Hello TV Addicts! This is Mike V. of the Lost Addicts Blog among others. I’ve mostly stopped writing recaps regularly, but please join our discussion posts for all things TV, occasional recaps (Hello There Obi-Wan!) and search the archives for Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fringe and several other shows over the years!
Monday, May 25, 2015
TV Discussion: Week of 5/24/2015 - 5/30/2015
Hello fellow TV addicts! This is our weekly place to discuss all non-recapped TV. See you in the comments!
Orphan Black,
Summer 2015 TV,
Wayward Pines
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Vikings - finished on Sunday. What a grea season. I totally believed that Ragnar was dead ! LOL Figured they fooled me with Rollo/Bjorn/Floki that this time he was. Clever of him to not tell his people - he got to hear what they had to say about him. LOL
Daredevil - watched the first two - have to say that I was so tired I fell asleep during the second unfortunately - so will have to look at that one again. Not a reflection of the show - was just too tired to be watching.
Vikings - Definitely a great season! But, I wasn't 100% fooled on Ragnar..only because TV 101 - if they don't show you him dying and he's the main character, he's probably not dead. lol I had a sneaky suspicion the were trojan horsing it!
Daredevil - Still on my to do list, probably won't get to it until next week at the earliest with my trip. But I do have to watch the rest of Gotham and catch up on orphan black too. :)
Texas - Leslie I never remember where in Texas you live in - I hope you are ok. Such horrible devastation this weeekend.
Vikings - I always caveat that rule with a 'is this the type of show that would kill off the lead' ? But yeah - they got me. LOL
With the exception of The Returned I am now completed with last season of tv. Have a few randoms to catch up on (still haven't seen New Girl finale) but otherwise I am on to new summer shows and Netflix stuff. Was going to try to do Breaking Bad but I don't think I will be able to. We shall see.
Vikings--Ragnar will die, for the show to go where the show runners say it will go. Lagertha's storyline is overdone vs reality. It's his current wife that had more effect on history.
Did you guys pick up on the Seer and what Rollo is doing? This will be huge.
Texas - MJ, I live in the Dallas area. It's been crazy with rain all over! We've been in a drought for the last few years, but now most of the lakes have recovered to the point that boat ramps were closed over the long weekend! Doing okay in my immediate area. Thanks for asking! :)
Bloodline - Has anyone checked this out yet? It's a Netflix show. Watched about half of it over the weekend. Pretty good so far.
Bloodline - Definitely on our list to watch because of Kyle Chandler (Coach Taylor forever! Actually watched some of an FNL marathon yesterday on CMT. It was as awesome as I remember)
Vikings - Well yeah...I definitely thought they might kill Ragnar this whole season...but the very fact that he was dying in one scene and then dead the next (after a commercial) without us seeing him actually die...that's what made me suspicious. lol
Not sure what you're referring to with the Seer and Rollo, Richard but I'm sure we've discussed! lol
Texas - Glad you're okay Leslie!
Vikings--we didn't discuss the Rollo stuff since you guys weren't watching then. But, you can check my posts if you want.
Leslie - glad you are alright then. I read about that poor woman and her family in the house that was floating away calling her sister. So sad.
Wayward Pines - this show is getting nuts ! LOl Money that is not real, tracers under your skin. Creepy when he thought he saw his wife being wheeled thru the hospital. But the creepiest is all the phones going off and the entire town searching for them. If they had not caught her and tied her up right in the center of town (how weird !) I'd have said she purposely 'mistakenly' talked about her past just to ruin Ethan's escape.
Vikings - well evn if he faked his death he is pretty bad off. He's coughing up blood and peeing blood - never a good thing. I can't remember exactly what the seer said but I know that is why Rollo stayed in France to hold the camp.
Bloodline - it is on my list as well.
Wayward Pines--It's possible he saw his wife and son in the hospital from the future. I say that because there is something going on with time in WP. I hope they don't go to the time travel stuff though.
Ethan is in WP because of his friend using it kind of like a prison it seems.
Bloodline - Finished it last night. Really enjoyed it! I don't know if they are planning another season, but they left it where it could go either way, but it still had a satisfying ending.
Bates & Psycho - We watched the original Psycho over the weekend. It had been a long time since I saw it. We've talked about how amazing Freddie Highmore is as young Norman, but you can really tell that he studied Anthony Perkins and his mannerisms and way of speaking.
Wayward Pines - Have them recorded, but haven't watched yet.
Wayward - ugh - not time travel ! LOL Def something with time though. Both woman who now dead and his former partner think it is year 2000. Kate - th ex-partner thinks that she has been married to hubby for 12 years, dead girl came in 1999 and thinks it's been one year and it is currently 2000. They are clearly establishing that Ethan has had hallucinations in the past though.
Bates/Psycho - I haven't seen that in so long. Might have o try to watch it.
Daredevil - have seen 5 episodes now. Pretty good. Don't know that the raves it got were accurate but I'm enjoying it. I know pretty much nothing about this comic so it's all new - didn't even know he was blind until the netflix show debuted. LOL Has some decent gore too.
Vikings - I did go back and read your posts after I finished. So you're talking about the William the Conqueror stuff, right?
Daredevil - I had a feeling it couldn't possibly live up to the hype it's getting! lol I don't know much about Daredevil either but I DID know he was blind. :) Apprently, it's very true to the source material though from what I've heard.
Wayward - Still haven't watched, but maybe next week when I'm back home.
Gotham - trying to get through the remaining episodes of this. Nothing too thrilling to report yet. Almost done the 3rd to last ep. And I know what happens by the end of the season to a particular character. (which it was already known that actor/actress wasn't returning anyway lol)
Wayward - Watched the first two episodes. Wow! Couldn't believe it when all the phones went off and minutes later the one girl was getting her throat slashed! Of course, one of the rules is to always answer the phone. These rules are nothing like Gibbs' rules! lol I'm glad this is a 10 episode "event". I really like that we have these event shows now that have an ending to the story.
Vikingds--William comes into play later. But Alfred the Great has been born on Vikings. There has been only ONE leader in the UK's history that has been called Great, so this guy is a big deal. Rollo becomes great in his own name. I don't want to spoil it for you but basically what he creates is one of the greatest midevil powers and remains part of one of the key powers today.
Vikings - I don't consider ACTUAL history a spoiler! I do wiki the viking stuff on occasion to see where the story may be going. lol
It's like going to see Titanic and being mad at someone for spoiling that that the ship sinks!
Vikings--LOL on Titanic and it sinking being a spoiler. Well, almost all of the history on this show is true but almost no one knows it. It makes it very compelling for me to watch since I know a lot of the history.
BUT, LET"S BE CLEAR HERE, I don't want to ruin the show for you guys. Are you saying if I told you what and when happens to the main characters in laying out actual history that it won't be a spoiler? For example I was almost certain Ragnar was not dead because I KNOW how he dies and even told you earlier that we saw the guy who kills him.
The show runner has said they will take it until America is discovered and they've been greenlighted for more eps per season while increasing the geography dramatically and maintaining quality. This show could become like GoT as far as production costs and complexity. Especially since they are so proud of no CGI.
This show will have scenes for Italy, the Med, Iceland, America, etc LIke GoT, they do a lot of shots in Ireland.
Vikings- Okay...very good points. I'll just say "use your discretion!" lol
Wayward Pines--who didn't know Ben was going to be trouble, like his Dad--lol. So, why is Ethan so special? Pretty good that he found Theresa's car. So, why didn't Ethan tell Theresa about what's going on? Leaving her in the dark was just dumb.
So, are they surrounded by canibals or something?
WP--forgot to say this show is great. Love that the sheriff, a major character, was taken out.
So, to be clear, I'll say it this way. Maybe the fence keeps bad things out as well as keep the WP people in. Which makes me wonder if Ethan is in WP to help vs as a pure captive. And what's up with those creepy kids we keep seeing. Are they really the ones in control.
But, the time differences make me wonder if some alien stuff is involved?
WP--OH yea, did you all notice that it was children that told Theresa about a wreck going into WP? Are those part of the children that stand creepily at the windows.
BTW, the line that the sheriff cut was for the brakes.
Wayward Pines - Who knows what's going on in this place? So many ways this could go. It's just crazy! Ethan was stupid not to tell his wife that crazy stuff was happening and that Kate was there before he went out to talk to her, but I guess that made things more dramatic for the storytelling.
Texas - MJ asked the other day about the flooding around here. It got really crazy in the Dallas area last night. There were areas flooding that don't usually have issues. Thankfully I don't live near a river, lake or creek. We officially have broken the record of the wettest May ever!
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