Hello TV Addicts! This is Mike V. of the Lost Addicts Blog among others. I’ve mostly stopped writing recaps regularly, but please join our discussion posts for all things TV, occasional recaps (Hello There Obi-Wan!) and search the archives for Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fringe and several other shows over the years!
Monday, March 21, 2016
TV Discussion: Week of 3/20/2016 - 3/26/2016
Hello fellow TV Addicts! This is our weekly place for discussion of all non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!
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GofT too bad this is sold out
dammit!!! lol
I have to paste some comments from last week's post here. I found some stuff out about Vikings that I had forgotten about and will reshare here.
Didn't get to Sleepy this wknd...but watched Grimm and ONCE Upon a Time. I'll catch up eventually!
Richard said...
Grinder--looks like the arc is coming around where he's back to being the grinder. Interesting back story from 2005.
Colony--So MJ, was it worth watching?
March 18, 2016 at 4:01 PM
Mike V. said...
Vikings - Waiting to watch TWD so I started googling stuff....I think we forgot that season 4 of Vikings is a 20 episode split season order. No wonder they're taking their time prior to another voyage! So they're doing 10 now but I guess we'll be getting 10 more later in the year...not sure if season 5 is a similar order or not.
March 20, 2016 at 10:05 PM
Mike V.
Vikings - More googling - season 5 is a 20 episode order too. Crazy!
March 20, 2016 at 10:06 PM
GoT--started rewatching a few eps. It's great to see how much more meaningful little details are from EP1 of S1. And amazing how many of those characters are gone. Particularly the ones you thought were important.
In some ways though it's like there's lots of side stories to the point of frustration for me. Reinforces my concern of adding on an unecessesary season. By the end of S3 I was tired of hearing that winter is coming--lol. It better be here in S6.
It's always great to see Dany rising out of the ashes with her dragons too. That combined with JS along with the opening of S1 helps put focus back on parts of the title--..fire and ice..
Can we talk openly about R+L=J now since it was brought up in the show?
Grimm--I hope we discuss. Especially about Adalind's other child. I brought that up a few eps ago wondering if it had been forgotten. And Eve is on the trail of Capt being recruited.
Colony - I've enjoyed it.
Grimm - the wrestling thing did nothing for me I truly despise that 'sport'. Very excited for them to bring back that first child. Been wondering since Meisner is in town why no one has asked where the kid is ! Thinking back though not sure any of them know that Meisner was the one on the helicopter with her.
Grimm--good point about Meisner.
Grimm - Totally was tuned out of practically the whole wrestling storyline. And yes...I always assumed the other kid would come back into play. It has been awhile though agreed.
GoT - R+L=J was at least hinted at in the show. But I think this season will play it up a lot more possibly even revealing it where the book has yet to. I think it's premature to say there is an unnecessary season. They always said 7 seasons "feels right"...but when you start breaking stories...they may have decided they needed more time to get all of the stories told and told well. There's just no way to tell since we're marching into unknown territory.
Anyway....as for season 6, the showrunners have high praise for it (of course), but they claim they're not just trying to hype it up lol http://www.ew.com/article/2016/03/21/game-thrones-season-6-best
I'm excited regardless!
GoTon 8 seasons--I'm just going by the show runners.
Possible spoilers below
ON R+L=J--I guess I should have said, do you think it would be too spoilery if we openly posted about it here? Certainly after what we believe M will do to JS and what we believe will happen, the R+L=J theory should come into play. Unless the notion of fire and ice is more literal, meaning that JS isn't a T(dragon/fire) but is somehow more related to ice????? I can't think of which house ice could relate to though. Except maybe the BW on the wall. Which may be enough since you "take the black" and so in a way "change houses"?
GoT - So am I...they always said 7 or 8 seasons...but 7 feels good because it goes with 7 gods, 7 kingdoms, etc... When you get closer to the end, sometimes you realize you need a little more time. It even happened with LOST when they requested a few more hours from ABC.
I knew what you meant on R+L=J....and I was hesitant to say we can openly discuss. I have heard lots of flashbacks will come into play this season and it could be through Bran's eyes that they happen. One KEY flashback is going to happen. (TOJ...if you catch my drift) I think things are going to get very out in the open this season...but I think even people here that discuss GOT with us suspect the R+L=J stuff now too.
LOL on TOJ--Aok. yea the TOJ stuff is slightly hinted at in EP1 S1. It will be interesting if they bring back some of the cast.
And of course the time spent on TOJ stuff at this point only really makes sense re JS storyline.
No thoughts on ice re BW and houses?
Sleepy - damn ! They broke the thingy and the tablet already ! I really thought they could do some cool stuff with being able to remote view eachother - other then what donut she got him. Is it weird that I knew that was a Banshee right away ? LOL Watch too much supernatural stuff. The Hidden One and Crane were just hysterical together. But Abby had to know she could not trust Pandora - but she didn't have much choice. And they just couldn't stop saying 'my box' - which kept making me laugh. Curious to see if Joe really did get rid of the Wendigo inside him. But boy is pandora in trouble now that the Hidden One knows she knew they had the thingy - now called Emblem of Thura.
Vikings - yeah I had heard about the split season of 10 each. Don't think they have said when part B comes back though.
Americans - did we discuss this last week ? Can't remember. I was positive that after Stan roughed up Philip that virus was going to be leaking ! And I actually felt sorry for Martha for once - she was just horrified to hear that that guy was killed to cover up for her.
GoT - Not sure if they are bringing back cast members. They might have casted younger versions of those characters. lol
Sorry I missed your comments earlier as I was speed reading (Been a busy day)...Even though J may be a T...I just assumed he still represented the ICE side of things. His mother would be an S and his father would be a T...making himself a song of Ice and Fire. lol But I just assumed Dany represented the Fire. Or really the dragons/Fire, white walkers/Ice.... Not sure what BW stands for.
Americans - I think I mentioned I watched it but not sure we discussed. Yeah...I think that's what they wanted us to think! Looks like it was intact though. Things seem to be really escalating between characters now. I wonder if Stan is going to start putting pieces together. Yeah...it's tough to not feel sympathy for Martha after what she found out. I wonder what's going to happen to the preacher guy(or whatever his name is). He seems interested in talking to Paige's parents about the truth. Can't be a good sign for him in the long run!
Ahhh I guess you mean night's watch? Lol confusing since they do "take the black" lol
LOL--Nights Watch, yea that's it. I get Black Watch on my mind from them taking the black and being dressed in black along with a famous Scottish military unit Black Watch. It originated from the North of England and therefore Europe. I guess I've always associated this with the Northern reaches in association with the Northern reaches within GRRMs world. There are some parallels.
GoT - I'm sure it's an intentional association! Just threw me off as I was in "fictional mode" lol
Sleepy, Gotham, Bates, Shameless - Caught up and will have to comment more later when I have some time. But...
Gotham - The casting of Paul Reubens (sp) as Penguin's father? Perfection!
Gotham--so is that the pee wee guy? What an eery vibe the family was giving of at the end. It has been predictable that the Gordon/Preggers Dr romance would end. I hate it for many reasons including yet another Dadless kid being on TV at some point and the predictability of destruction. And of course we KNEW, absolutely KNEW that Barbara was coming back. Both of those things together is of course unbelievable and therefore comical. And as I've said, there's a reason they call these comic book shows-lol.
So, who else is thinking that Bruce is going to prove that Gordon is innocent?
Americans - Perhpas being angry with Philip will spur Stan to notice more and question things. Heard at the end of the premier they showed a 'coming this season' but I did not watch it. Pastor Tim is definitely going to be causing trouble. Not sure they can take him out due to what Paige's reaction would be to that. Phillips little childhood memory was pretty nasty !
Supergirl - don't know that any one watches but Flash visits next week !
Didn't get to Saul, Bates or Gotham last night.
Gotham - Yep, it's Pee Wee Herman. And his wife is Julie Cooper (Melinda Clarke) from The OC. lol I just assumed Gordon and Lee would get back together eventually...afterall, the actors broke up marriages to be together. lol But, maybe she's staying on the show but they'll stay broken up. I dunno.
Oh yeah...I would think Bruce would be involved in helping Gordon. The show is definitely predictable, but it's still entertaining.
Americans - I'm not sure I watched the whole "coming this season" either. If I did I already forget it. :) Philip's childhood memory was certainly rough! I figured if they took out Pastor Tim...they would hide it from Paige and make it look like they "left town" or something like that. But yeah Paige is smart and probably would figure something out. I agree on Stan...I think he'll start observing some weird things about Philip that don't add up. It's not the first time he suspected him....just the last time he felt a little stupid for considering it.
Supergirl - I saw there's going to be a crossover....Unfortunately my DVR was getting full so I had to make a decision. I deleted 17 episodes that I don't think I was ever going to watch! lol
GoT - Biggest battle yet in S6. This one will be new for everyone I'm guessing (though so was Hardhome and that was amazing)
GoT So I wonder who the battle is between to be so big and epic. The pic tells me it's the Boltons against a kind of upstart group. Since the guys on the right have no shields with sigils--actually they don't have shields at all. A group led by Davos,JS, or maybe Brienne? Maybe including some Tully's and Greyjoys?
It makes me think there likely won't be a major battle with the white walkers in S6.
So,S6 will likely answer some of the following
1. JS future
2. R+L=J elements
3. Lannister response to Sand murdering daughter.
4. Dany's next steps in gaining leadership.
5. Bran's role
6. Arya's role
7. Bolton's future
8. Greyjoy's future
9. Baelish position
10.Tyrion's leadership
11 Odds and Ends--note this includes where I put Brienne-lol
Supergirl - yeah - show is amusing but nothing spectacular.
Got my GofT blueray set the other day. Will still only watch the last 2 or 3 though. LOL
MJ, GOT, watch S1 E1 and you'll see some things you may not have seen before
GoT - Yeah...I think I heard rumors of a Bolton battle so that sounds about right. That would be interesting if Davos, JS and Brienne would be involved. If I had to guess the Greyjoy storyline will probably follow the Feast For Crows/Dance With Dragons storyline to some extent so I'm not sure if they would be involved in a land battle with the boltons. But maybe. Brienne...I still hold onto hope that she'll complete her AFFC/ADWD storyline once another character is back in play.
I don't think there will be a white walker battle either...maybe an encounter with them to keep that presence around...but who knows??
As for your numbered stuff.
1.) Yep
2.) Hopefully!
3.) That would make sense.
4.) Yep
5.) Absolutely
6.) For sure! (there is also some book 6 stuff that has already been published that the show can adapt for Arya...I loved the Mercy chapter...and they didn't even finish the book 4/5 stuff either)
7.) yep
8.) Do you mean Theon or the Greyjoy family? Really both are in play.
10.) yep
11.) B, JL, LS!! I hold onto hope!
Blurays and Rewatches - I could say that about every episode but yes the pilot is a good one to watch. I'm up to Blackwater in season 2. It's going to be tough to finish and all I want to do is dive into the special features on my season 5 set!
Book Spoiler (but not too much because I barely remember it)
I think Davos might be getting into his book 5 material too with the Freys and Manderlys....I really don't remember how it all went down. But if the Freys are back in play...then it certainly might be a good time to bring LS into the fold too.
LOL on LS and holding out hope. It would be great though! How about a JS and LS deal, somehow related? Without LS, the Brienne story is kind of a winging it deal at this point. She's already chosen payback for REnly over Sansa's safety. I don't know who could make her pay for that decision at this point--and so yet again, I get why you want LS-lol. And Jamie seems pretty focused on his homefront now, far away. My thought is that Brienne is now some sort of D&D frankenstien character.
Yea, check out the pic carefully and you'll see the Bolton's emblem on the shields on the left. So, that's a given. It's now a matter of trying to figure out who they'll be fighting.
Last night wound up being an excellent night of tv - caught up to Saul, Bates, Blindspot - watched faves Flash and iZombie.
Saul - whole cup holder obviously references Jimmy trying to fit in where he doesn't belong. Mike - did he really think Tio would not find his daughter-in-law and grandkid? He investigated you and knew you were a former cop ! BB was awhile ago now but I do't exactly remember Mike being such a stand up guy - giving Taco half the dough cause he did not solve the problem completely. I know he always had a code - but not quite like this. But - this is prior to BB and it could be I'm not remembering well. Bali Hai was a strange choice for Jimmy to sing to Kim - cracked me up. And kim - so she lectures Jimmy how he should not do things and then cause she's feeling restless and wanting to be a little bad she calls him and he comes running. Can't wait to see what trouble he gets from just leaving that 2nd year associate again - even though this girl is totally being a jerk. Too funny that Jimmy had to go back the the nail salon to get to sleep !
Blindspot - they really didn't consider that a group of people who are kidnapping women would take her jewelry ? Interesting - though not surprising - that Jane no longer feels the FBI are the 'bad guys' like her former self did. And if her associates are the good guys - wow - don't seem good to me. And why would this group care that this one guy is innocent ? I get that you like a co-worker and it can be awkward to deal professionally but really ? You can't ride in the same elevator ? You are an FBI agent entrusted to serve and protect but you can't do an elevator ride with a chick you are hot for ? How dumb!
Bates - Opie from SOA is one scary dude on this show. I only vaguely remember him fighting with Dylan's dad last year though not sure about what. Wedding was hysterial with Norma only looking happy when she got that ring. SO is Emma's mom in te pit - or in the dirt pile near by ? Could go either way. Norman has become so convincing - is this shrink going to really be able to figure him out ? I'd say no since we know in future he is not in this place. Did you catch Norma staing that one day she will fall and break her neck on the stairs ? Love it !
Gof - interesting. Maybe I will rewatch the very first episode then.
Flash - I rolled my eyes at Cisco's dancing ! And could Barry have not just introduced Wally to Wells daughter as Iris's brother? I like that they did not drag out the Flash team figuring out that Jay is Zoom. Though I don't feel that 'we've seen speedsters be in 2 places at one time' is really an explanation for what we saw when Zoom snatched Jay back thru the portal. It is getting laughable each week when yet another person/meta breaks into Star Labs by the way. I'm not even going to discuss the stupidity of Iris's boss thinking coffee was a date and leaving in a pout when she says it won't. Guess he never went to the sexual harassment seminar at work. Not that Jessie just leaves and with no job, id or anything gets on a bus to go live her life.
I'll comment on stuff later. :)
GoT - http://www.ew.com/article/2016/03/23/game-thrones-season-6-wont-spoil-books
Showrunners talk to how season 6 won't spoil the books.
But while there will be some points of similarity between the two epic tales moving forward, a large degree of what’s to come on the TV series will be very different from the books
There will be SOME points of similarity--lol. That sucks. Words like, "very different" will not help the story's canon by definition. So, now there will be 2 canons.
To me, what they meant to do by reassuring book readers actually turned out to be discouraging to a fan of both.
BTW that link had a nother link to Cersei/Jamie stuff becoming weird.
G of T - if not spoiling books that means they are making up their own stories now.
Becoming weird ? it was weird from day one when brother and sister slept with eachother and had children. LOL Just saying.
I don't think it will happen but to me the strangest thing would be for her to become pregnant again by Jamie.
YES--they are making up their own stories. Before there was some modification and divergence but from what they're saying now, there's going to be very little similarities! So,MJ--Mike and I will have no "secret" spoilery type stuff we need to keep from you. We'll all be in the same boat. Point being, that if something were say in book 5 but not yet on the TV show-- that means it's likely NOT going to be in S6 since there is VERY LITTLE similarity.
Just using logic about D&Ds statement that if very little is similar that means almost all(or similar amount) is different by definition. Since the main/central story line is moving so slowly (MJ, just think how LONG, LONG, LONG we've been waiting for winter-dare I say 6 seasons of 8) we'll have lots to guess about though. And that will be fun. MJ, we aren't absolutely sure who the main characters are that will be standing by series end. We have a guess, but a guess isn't spoilery.
Let me know if you want to hear my guesses/theories?
Bates - I'm guessing Norman is going to EVOLVE further into who he'll become based on this new friend he has met in the psych place. And I'm guessing Emma's mom is in the pit and maybe an earring fell off on the way there. But yeah it could be either way. Opie is nuts on this show agreed and I don't really remember the encounter with Caleb either.
GoT - I dunno...I think there will inevitably be some spoilers for the book. But they're going to get to the end in 2 different ways. Even GRRM said there will be some spoilers. But, maybe he doesn't really know either since he's been focusing on his stuff more now and not involved in the writing process.
I think there could be still some spoilery discussion since they are revisiting SOME plots from the book this season that they initially skipped.
GofT - yeah I agree - some spoilery stuff if they are back pedaling to skipped stories. I've read some stuff on web and some theories but prefer to watch the show cold on the whole. But thanks any way Richard.
GoT--If the reports are accurate, the ending will be the same for the show and books as it relates to the major plotline and characters. That has to be a big spoiler for book readers. Part of me thinks D&D were trying to salvage some book readers enthusiasm for when TWoW is released?
Forgot about Margery and Tommen--I wonder how that relationship is going to unfold. In rewatching S5 E1 and Cersei's fortune being told to her by the witch, I'm wondering if Tommen will get his gold shroud before he's older. To me the gold shroud could mean their blonde hair or a sign of death, so I don't know. Also, Cersei is replaced by a younger and more beautiful queen--so that fits Margery. Basically Tommen is the only remaining part of that fortune telling scene. I wonder what will happen to Cersei when she runs out of things that are supposed to happen?
GoT - Oh yeah, I'm sure there is a small hardcore faction of book readers that will refuse to watch the show because they want to read the story first. I'm sure this message was try to cater to that audience.
I think the prophecy was meant to imply all her children will die. (which I mean...what kind of prophecy is that anyway? Do we know anyone in actual history who has managed to avoid that eventual outcome!? lol I'm sure it really means they will die at an untimely age.) I also thought the prophecy was "gold will be their hair and gold will be their shrouds) So the hair part was already covered.
I still think Arya will get Cersei in the end. She's on her list!
GoT--that's a good point, I forgot about Arya's list. That would be a great S7/8 arc and fit into the comeback of the Starks. I don't think Arya will be coming back to Westeros in S6. And that's what I"m thinking about her children, so Tommen should die young.
Shield - very sad - and very well done. I shall miss Bobby and Hunter.
Limitless - ha ! They took away Brian's Headquarters!, giving him a dress code, and moved him where Naz can see him ! Too funny. And 2 new body guards - but one of them is in Morra's pocket. Have to admit that I'd forgotten about the Bruntouchables. I almost fell off the couch when the janitor stabbed himself in the leg ! I was confused by the end - Sands is not working for Morra and he has Piper and the enzyme ?
Billions - I really did not follow what exactly Axe did on 9/11 and 9/12 except take advantage of the market and make a bunch of money. Isn't that what these guys do ? It's all very Cantor Fitzgerald though. Surprised that Lara just threw in the towel and is getting rid of the farm and restaurant though. Her family was demanding that she leave Axe - but none of them would be working at this restaurant if she had not married him and had the money to open it. I did forget that Donny was really working for Axe for some reason - but talk about the long con - he's dying so it doesn't matter ! Yikes.
Shield - Yeah...that final scene was really well done. I think I forgot they were launching Marvel's Most Wanted so when you were bringing up a couple weeks ago that you didn't have a good feeling about those 2, I just had no idea why you'd think that! lol
Happy Easter this weekend everyone for all who celebrate! As I mentioned, not sure if I'm getting to the TWD recap this weekend or not. Lots of family visiting on Sunday. But I'll still put a discussion post up at a minimum.
Happy Easter!!!!!
Limitless--Yes Sands striking out on his own to it looks like set up several taking NZT. And Mora seems to be miles ahead of where Brian is. Not sure about Piper but it sure looks like Sands took her and left the bloody bracelet.
Yea, the cubicle just doesn't look nearly as much fun. I thought some of the restrictions were over the top but I guess they were trying to be funny. But to me they pushed it to the point of being ridiculous.
Vikings--OK, so I want to get this posted before I forget some things.
1. It's absolutely crazy and doesn't make sense for AEthewolf, Alfred, etc to go to Rome withOUT horses and armed escort. Royalty would not have done that. Unless the King wanted them killed and Ecbert doesn't want Alfred dead.
2. Lagertha--seriously this is becoming funny. I won't go into it all but kind of crazy.
3. Ragnar--since I know how he dies some of the things going on are making me impatient and there's no evidence he was a druggie. There is evidence that he was just the opposite right up until he died.
4.Finehair--setting him up as a kind of brutal Viking and I guess that could have been possible. He certainly had a lot to do with Viking history.
5. Rollo--things are looking good for him.
6. I wonder what's going to happen with Kwinthreth and Judith now?
7. I wonder when Bjorn is going to kill the short guy from royalty with Lagertha?
8. What's Harbard up to with Auslaug? And Ivar? I know Ivar's future and so this is
interesting somewhat.
9. BTW, just for a historic context, the Viking age was from around 793 re Lindisfarne raid to about 1066 with events surrounding the battle of Hastings.
Netflix downgrading quality. I've been saying that there is no 1080P on these wireless networks.
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