Hello TV Addicts! This is Mike V. of the Lost Addicts Blog among others. I’ve mostly stopped writing recaps regularly, but please join our discussion posts for all things TV, occasional recaps (Hello There Obi-Wan!) and search the archives for Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fringe and several other shows over the years!
Monday, June 9, 2014
TV Discussion: Week of 6/8/2014 - 6/14/2014
Hello TV Addicts! This is our weekly place to discuss all non-recapped shows. Game of Thrones will have its own discussion area/mini recap. After that show ends, I'll probably just post a Summer Discussion thread. See you in the comments!
Orange Is the New Black,
Orphan Black
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Revolution - Apparently there's a petition with 40,000 signatures trying to get Revolution "relocated" to another channel/service. I'm getting tweeted a lot to try and get the word out.
It may get someone's attention, but I think the cast is already dispersed and getting on to other projects. I know the actress playing Charlie already has been cast on the next season of Girls. Oh well, we'll see what happens!
Meant to say last week - or maybe I did and forgot. LOL Was a very rough week last week. Any one check out the
Wil Wheaton project ? I did - and have already dumped it. Was pretty dumb - very Sy Fy channelesque.
Fringe - started my rewatch. Haven't ever re-watched them so wow ! Totally had no memory of how Broyles and Olivia
didn't like eachother much in the beginning. Nor that Olivia was really just a liason to them at this time. And never
picked up on the fact that the actor from Revolution who turned on the Nano - he was the guy with the Amber bus
Revolution - that surprises me. Didn't think their fans were loving it that much.
Orphan Black - you watch this recent ep ?
Wil Wheaton - nope, not sure I even knew about it! lol I get my Wil Wheaton fix on Big Bang theory! lol
Fringe - I rewatched it one time when the series was still on. I think before season 4 aired. Season 1 actually holds up a lot better than I thought it would because they really switched gears by the end of that season. They made it all work. I have no idea what guy you're talking about in Revolution, but yeah I probably would recognize him now if I watched that ep! lol
Revolution - I still don't think there is a big enough fan population or enough buzz around the show for this petition to be successful, but I could be wrong!
Orphan Black - just watched this morning. "Tony" was certainly a character. lol Good episode overall.....so it sounds like Sarah isn't the "ORIGINAL" but a failed Clone...which is why she can procreate. Doesn't seem like Rachel (i think that's the clone's name) was too thrilled with this news. Something tells me Rachel will be on the same team as the rest of the clones by the end of this season. lol Like Dyad is a sort of antagonist for now...but then they'll be working together to fight the bigger threat eventually.
Kira is important - I think we all knew that!
Paul might still be a good guy. I think we all knew that too! lol
Sara is the mistake for being able to procreate !!! Didn't see that coming - kinda like the survivors on TWD are really the Walking Dead and not the zombies. Loved Donny/Alison bonding over their murders. And soccer mom complaing about his lousy wrapping of the dead body. So Alison ! LOL I really liked Tony so far. Didn't understand the 'Paul is a ghost' thing though. Unless Tony/Sammy/Beth called the monitors ghosts ? Agree with you somewhat on Paul - he's probably gonna sorta be a good guy but who's forced to do bad things. But Felix and tony were a hoot ! Very interesting what Ethan had in that book that he gave Kira - and that Kira climbs out of bed and sorta hides to read it. There is just something about her not like other kids.
So I'm probably not up on all the PC terms - but Tony is what - transgender? Was a female and had gender re-assignment surgery?
Didn't think of rachael aligning with them - that could get interesting. Just 2 eps left on this show.
Revolution/Fringe - ugh I can't remember his name. His wife was really the nannites. He was the rich guy before the power went out, wrote the code ! LOL
Rev/Fringe - Ohhh..AARON! lol I thought that's who you meant, but then I just assumed you meant someone else! I don't know why.
Orphan - I don't know why but I figured it was code talk for saying Paul is still acting in Sarah's best interest but is "undercover" now. Maybe Beth was in on the whole thing before she died. Agreed on Kira. She probably totally understood what she was reading too!
I have no idea with the transgender stuff. They definitely called him a TRANS. But I just thought one clone came out a boy. Guess that wouldn't be very CLONEY of them! lol So yeah maybe he felt that he always was a girl and had the surgery.
I voted for more Revolution, thanks for the link. I was VERY encouraged to do so when you said Charlie went to another show.
I've not yet seen 24 or Longmire.
Longmire--another good ep. But, the stuff with Starbuck not buttoning up her blowse has always bugged me from a reality POV. Anyway, no show is perfect. Except maybe The Blacklist--LOL.
Behind on longmire and 24. Will catch up on both tonight hopefully
Oitnb - anyone watching? I watched first 4 or 5
OITNB - I thought you were watching season 1 first? lol We made the decision to finish TVD first (have 9 episodes left...ugh I'm falling asleep every night!) Then we'll watch it. Can't wait!
24 was good again. Still no skipped hours. No idea how they're going to do this!
Oitnb - yeah we started Fringe so had to kill S1! Lol
24 - missed last weeks which re-aired fri so will have 2 tonight. Flying to US might help. lol still like our nap theory, Jacks not as young as he used to be Orthey could wait for a meeting or event and off screen 2 hrs could pass
Ahhh on Fringe vs. OITNB. lol I'm sure you'll be done season 2 of Orange before we even start.
24 - yeah the napping theory is a good one. I am just really interested format-wise how they'll do it. Every episode has always ended with real-time issues and an immediate cliffhanger. I just wonder how they'll find a way to skip hours. I know they will, but it's the not knowing when that makes me think silly things like, "surely they didn't forget there's only 12 episodes right??" LOL Good times.
24--not bad at all. Set up for working with the Prez. The Russians still want Jack and now we know it's also personal.
HOw crazy is that daughter, her mother is for sure nuts. But the daughter should have known her Mom would kill her.
24 - yeah the daughter is ok with mom killing husband but not his sister and niece?
24 - Jack outrunning a drone is classic 24 ! As is the foreign PM's assistance figuring the Pres has some alzheimers but our
own government hasn't noticed that ? LOL And I thought Brit cops didn't carry guns ? And the guy running CIA in
Britian is the mole ! Not too original that. But still enjoying the show.
Longmire - Walt tending bar was amusing though.
24 - Absolutely classic 24....same with the British Gov't more focused on Jack Bauer than stopping a terrorist attack on their country. Granted, they may have still suspected he was the terrorist. lol
I don't think Benjamin Bratt's character is a mole per say....but it appears he has intel on what happened to Kate's husband. I guess the intel could implicate him as the mole rather than Kate's husband being a leak.
Yeah, I'm enjoying the show too. It has to have some ridiculous implausible elements to be considered a 24 show!
HIMYM - OMG! Look what I found from last year. I saved it to see how close we came with our thoughts.
HIMYM - Was spitballing in the EW comment section and thought more about that TV Guide article. I have an idea of how the rest of the series might go. Tell me if I'm crazy! lol What if, they take this season right up to the Barney/Robin wedding and then just skip it? What if we skip right past Ted meeting the mother? What if we just show him dating the mother and proposing to the mother, marrying the mother...getting pregnant with the first child..etc... And then the series finale rewinds and shows Barney/Robin's wedding and Ted actually meeting the mother. I'm sure it would present a bunch of challenges to the writers...but they could be fun challenges for them and it might spark new life into the final season. Plus...everyone gets their cake and can eat it too. People get to see Ted with the Mother....and the series still ends with him meeting her (even though we all meet her earlier). The more I think about it..the more I like it!
March 19, 2013 at 1:17 PM
Himym! Oh my. That would fit withthem suddenly not promising the wedding. It really would work. I've always been one who did not just want to meet her but wanted to see them date. They could even time jump to the teenage kids we've been seeing but we`d see older ted and mom andthen theyd finally tell how they met together. Lol. mom could even chastise ted for taking too long to tell the story! That would be fabulous
HIMYM - Yeah, the more I think about it the more I really like the idea! I know they had filmed additional stuff (probably back in season 1) with the teenage kids. Obviously, they'll be 8/9 years older than they were that first season now so, I'm not sure how much they can do with these 2 unless it's further into the future than the story day. lol But yeah, I do like the idea of the mother joining into the story and yelling at him to speed it up. I think they could possibly do some flashback stuff too with the "how i met your father" route. We could see stuff from the Mom's perspective. Maybe she's been on the same kind whimsical journey as Ted. We could see her losing the yellow umbrella, getting it back....maybe almost running into Ted in Rachel Bilson's apartment. See her in the WRONG CLASS that Ted was in. ...there was that club that Ted was at once and he said the mother was there. There was some random girl he ran into that night for a brief second (i think he was drunk)...and they had a brief exchange. I always wondered if that was the mother. lol It was so random. They could have similar characters that she ran into on our journey that Ted ran into too. They could do some fun stuff with that too. The more I think about it...I'm definitely intrigued by the extra season. But, for any of this stuff to happen, the audience definitely needs to meet the mother at the end of this season or near the beginning of next season. I could see that being the cliffhanger this year. We skip right past the wedding...and Ted is with someone...and either in dialogue or by a panned camera shot of the woman...we meet the mother....roll credits on season 8. I should write this damn show! lol
March 19, 2013 at 3:54 PM
HIMYM - Almost everything to a tee!! Except that one giant twist that we knew people were theorizing, but wanted so desperately to dismiss!
That's funny that you saved it to look back one day. lol
It really was a great show, and the finale was entertaining too. But, that ending. I'll always question if it was the right way to go! It was fitting, but it was my preferred ending.
I'll wait for the leaked alternate ending to show up on YouTube. Definitely not buying the final season or complete set to see it! Though...I think the alternate ending may be just showing more leading towards her death. They had filmed a funeral scene that showed Ted mourning the mother before he was ready to move on. Some argue that there just wasn't enough time to mourn the loss of the Mother before he was going after Robin in that final sequence.
Of course, most will expect the Alternate ending to be where the mother (Tracy) is fine. Guess we'll see!
I meant to say..."wasn't" my preferred ending. :)
Fringe - first Aaron from Revolution now Miles was on the episode where we "Meet Mr. Jones'.
HIMYM - I couldn't believe it when I found that either. Totally forgot I had kept it. I just assumed he mourned quite a bit and that time had elapsed before he went after Robin.
Fringe - Wow, I never knew that guy even worked before the Twilight movies! LOL So crazy to watch these shows after a few years and you catch people that are more well known now. i.e. I just watched Alias last year and saw a young Bradley Cooper as a series regular on TV. lol
HIMYM - Oh yeah I did too....I think it was just the flow of events that people were complaining about. You know how internet commenters can be! One second he's meeting the mother, the next second he's going after Robin. While many years passed in between it still was very sudden. The producers cut the funeral scene because they thought it would be even more of a gut punch than they were already giving. lol
But given that they said they stick by their ending, but offer an alternate ending on the DVD/Blu-ray, maybe it will be most likely something where the mother lives. lol
Bradley Cooper - for me when he started movies it was he's that guy fr Alias and Kitchen Confidential - a show that did not last
Miles - he was in Twilight ? Yikes - had no idea
Miles - Yeah, he played Bella (the protaganist???)'s dad. Those movies, as you would expect, were awful btw. But, my wife read the books so someone had to take her to see them! LOL
And yeah...Bradley Cooper...I'm sure many knew him from Alias (I think it was highly rated at one point lol) rather than the other way around.
It's more with guest stars who get their break later on and then you watch an older show and bam there they are! lol
StarWars--Harrison Ford taken to hospital for ankle injury. You know that I have questions about this director right now.
It's certainly bad luck.
Starwars - lol shit happens on set! Harrison likes to do his own stunts when feasible for an actor. So at 71 I'd just say that's badass! Rumor is some door fell on him. (Like one of those automatic doors you see in Star Wars.) so I guess you could blame JJ for wanting to use real effects vs cg wherever possible. But he didn't build the door!
I'll comment on the thrones stuff a little later.
Are you laughing at me being an Abrams apologist?? lol
It's not really that. It's just, there are always opportunites to criticize everything. We weren't there, we don't know what happened. There's so much scrutiny on this crap and I'm just excited about the movie and want to believe that it might have the potential to be awesome!
So, I'm hoping for a quick recovery to Mr. Ford. Rumor has it he plays a major role in this film. I'm guessing a major and FINAL role. lol (He always wanted Han Solo to die)
Movies - yeah we all sacrifice. I hadto go see new Godzilla a few weeks ago
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