Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Walking Dead: Season 10 - Episodes 17 to 22 Discussion

 Hello all!  We’re back with more TWD Season 10!  Anyone who is still visiting knows I’ve since given up on recaps.  We have 6 bonus episodes of season 10 before we’ll launch into an extended final season of this series.  We’ll see if I get more invested as we get closer to the end and am inspired to write some more.  Until then, we can chat here about each remaining episode of season 10.  See you in the comments! 


Mike V. said...

Episode 17 - Home Sweet Home

Just finished. Welcome back Maggie! Hershel is a mini Glenn! No word on PA crew yet. Negan/Maggie dynamic will be an interesting one to watch. Reapers, Pope...don’t know anything about them, but maybe I will by the next time i comment. Lol That’s all for now!

MJ said...

Sorry - watched Monday - but had to go into office Tuesday for the day - and they won't let me post due to that Google signon thing. My dept is now full-time remote - whole dept (100+) desks is to be re-configured to be hotel space - save for the few peeps who have been going inregularly for the last year. So had to empty my desk out. SIGH.

Wow - he really is a little Glenn. I cracked up when he was in the tree - remember Glenn in very early days was into Par Kor ? So long ago. So this is the start of those bonus episodes right ? Thought for sure that when Elijah removed that mask he would be like horribly disfugured - gues he wears it for safety ? Glad that Carol told Maggie right away why Negan was with the Whisperers. Been waiting for the Georgie peeps to come back - guess now that won't happen. Not that I remembered the name - but these were the ladies who traded architectural plans for record albums. Harsh that just after Maggie finds some of her people they start getting taken out ! So now it is the Reapers - why do they all have to be psychos ? LOL That is why I looked forward to Georgia and her peeps - there has to be decent folks out there ! Oh well. Guess that would be a dull story.

Mike V. said...

Wow that’s crazy on work. We’re still targeting to go back, but I’m still not sure in what form and when.

Yep....little Hershel definitely gave me vibes of season 1 Glenn. This is the start of the bonus episodes. I didn’t get the point of the mask for Elijah. Guess that story is coming. Or he didn’t want people to see he was afraid...because I certainly didn’t get that vibe until I saw him. the mask makes him more of a badass. Lol. Ahh right....the record people...forgot about that. Definitely remember Georgie... We always have to have some unredeemable bad guys! Reapers is the new flavor of the month. Maybe the last villain? Or maybe just for these bonus eps.

I’m hoping that Eugene’s treks will lead to more allies. But we’ll see I guess. Could be allies AND more conflict.

MJ said...

I am just hoping Eugene's trek leads to SOMETHING. LOL cause it's been dull with the exception of meeting the crazy girl - who's name eludes me.

Mike V. said...

Oh yeah I can’t remember her name either but she’s entertaining for sure. They just ran into a bunch of storm troopers at the end of the ORIGINAL finale. So maybe it’s leading somewhere. I just hope Eugene meets the girl of his dreams and they have an actual happy ending. The show could use some happiness!

I also wonder...will we see the RICK movie before the series finale? Because surely he’ll come back for that right? Him and Michonne?

MJ said...

Yeah - not sure if either will really come back. Not even sue they finished the movies at this point.

Mike V. said...

I’m calling it. Any time a major star leaves a series and isn’t dead they always return for the series finale. lol But yeah with the way they’re doing the final season, there’s still time to film that movie too. But we’ll see.

EPISODE 18 - Too Lazy to look up the name. Let’s call it the “DARYL CATCH UP EPISODE”

It was weird. Lots of time jumps but basically covered the “6 year” gap after Rick’s disappearance. And ol Daryl fell in love. He also referred to Rick as his brother that he was looking for. We were meant to think Merle for a second but it was clearly Rick. I don’t know if I like the fact that Leah named “DOG” ....”DOG” instead of Daryl. Just seems more of a Daryl thing to do. Lol.

Pretty meh episode for me, but it introduced a character for Daryl to make him more 3 dimensional I guess. Plus it dealt with his issues with Carol too. I’m sure it’ll all come back to play at some point.

MJ said...

So this was the time that Daryl was gone while searching for Rick right ? Leave it to Daryl to throw a fish at some chick he likes LOL While her story was sad - kid dying the day Dog was born - what was the point to all this? And why would she leave Dog behind ? Wondering if the whole point to this was that note he left 'find me'. Meaning she will be popping up on the show. I don't care about the romance stuff really - but it seems like some fans are totally Carol/Daryl shippers. Which i am not. Then it was Connie/Daryl. Now it Leah/Daryl I guess ? Loved Daryl flat out telling Carol that Connie was on her though !

LOL on naming the dog DOG would be typical Daryl - and you are right

Mike V. said...

Yes this was the 6 year period we didn’t see where Daryl left the commune and was looking for Rick. I assume it was to introduce this female love interest for Daryl as we’re moving towards the end of the show. If Daryl survives the dude needs a happy ending. lol. And we know she’s probably still alive. I’m sure there’s more to the story of why she’s not there...especially since DOG was left behind. Yeah...apparently this was a shocking revelation that Daryl had a love interest. Since yes....there were Carol/Daryl shippers. I always saw them as really good friends. I liked that too on Daryl about Connie.

When do we see Eugene and crew? They better not be saving that for S11. lol

MJ said...

Yeah - Daryl needs to have happy ending - and be with someone But never saw Carol and him romantically either. Course - never saw the Carol/Ezekiel relationship either. That was a weird one !

Mike V. said...

Of course Daryl/Carol have a spinoff coming too. We don’t know what time period that is. Now that we’ve seen his 6 year stint I doubt it would be during then. But it could be. There were still enough jumps in time.

Norman Reedus was on Fallon last night. I happened to catch it. He brought up how these 6 episodes were shot in the worst of COVID so they’re intentionally intimate episodes. That’s why we’re not seeing any big stuff. Makes sense. The walkers need to be protected from COVID too! Lol He said they’re currently filming Season 11 and the episodes are much bigger again. But he liked the idea of exploring the aftermath of the big battles from S10. So, that should help set expectations for the remaining 4. Lol

MJ said...

LOL on walkers need protection from Covid ! Not sure i want to watch the spinoff - but who we kidding ? You know I will. SIGH.

Mike V. said...

I might be convinced to watch. But my wife will definitely bail. Watching TWD is a chore for her these days. Writing the recaps was a chore for me but I still like watching! Lol. But the whole expanded universe outside of the main cast? I’m out.

Mike V. said...

Episode 19 - One More

Never thought I needed a Gabriel/Aaron episode. Might still not have needed it but it was decent. Can never go wrong with twice the Robert Patrick either and a little Russian roulette. When it opened up with not showing any walker kills and just blood spatter on plants I was thinking, “yep....that’s a socially distant way of making things artsy” lol These eps are okay. Looks like we will get more of Team Eugene next week, but it does look like they’ll be all separated to keep with the socially distant filming techniques. 3 more of these.

MJ said...

Was an ok ep. Honestly tho - the two most boring of the characters did not need an entire show focused on them. Saying. Always loved some Robert Patrick tho. Russian roulette was a little tense - I will give them that. Gues they are no longer taking in people ? When Gabe killed Mays he did not know about the guys brother and family up in the attic afterall. And hey - they bring some por back for any one else? LOL

Yeah - makes sense that Covid caused the changes in how many actors were on set. Heard they had to change the last few eps of Supernatural for same reason. Heard some fighting had to be removed.

Hey - you gotten the vax yet ?

Mike V. said...

Agreed....wasn’t very exciting. Looks like Aaron was genuine on inviting Mays to come with them, but I thought it was a bit risky. I was with Gabe!

Makes sense on Supernatural too.

VAX - actually got dose 1 today! You?

MJ said...

Oh I've been had mine since work for a health system. Husband gets second in about 1 1/2 weeks.

Glad to hear you got it. I was going to share a link where you can sign up in SJ - which I know is a bit of a drive - but if you were having issues getting it thought it would help. But that is fine now. But if you know any one in SJ who is looking - let me know.

Mike V. said...

That’s great! Thanks for thinking of me, appreciate it! I do have roots in SJ, so the link might still be helpful. I totally would’ve went for a drive to get this taken care of. Lol But I lucked out hitting a local site at the right time.

MJ said...

Will watch tonight !

Mike V. said...

We watched, but I’ll wait to comment!

MJ said...

I forgot yesterday to hop over here about TWD ! Sorry. Interesting ep - i knew pretty quick that Zeke was not there ! LOL Back in the railcars. I remember bing so surprised how quickly Terminus got wound up. At this point - hard to say - I feel like Princess has only been with them a few weeks ? Later Walking day said about a week - so how much info coul she really give ? The questioning reminded me of the old 3 questions to bring in new member - which i reminded my husband of last week when they did not attempt to question Robert Patrick or his brother. Don't believe that the newbie princess railed on was a rookie tho. Watched Talking Dead last night - it was actually a pretty funny one. Zeke even sayin - we all know stormtroopers can't shoot the side of a barn !

Mike V. said...

Looks like I forgot too! Yeah I got all the same vibes....this is this group’s way of vetting new people. And I wondered the same thing with Robert Patrick..but of course Gabriel just offed him. Lol. Nice on the stormtrooper comment on TD. I didn’t watch. Never have time these days! Episode was okay. Yeah Princess is a head case alright! You were just comparing to Terminus right? This wasn’t ACTUALLY terminus again, right? I think we’re up North now. Lol. I’m still confused if these are the people Eugene was trying to meet up with or we’re stuck at a detour along the way. Lol.

MJ said...

Yeah - not sure if Eugene's original intended people or a new group. But the girl he was trying to meet up with was hyper careful about revealing anything. She was in Pa right ? Not Ricks group surely - they dressed in black I recall. Terminus - think that was still Georgia. They moved to Va quite a while ago - i think Noah brought them there ? Just that the rail cars reminded me of Terminus - which was disappointing to me anyway.

Mike V. said...

Yeah i knew Terminus was still Georgia. I was just confused by the comment. It just reminded you of Terminus. Lol. Yeah probably not Rick’s group. I saw a headline the other day that Rick’s movie will be a lot different than TWD. I didn’t read further on it. Lol. Yes the girl Eugene was talking to was in PA. The town I recall knowing, but can’t remember it for the life of me! I have no idea where they are right now!

Mike V. said...

Didn’t get to the new episode last night. Will try to fit it in tonight.

MJ said...

Ok - Don't read til you have !******************************

Another of the 'personal' eps - which we all expected. But they added Jerry to this one. And now Carol is on the redemption path. Kinda starting to be glad this only has one more season honestly. Besides - the last few years FTWD has been better thent he original. Was she planning on putting that rat IN the soup ? I kept wondering. Shades of Demolition Man with the Rat Burger. What was the whole demo of that wall? Just showing frustration ? Big score by Daryl finding the soldiers and the MREs and their knives and Ammo. WOuld have been nice to find the gun the ammo goes to... but ya take what ya got. LOL

Mike V. said...

I watched. was bad! Lol After it ended I said to my wife “so that was an episode of television”. Then i revised my statement “well maybe it wasn’t even that” lol I looked on IMDB at the ratings for these episodes. Last week’s was a 5 out of 10. This one was a 4.3! I mean nothing got resolved. Sure, Jerry forgives Carol...does Jerry represent everyone’s but Daryl? Because we surely didn’t get any resolution there. I was actually joking with Daryl driving in the woods right before what happened saying, “yep Daryl keeps finding gas for that thing”....not knowing the whole episode would be dedicated to him finding gas. Lol And getting a new knife and ammo. I thought the same with the gun. Maybe it’ll be Checkov’s ammo and we shouldn’t rule out a s11 tie-in. Next week will be a Negan origin story it appears. But I’m sure it’ll still be the smaller scale thing again. I bet we get a preview of what they’re doing for the final season to get people amped up. Because right now, I’m dreading sundays at 9!

MJ said...

Yeah - but I do blame Covid in part. Now I know why they decided to call these bonus eps from last season rather then part of new season - cause they couldn't actually DO anything with the story. They probably had a few actors left in the area who did not have to travel and did what they could. And a little prep work for the Darol? Caryl ? spinoff.

Mike V. said...

Oh yeah for sure COVID is to blame. It’s cool they could do something, but they’re a tough watch. Yeah maybe it is prep work for the spinoff...i didn’t consider that. The Negan story might be good. We’re going to meet the real Lucille.

Mike V. said...

Ep 22 - Negan ep. we finally watched. Could kinda see where it was going but finally they had a really well done ep! Flashbacks within flashbacks and we finally see how Lucille came to be and apparently end. Typing on my phone and can write more tomorrow but just thought I’d say that I watched it!

MJ said...

So we got to meet the real Lucille. And Carol and Daryl moved his stuff out to some cabin. Funny - I always thought his wife died before the apocolypse happened. I understand that the actress is his real world wife. Sad that she died and turned - and tht Negan left her to burn and maybe die.

Mike V. said...

I figured that cabin was Daryl’s girl’s cabin, was it not? She didn’t just die (the wife) she killed herself the day he left to get the meds. (Got that tidbit on Talking Dead). So that definitely left an imprint on him. We knew he was proved to violence so he tried to stay away from it. But her death is what spawned his new lease on life and his mean streak. Now we’re meant to think it’s gone. But the final season will have some Maggie/Negan stuff which will be entertaining. And they made a point on TD to ask the questions “where is Michonne?” And “where is Rick?” So I am 100% sure they’d return for the series finale. Whether a movie happens before that I don’t know.

MJ said...

Yes - she suffocated herself I think ? Then asked him to not leave her turned. Which - he kinda did. Not sure if a fire would kill a walker ? Not sure about the cabin. Wasn't there a cabin outside Alexandria that Carol staying in for a bit ?

Mike V. said...

I wondered about the fire killing her too. But it was thematic with him burning Lucille the BAT in the end too. Lol. Carol was staying in some house outside Alexandria. I don’t recall it being a cabin in the woods though. But it may have been! Funnily enough, when he went in there and there was a rocking chair I immediately thought of Jacob’s Cabin on LOST. But you know...that’s just what my mind ALWAYS does!

MJ said...

LOL on Jacobs Cabin

Simon Sandiford said...

Hi Mike... Not sure why I am posting on a TWD blog as I've never actually watched it... Just finished Flashforward today... Left you comments on those blogs but as I'm the only commenter in the last 10 years I guess you don't get notified of them. Hopefully you'll blog on the final season of Better Call Saul to help me follow that easier! I'll be back here when thst starts.

Mike V. said...

He Simon! No I didn’t get the comments. I’ll go check them out but I can honestly say I don’t remember anything from that show lol. We’re still commenting on new tv on the post below this twd thread. It says winter 2021 but it’s just ongoing. I usually post a new one when we go over 200 comments. :) we’ll definitely talk Saul but I doubt I’ll have time to recap! It’s a new era for my tv watching with a 9 and 7 year old occupying my time outside of work!

Anonymous said...

HI ALL, just dropping in, didn't read all comments above, just scanned
Unfortunately, I'm not watching anything you guys are and visa versa.
Except maybe Debris?

I've been into:
Prodigal Son
Gangs of London--some old GoT actors
Gloaming--I really thought you guys would be into this one.
and mystery shows/movies & some comedies

Kind of sad when HBOMax has very little I want to watch. Caught the latest Justice League and Kong vs Godzilla. The JL movie seems to reset some canon and serve as a basis for new movies.

I rewatched Dark Knight Rises and believe it to be the best Batman movie. Love the ending. Interesting that new Batman movies like to play him as old and some that he needs to leave crime fighting.

Got a new Samsung Q80 legit 4K TV and it's great.


Mike V. said...

Hi Richard! Welcome back! I’ll respond to the comment above in this WINTER 2021 thread. It’s probably time to post a new one. Just haven’t had a chance yet. :)