Monday, April 27, 2015

TV Discussion: Week of 4/26/2015 - 5/2/2015

Hello fellow TV addicts!  This is our weekly place to discuss all non-recapped TV.  See you in the comments!


Anonymous said...

Yea, it's up.

Madmen--So now it starts to look like we're going somewhere. To me the SCCP West vs McCann thing is a lot more complicated for our heroes than just moving into a large office. It's about their ties to each other, their striving, their ownership, their not wanting change(SCDP was the only place some have worked), their inability accept success, etc. Don did kind of like the idea of Coca Cola though.

HOw this works out being in the McCann building, will tell us a lot about how the show ends. I think Don has a hard time being content even with success. He seems to be incapable of accepting and living in happiness. True happiness comes from within and so maybe that's his problem. He's looking outside for what should come from the inside. We'll see.


Mike V. said...

Mad Men - In addition to everything you said, which I agree with, I think it's really just symbolizing and end of an era. And end to THE ERA that we've been covering. With the company being dissolved, it's a perfect way for the show to end. Obviously, there is a lot more to the characters than just the company, but it's a great global arc that we can identify with. really good episode.

Anonymous said...

Must see TV--NFL draft Thursday night. dvring all else

Grimm--I could actually accept an Adalind and Nick get together. I actually like her better than Juliette. I suspect not just Nick's Mom, but the girl grimm will come for the big showdown.

I've actually been very unhappy that Nick has been portrayed as not very powerful this season. He's been knocked around a lot vs prior seasons that wouldn't have happened. It's like they work hard to establish him as powerful then abandoned that plot line.


MJ said...

Secrets & Lies - I got behind on this one Leslie and have just watched the last 2 - not counting the new one last night. Seriously ? Double parked in a mall that I'm sure is full of cameras and you decide to then run into the woods and bury the flashlight ? Then tell Dave about it ? And his wife kicks him to the curb at the family christmas ? So Ben seriously barges in on his lawyer's christmas? And Ben just let's Jess just walk away without teling him when she remembers something about that night ? Whaaat ? And why had Ben waited til now to really try to remember what happened - and Dave waited to tell his friend he was drugged ? This show is getting pretty silly. And now they are pointing the finger at Christy - which means it was not her who did it. I'm thinking it has to be someone who has not yet been shown to look guilty. Hoping it's not his oldest daughter.

Grimm - yeah but he wasn't a Grimm for part of that time he was getting knocked around. But when Hank was spirit thing he was kicking Nick's butt. I hope Trubel does come back.

NFL - ugh - never watch the draft. Rather just read about it next day.

Anonymous said...

NFL, oh come on, we've got to see if Jameis goes first to the Bucs. I think he will. I played college ball with Lovie(HC of Bucs)but haven't seen him for a while. Just so busy.


Leslie said...

Secrets - MJ, I thought the same thing when he went into the woods with the flashlight! I agree with you on all the other silliness, but I'm still enjoying the show....maybe because I know the mystery will be solved in the finale next week. I was thinking it might be Christy, but I guess not. Wait until you see last night's episode!

Anonymous said...

Gotham--So, was Barb totally innocent? I think she's a little more like her roommate than Gordon realizes. Two favors owed to penguin, hmm, Gordon's going to regret that. So penguin has Falcone and Maronnie fighting each other, pretty smart tactics.


Mike V. said...

Gotham has taken a backburner for me now too. Focusing on Vikings. lol

Vikings - I'm in the middle of the siege on Paris. about halfway through the episode. I can't imagine Ragnar is going to be okay with Floki killing Athelstan...especially now that he's confessed to his wife. We shall see! And crazy lady in England has a child from Ragnar. Does that count as one of his 3 wives?? lol

Last Man on Earth - I thought Sunday was the finale but it wasn't. I really think it's hysterical how they keep playing different angles on the same concept and the balance of attraction keeps shifting. Forte calmed down his behavior in this ep but there's so many things going on it's worth watching. Next week is the finale.

Modern Family - Just caught up from last week. Funny ep with the whole inappropriate statue. lol

MJ said...

Bates - another good episode. How chilling was Norma screaming 'you're going to kill me Norman' ? You catch Norman checking his mother out ? Ewww. My jaw was dropped cause at first I did not realize that when Norma is telling Norman it's ok to have feelings for your mother, teacher or pet that is was the Norma in his head. Not until I realized that the 3 listed were specifically the 3 that Norman has wanted or killed or lost. Somethng very menacing about that pool hole though Norma was almost giddy about it ! Only 2 more eps left so I'm thinking it's about to get crazy. Romero seemed happily liking Norma - til Bob went and told him some dirt about her sleeping with the shrink. Think we all knew the 'raod trip' would not go well. Took me a minute to figure out who the girl at the end was - Bradley from season 1.

Richard - Lovie as in Lovie Smith ? Didn't realize he went to coach the bucs.

Veep - this has been really good this season.

Mike V. said...

Bates - I assumed it would be Bradley at the end of the episode. She must be back from filming Transformers 4 finally! LOL I had to go online to catch that last minute...DVR always cuts it off so I finally extended the "OnePass" to catch it in the future. Yeah I caught all the inappropriate Mother/Son stuff going on! lol

Wait what? The norman/norma conversation about it being appropriate was in his head??? I guess that makes sense...Carlton Cuse tweeted right after the episode that it is something we should be asking "was it in his head"....but I just assumed he meant the last scene, which wouldn't make sense to be in his head.

Yeah someone is definitely getting buried in that pool hole...or someone is going to fall in at least!

Yeah...that was the ol' "seems too good to be true" when Romero finally came around on Norma and was going to express his feelings.

And yes...we all knew the road trip would not go well! lol

Anonymous said...

Lovie Smith--yea, he was an upper classman. He and Watts were the 2 fastest on the team. It was so much fun watching them race sometimes. They ran in the 4.3 range.


Anonymous said...

Vikings--I am already so sad about it not being on this week


mj said...

Vikings - i feel ya. Is how I felt first tuesday with no Justified

Mike V. said...

TV Shows wrapping up - I think I'm the only one that gets excited when shows are over. Just 1 extra hour I can watch something else or I don't have to worry about falling behind on something else! :-)

But, that's just the stage of life for me right now. lol

Game of Thrones I certainly do miss when it's not on. LOST, I missed when it wasn't on (and still miss it!)

Mike V. said...

And Justified of course I'm sad that it's over! But I was glad to have the hour back on Tuesdays!

Anonymous said...

Shield, so setting up the movie. And Fury's coming back? And that girl calls out of nowhere(fury's comander). It's like all of a sudden there is an infrastructure/command and control out of nowhere. I found it hokey!! But probably needed to be reestablished so that it could realistically be tied to movie.

It's a fantasy show---lol. Entertaining ep though.

BTW,I don't think Jemma's a very good actor, so most probably find her great--lol. But when she killed Bachi at the end it was like--"a side of fries with that order"--I mean her killing him was absolutely ZERO effect on her. I think that was her first kill and so that would have some effect on anyone.

Not a good show for kids.


mj said...

Twd - Took weeks to get over being done. I dont mind my proceduurals going off - want to watch some stuff I've been hoarding like Vikings, Returned, house of Cards, rewatch of Break Bad - all on my summer to do list. Also don't mibd most comedies being done

MJ said...

Gotham - sure kill the one character that made Barbara actually interesting. Since she named her parents isn't she also guilty ? Did not realize Jada Pinkett-Smith was leaving the show . Guessing alot of people are going to die not that it will be a mob war.

Anonymous said...

Gotham--exactly, Barb sure isn't innocent to me, of course we know she has a bad side for several reasons! I'm thinking the Fish character has run her course, several have wanted her off. I thought her storyline was running out and I wasn't liking the off shore body parts business. BUT, I thought she was actually one of the better actresses and characters.

Flash--So everyone knows Wells is a fake and from the future. And no Dad approval on Iris's wedding proposal. We don't know why but maybe we suspect--lol. I think all were shocked when they saw Iris and Barry were married in 2024.


Anonymous said...

Avengers--Ultron movie--Reviews not great. Bloated, no to little character development, sketchy plot,etc. Worst yet??

We will likely see Saturday, was hoping for at least a good rating.

They say Whedon wasn't allowed to make the movie as he wanted. This one seems made by a committee.


Anonymous said...

LOL on new Avengers movie--read more critics and the last batch was like 3 out of 4, 3.5 out of 5. So, that's not bad.


Mike V. said...

Avengers - I try to avoid reviews of movies I want to see. Guess I couldn't avoid this one! lol Anyway, we already booked tix and have a sitter. I'm sure it'll still rake in lots of money...record breaking year for Disney this year.

Vikings - finale plus 20 minutes of the penultimate episode left. Things aren't looking good for Floki! Or Ragnar for that matter. We shall see!

MJ said...

Flash - another great episode ! Thank god Iris finally has a clue - this poor actress has been given nothing to do. And she marries Barry in the
future ! And Barry created the AI that controls the vault. I could not believe Joe told Eddie no - too funny. My biggest issue - they want to get
Faux Wells to confess to killing Barry's mom so his dad can get out of jail - do they really think they can take a tape to police that states I traveled
back in time to kill the flash but instead killed his mom when he Flash also traveled back in time to kill me ? Just saying ! But Barry's face was just so sad when he realized his mom's death was because of him. Totally did not see it coming that Faux Wells would send the shapeshifter - though knew Wells was probably suspicious. But why did Wells take Eddie ? Protecting the gene line ? I hope the reality of the hatred between the Allens and the Thawnes does not boil down in the end to being about the girl that got away - that would be lame ! So - was the AI about to say 'Justice League' ? This really is the BEST comics show on tv!

Shield - crap ! i was not planning on going to see the Avengers for several weeks - I hate packed movie theaters. But why do I feel that I have to see the movie before watching the finale 2 eps of the show ? Do you know if that is true Mike ? So Coulsen got a coup because he was keeping secrets and he is still keeping them. LOL Loved Maria's reaction to the fact that they vote !

Anonymous said...

Flash, I believe the Thawnes vs Allens is something that will happen between Barry and Eddie--maybe even over Iris. But exacerbated by Eddie or someone in the Thawne line being killed. And that death related to Barry. Basically I think Thawne/Wells is trying to keep something bad from happening to someone he loves in the future. But until that time, he needs Barry alive for something to happen which he wants to happen.

I've been wondering if ultimately Reverse Flash and Flash team together to go back in time and change things so Barry's Mom lives? Maybe they consider it, but realize it won't work? Something along these lines.

Shield--LOL--You could just dvr Shield's final 2 hours and just watch it later. I think it would help to see the movie before those 2 hours. I also believe rewatching the end of this ep with the sceptor and the end of the last Avengers movie will help before going to see the new Avengers/Ultron.

BTW, am I the only one who read Foxtrot this Sunday where they were going to go watch Avengers/Ultron? So funny about choices.


Anonymous said...

Vikings--Now you're into the good stuff. I can't wait to post with you about the finale.

So much I want to say, but I'll be good. YOu can also go back and read my posts on the eps.


Anonymous said...

BTW, Flash and time travel. Of course going back is not possible but time dilation going forward is. Anyway, Interstellar really challenged a lot of past movies/TV shows on the time travel stuff. It was pretty good. And of course there was the old paradox issue.


Mike V. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MJ said...

Ha ! Mike you posted GofT stuff here. Too funny

Shield - I'm off monday and hubby just surprised me by buying tickets for Avengers. So not an issue now. Bu thanks richard.

Foxtrot ? Never heard of it besides the dance. LOL

Mike V. said...

Not only did I post my GoT stuff here...i posted my other comments in Game of Thrones! Had both tabs open in browswer and was writing comments in a separate email at work first. lol

Here's the FIX:

SHIELD - I read that the final episodes are closely tied to The Avengers. So yes the hints from Tuesday's ep was that the next SHIELD eps will probably be in a Post-Avengers fallout....kinda like what they did with Captain America last year.

I'm not a fan of packed theaters either...but we're going to a theater where we were able to reserve our seats. lol

I think I was asleep for half of the SHIELD episode this past Tuesday (so exhausted these days)...but I saw enough to see the band back together and the Avengers setup. (Whedon has gone on record saying that he treats his movies as if the TV show doesn't exist. He's not happy that they resurrected Coulson. That said, it's out of his hands....and the MCU canon says they're all in the same sandbox)

Richard, I'm not even sure what you mean when you say Foxtrot besides it being a military code for "F" lol

Vikings - I know you posted a lot and I'll try to go back and read them. I should be done tomorrow morning if all goes well. (i.e. my kids don't wake up early and creep in on my "me" time! lol)

Mike V. said...

Funny MJ you went with the DANCE and I went with the MILITARY CODE for Foxtrot!

Anonymous said...

OK on Foxtrot--LOL, you're going to know way too much of my geekness now. So here's a link to last Sunday's comic. BTW, MJ--you're x-Navy you should know your flag codes--lol

BTW, I should have said WinterSoldiers ending ties to the new movies beginning.


Mike V. said...

Read the foxtrot entry Richard. Good times. lol

I'm excited about the movie, but I'll be honest...those 2 minutes of watching the Star Wars trailer on the big screen is going to be pretty awesome too!! :) Added bonus...Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (apparently DC and Marvel worked out a deal to have their movies previewed before each other's films).....though, I'm not too impressed by what I'm seeing of these trailers. way too dark in themes. Darker doesn't always mean better. Marvel has certainly found a better balance with their recent films. We'll see if Ultron is in the same light.

MJ said...

Foxtrot - never heard of that comic so had no clue. And you are right on the flags ! LOL

Didn't get to Blacklist - though almomst never do on thursday.

Richard - I see your Bucs got who they wanted !

Mike V. said...

Vikings - Well, my kids DID wake up early but I still finished! lol It was good! Richard, I'll go back and read your old posts but I have to say one thing first. It was pretty obvious to me what they were doing with Ragnar. Oldest trick in the book of television....if you don't see someone actually die, then they're not dead. They showed him "dying" and then "lifeless" but they skipped the part where he actually died. I thought I missed it between commercials so I rewound and watched again. Then I knew they were Trojan Horsing Paris. lol The whole "month later" thing was a tip off too...but what the hell is wrong with him that he wouldn't have healed if he was still alive?? Infection?

Nice cliffhanger with Ragnar acknowledging to Floki he knows....and Rollo will probably attempt to woo the Emperor's daughter. I saw you mention something about William the Conqueror in one of your old I'll be sure to read up.

My TiVo cut off the s4 preview but it looks like some is already filmed??? Maybe it's coming back earlier than normal? I think I also saw you said there will be 16 episodes. Maybe they're going with the Walking Dead strategy of airing 8 in the fall and 8 in the spring so it's more continuous throughout the year.

Anyway, glad I caught up! Next: Americans, then Gotham or Grimm. Once I catch up on all of this stuff...I'm definitely going to check out Daredevil on Netflix.

Anonymous said...

Vikings--great, now we can post--lol and enjoy!

Yea, 16 eps next season, big budget increase due to more eps and more scale, more sets, more actors. They are known to avoid CGI and so expensive production over several other shows.

I was thinking about Ragnar jumping out of the casket as well. Particularly when recalling the Seer telling Ragnar about taking Paris from the dead rising or similar. If you do a rewatch, go back and make sure you look at what the seer says. His visions go beyond one season. So, I am waiting for Lagertha to be cleaved by a trickster.

You can research Count Rollo. Again, one of the most important men in history. Norman/Saxon wars started somewhere. And again most don't realize it, but cultural and Christian assimilation probably did the most to stop Viking raids.

You can tell though, Ragnar's time is running out. I just hope the show is as good without Travis Fimmel. He's had less screen time this year, I think in part to wean the audience?? Aslaug has a critical role to play likely next season.


Mike V. said...

Vikings - I remember you being interested in what the seer said. I read all the interviews with the showrunner that you linked to and read up on Rollo too. All interesting stuff to see what they'll integrate into the show. You don't think Lagertha and the trickster is the person that usurped her Earldom?

I did read that they try not to use too much CGI but with the Paris siege they had to. Makes was pretty elaborate and looked good!

MJ said...

Shield - wasn't happy with what they did to MIke. I liking the new Ward - says how he's willing to help now and sorry for some things - but not throwing Fitz & Simmons into the ocean in a metal box. I loved that Coulsen had ulterior motives on this mission given that that is why Real Shield over-threw him. But Gonzalez's face was great when Coulsen said Fury will be back for the tool box. Apparently I missed the line taht Rayna had about men made of metal will destroy or cities - so that would have been my answer as to do I need to see the movie before the finale of the show ! Duh !

I'll be starting Daredevil, House Cards or Vikings by end of May. Don't know which first.

Mike V. said...

Summer shows - ugh...yeah I still need to watch House of Cards. We watched 3 from the new season then just kinda stopped. Want to watch Bloodline too....Kyle Chandler FTW! lol

Mike V. said...

Btw...Avengers in t-minus 3 hours for us. Already working from my parents so we can ditch the kids and make the 5:00 show!

Anonymous said...

Vikings--Yea, Kalf taking over Lagertha's old Earldom was first one I thought of. Keep in mind that she's already told him that she is going to kill him--lol. Interesting you call Kalf a usurper--lol. Especially when you recall how she got it and how most in the earldom wanted Kalf. I'm not sure who will die first, Kalf or Lagertha but if we understand the seer correctly, Kalf will kill Lagertha. Of course Ecbert is a trickster too and he's almost tied with Kalf as the one who will kill Lagertha. Especially after she slept with him too. The others of course are Floki and Kwinthreth.

Just rewatched Winter Soldier. So, Bucky is winter soldier and capt is going after him.


Mike V. said...

Marvel - yeah winter soldier is probably my favorite marvel movie so far. The whole Bucky storyline is from the comics. It was briefly touched on in avengers 2 but more a fit for the standalone films. Though civil wars will have iron man in it too so no telling how much it'll focus on Bucky. Avengers was good! Lots of over the top cgi but it was entertaining. Not sure how it'll really impact agents of shield though. Guess we'll see! There definitely were some tie ins to the TV show in the early parts of the movie. But wouldn't have mattered if you watched it or not.

Mike V. said...

I should clarify I don't read the comics but I know a bit of where it could go. Lol

Anonymous said...

Ultron was better than the reviews I saw. Agree on way too much CGI, so boring in parts while the movie intended to be over the top exciting. Seriously, too much CGI action no matter how much improved I just find laughable for any movie. The Bucky stuff may be a bigger deal in the next movies. Certainly him being used and brainwashed in the movies was a major storyline. Maybe he's too big for TV--LOL. But, I seriously think the TV show runners are more about pushing female heroes and that's OK. Maria, Coulson and Fury I think are the only 3 characters that have been in both the movies and TV show??? Maybe there was that girl heroine from Thor's world??

I really couldn't get into the Bruce/Romanov romance. Her chemistry was better with Capt for example. Crazy how Hawkeye has a family. Sad that Capt doesn't see himself having one.

How about that new hero with the stone, what's his name?? I didn't catch it nor recall it from the comic world.


Anonymous said...

Ultron--I think the new Shield HQ in upstate NY could be in the TV show?

And Fury being back was great. LOL, ALL the reviews I saw basically said he had a cameo appearance. What a bunch of misrepresentations. I read those descriptions and was disappointed whereas he had more to do in the movie. IF they had said nothing I would have been more positively disposed towards seeing the show before seeing the show--lol.
