

The Walking Dead: Season 5 Episode 2 - Strangers (Discussion)

Hello everyone and welcome back to The Walking Dead!  I'd love to join in on the discussion with a recap today, but it just wasn't in the cards.  Not to rat out my kids, but combined they were awake until past midnight last night and my eyelids just would not cooperate!  I will watch tonight and join the discussion late.  But please don't wait up.  Use the comment section to get the conversation started.  I appreciate everyone's understanding of my ever evolving blogging habits.  See you in the comments!


MJ said...

It was a Bob-a-que ! Yuck. BUt did he taste like chicken ? LOL

MJ said...

So - was Bob bitten while in the sewer/basement ? Is that why he went outside and was crying ??

plumbarius said...

I was thinking the same thing when he went outside to cry. I wonder if the "Hunters" are now eating infected meat (aka Bob's leg). Doesn't seem like a good plot line going forward.... I assumed that Rick and the gang would be stalked and terrorized for a few episodes at least.

MJ said...

So Tyreese is still a wuss - now he won't tell about the horrible thing they were forced to do ? It was to save Judith afterall. But Carol not telling Daryl all that has happened tells me that maybe more happened to her while she was on her own then we know about. Surely she doesn't mean having to kill Lizzie when she can't tell it to Daryl ? And was she planning on leaving on her own again when Daryl found her at that car ? And I think we all knew that Tyreese not killing that guy in the cabin was gonna come back.

Hearing a person call for help and Carl just running right to them - didn't we do that in a previous season ? But Rick yelled at him for doing it last time. Am I remembering that right ?

I don't trust this priest - if he is a priest. No way he's been on his own for 18 or so months and has not had to kill any persons or walkers. No way. And having 'You'll burn for this' scratched into the church cannot point to this priest doing any thing good.

With all that I'm reading today what seems clear to me is this: our group is all about letting go of what you have done or not wanting to talk or share it with each other. They are still concerned with their consciences and how they appear to others. But Gareth - he has no doubts about what he is doing nor any qualms about doing it. So is Gimple purposely having our group talk about this over and over just to highlight how opposite of Gareth they are ? Gimple has already stated that the Terminus group changed due to the people they met and interacted with, and our group has done the same. He called it a cycle.

plumbarius - they are moving very quickly this year. I had assumed that we'd be at terminus for a few episodes at least.

Anonymous said...

That's what I thought. That last kiss sure seemed like a goodbye kiss! But I don't know if I would eat him if he had been bitten. Maybe they have not seen a bite mark.

Mike V. said...

Well, even though I was semi-spoiled I had no idea what I had read after watching the episode. Even though I knew the Terminus crew was still out there, I totally had forgotten by the end of the episode! Poor Bob. But I'm with you guys, it certainly seemed like he was bitten...unless they just wanted to make us think that. The dude is an alcoholic and they were all drinking wine, so there's that. He also was nearly killed and maybe the stress of it all is making him crack. At the beginning of the episode we saw him putting a positive spin on anything Sasha could come up with and then bad stuff kept maybe that's why he was crying. He puts on a good face for everyone, but in private he lets loose.

I don't think he's infected or else this Terminus plot isn't going to last long! lol But who knows?

So, I guess our Terminus crew are officially the fabled "hunters" from the comics.

Obviously, something had to happen to keep them from heading to Washington, so there's this and the fact that Daryl and Carol went after Beth. I just assumed this Priest (ANOTHER guy from The Wire!) would be tied to that car...and maybe he still is, but for now it seems like 2 different plots and sets of people.

And the priest, definitely untrustworthy. Seems like he knew those people in town so something must've gone down.

Interesting thoughts MJ with the "letting go" vs. "openness". The whole "clean slate" aspect certainly draws more comparisons to that mysterious island show we all knew and loved! lol But maybe you're right, it might be in comparison to the hunters.

Also, did we know that Tyreese didn't kill that dude that threatened Judith? I thought that was a reveal too.

Anyway...pretty intense season so far! Maybe next Sunday I'll get to watch it on time. :)

mj said...

Ah -- good point about alcoholism/wine. Yes - termites are officially thos hunters you mentioned last week is what I read. I don't think we knew he didn't but he certainly lead us to believe he did, so yes it was a reveal

mj said...

Hey isn't Bobs last name Stuckey? Now its stumpy! Lol. Sorry - could not resist

Mike V. said...

LOL on Stumpy! Yes, his last name is Stuckey. lol

Leslie said...

Just scanned through the comments quickly and will have to come back, but did you guys catch that Daryl said to Carol when she was not wanting to talk, "I understand. Whatever happened, happened."

I didn't catch that Bob may have been bitten, so I thought he was just having a meltdown.

Something is definitely up with this priest.

Mike V. said...

LOL...Leslie, yes I did notice Daryl saying the infamous LOST line. I decided that it was only me that would consider this more than just a normal everday phrase and didn't want to call it out. Good to know I'm not the only one that picks up these quotes!

Now if Rick starts saying "live together die alone" we'll know it's intentional. lol

MJ said...

LOL on Lost quotes. I caught it too. Even commented to my husband that it would be surely mentioned in the blog - then forgot all about it

Leslie said...

Watched again last night. Still unclear on Bob. Could have been bitten, but maybe just a meltdown. After the close call, maybe he couldn't keep up his positive attitude especially when he couldn't drink the wine. Who knows!

It appeared to me that Carol was planning to leave on her own when Daryl came up. I also noticed she said to Daryl the same words that Tyreese said to her....something like, "I don't want to talk about it. I just need to forget it." Yet, she has always been pretty open about her actions since she has felt like she was doing the right thing for the group, and they could either accept it or not.

One thought my boyfriend had on the priest, assuming he really is a priest,. What if he was in the church alone when it happened and didn't let anyone in for safety or to share the food. That would be a way of killing without being direct about it, especially the woman with the glasses that he obviously had a connection to.

Mike V. said...

Sorry to disappoint MJ with missing the quote! I'm not sure I would've even remembered to mention it if my kids let me watch it on Sunday night. LOL My TV brain is shot these days!

I noticed the same quote being used twice too Leslie...the "I don't want to talk about it" thing.

That's a really good observation on the "priest". That would certainly make sense if he hoarded all that food for himself and wouldn't let anyone in the doors. Certainly would explain the carving on the wall!

MJ said...

Leslie - I agree. Carol not wanting to talk about anything is odd for her character. Certainly she had no issues with what she did at the prison so I guess she means Lizzy/Mikah. Unless other things happened while she was out on her own.

Peter said...

Definitely got a Lost vibe off this episode, not just from the quotes. The whole coming across someone randomly and then delving into their story is very lost-ish. Especially not being able to trust the character. The priest also mentioned that he could be leading them into a trap, reminded me of Ben saying the same thing. Maybe looking into the lost stuff too much here though !

Mike V. said...

Maybe Peter, but you're in good company with overcomparing to one of the greatest dramas ever! :)