Monday, November 17, 2014

TV Discussion: Week of 11/16/2014 - 11/22/2014

Hello fellow TV Addicts! As always, this is our place to discuss all non-recapped shows. See you in the comments!


Anonymous said...

Hell on Wheels--I am SO frustrated with AMC and their dividing up an already few eps for a season into TWO seasons for their better shows. Makes me not want to get involved with anything more from AMC--lol. But, hey, they don't have anything left that's on the upswing I like. TWO 7 EP seasons after next week's finale. Interesting that HoW is recognized as doing so well in a bad time slot to help AMC.

They've got to get out of Cheyenne and so loosing Ruth kind of makes sense, but how tragic--suicide by gallows--she had so much guilt. Too bad she couldn't follow her religious beliefs-forgiveness. And Elam is gone, lots of changes along with Cullum quitting.

They've got to get to Provo and Cullum has to deal with his family and the swede. After Sherman Summit, it's on into Utah for the UP. Of course Brigham Young and the swede are there. So, the next two seasons are setting up to deal with some of what has been left undone. Lilly needs to be avenged--lol


Mike V. said...

I'm sure there is some strategy that AMC seems to think is working to draw out these final seasons over 2 years. In Mad Men and Breaking Bad's case, it made them eligible for 2 years at the Emmy's. It also gives them the ability to have more launch windows for new shows.

In Breaking Bad's case, the ratings skyrocketed for the final batch of 8 episodes....something I don't think will happen for Mad Men OR Hell on Wheels even less.

Though, when you look back at the final 2 half seasons of Breaking works creatively as one giant season....with that show the momentum was there. I think the wind has left Mad Men's sails..I know I'll watch but I'm not itching to see the closure! lol

Grimm - Decent episode with the gollum (naturally reminds me of Sleepy Hollow and Tolkien Novels/Movies lol) Crying faces for Adalind was kinda creepy! Wu is getting closer.....and Juliette is needed to advance plot..oohhhh boy! lol

Anonymous said...

Grimm--yea the Nick stuff is being DRAWN out as we feared. But, not a bad ep. And Juliette, what will she have to do--something dangerous I suppose--lol. I laughed so loud when Monroe, asked the Adalaind/Elizabeth character--so you've got to sleep with Nick now--LOL. I'm actually enjoying Elizabeth, but she's WAY too young to be REnard's mother. Of course I guess that could be magic--lol.

Yea the crying wall was creepy and funny how Adalaind looked so out of sorts there. She's definitely a prissy monster.


MJ said...

Grimm - hmm - not sure how to say this....when they kept saying they needed one more thing and Nick would not like it I def did not think it was Juliette. LOL Remember False Juliette slept with Nick after all. ROFLMAO

Longmire - Richard I am hearing Netflix might pick the show up.

Mike V. said...

Grimm - Well they already asked if Nick had to sleep with Renard's mother...and she said that's not how it worked or something. But when they came to the door and said they need one more thing....yeah I was thinking they needed a "specimen" of sorts for a potion!! LOL If that's where you were going with that...then you weren't alone!

Richard, I think there definitely is supposed to be something mysterious about his mother's age. Everyone that has met her has made a double take and then just ignored their burning question of HOW that is his mother. lol

Anonymous said...

MJ, thanks on Longmire. I can't get Netflix until my wife gets Hallmark--lol Uverse doesn't carry Hallmark.

I do like that show too.


Anonymous said...

Grimm--Maybe Juliette will have to take on Adalaind like Elizabeth did?


mj said...

Grimm -yup- thats what I was thinking.

Anonymous said...

Grimm-it will be nuts if Juliette has to take on the Adalaind look then have to sleep with Nick.


Mike V. said...

Grimm - in this weird world that actually makes sense that it would have to go down that way lol

Mike V. said...

Homeland - Better this week and definitely getting more interesting now that Carrie is actually doing the job we find interesting and not sexing up middle eastern minors. lol (though, I think they're starting to introduce a love interest with the dude from SMASH...even though clearly Quinn is obsessed with her - sarcasm if you can't tell).

It was a little frustrating that Saul had this entire escape episode only to end up back getting captured. Though, I'll be honest I was a little nervous he was going to go through with shooting himself....but I can't imagine this show without Saul on it!

MJ said...

Sleepy - quite the emotional episode. So was Tom Mison really sick or did they just give him a break ? The writers must have such fun coming up with things like 'hells breath'. I had wondered if this kid was going to age unnaturally - figured they would not leave Molloch an infant. Was def glad to see Jenny - I've missed her. Love it that the captain escaped, and that Abby just had to ask him if he was causing these deaths. Hawley drugging Ichabod was cute.

Mike V. said...

Sleepy - I have this issue every Tuesday. Only got through half of the episode so I'll wait to read your comments in full when I finish. I have no idea if Mison was sick or not though!

I'm sure they wanted to get Jenny back into the swing of things and of course amp up the Hawley love connection with Abbie.

Mike V. said...

Soa - amazing episode. That is all for now!

Anonymous said...

Scorpion--another good ep, liked the backstory. The deal with the Dad is interesting and so unusual for a show today. Makes for a more complex show not normally with this subject matter--super heros kind of.

Gotham--Wow, Bruce and Selina meet, how great. I don't have any idea if that ever happened in the comics but makes for very interesting backstory given they eventually get married in the last movie.

I wanted to throw up when I saw Barbera in bed with Montoya(I think)while Jim was leaving a message--for lots of reasons. I just don't get how that's so important for the main characters. Obviously somebody likes biside--lol. In reality she would kick him out of HER place, so this whole plot line is weak. I guess we're to believe she's just a weak confused woman that doesn't know what she wants. And that she didn't kick Jim out because she's thinking she wants to come back together again. What must Montoya think? And she just happens to accept Barbera back so quickly. Just silly.

The penguin is on track to set himself up with the knowledge of both sides. And Ed is really smart. Interesting how these characters are so intelligent.

And Harvey Dent with this coin and two sided personality was interesting. I've always found it sad what happens with him.


mj said...

Soa - watching tonight

Shield - Ward on Ward violence! Lol

Scorpion - deal with dad? Maybe I am one behind - just saw the one about Cabes ex-wife

Anonymous said...

Scorpion, yea the baseball player Dad. Ex husband of the girl.


Mike V. said...

Gotham - I think we're going to have to accept some plot/character conveniences when it comes to people meeting in their youth before they become the iconic characters they're destined for. I seriously doubt Bruce Wayne knew Selina Kyle as a kid in the comics, but have no idea for sure! lol

Same thing happened in Smallville. Clark fought Doomsday in like season 5...he didn't become Superman until the final minutes of season 10. lol

I've already stated my opinions on introducing Barbara so early. And here's another reason why. They simply have no idea what to do with her character so....Lesbian Cheating Arc! lol

SHIELD - Didn't get to it but will watch tonight.

mj said...

Soa -wow! Thisbweek's ep gets a wow. I got mors but have no time now. be back later. Its not on next week but after that going to start watching tue night again

mj said...

More - not mors. ugh

Mike V. said...

SOA - Yeah it was amazing. I didn't want to comment until you saw more but I needed to comment right after I saw it. You can't have an episode like that without lots of build-up to it....but it was a perfect culmination of all of the stuff going on all season..even longer. The Jax/Juice scene was amazing...I couldn't look away from the TV. The Nero/Gemma, Jax on phone scene was incredible...and of course Jax and Nero's scene at the end. All great. And of course, the show takes a left turn where you think you know what's going to happen (Gemma is going to get killed)....but you have to reconsider based on Jax having time to think about it before reacting.....there will be a confrontation between the 2 of them but how it goes down is anyone's guess.

Yikes even the Unser/Jax throwdown was incredible. Though, the only thing that felt out of place was the car chase with the cops and that bizarre music playing. I'm sure it was intentionally meant to be off-putting but it ran the risk of taking me out of the moment! lol
And Barosky is the rat...should've seen that coming, right!?

I'm sure there's tons more to say, but I'll let you cover it! lol

If they didn't take next week off I'd be able to watch all of the episodes BEFORE Mickey's Christmas Party in the Magic Kingdom! (We're doing that the Tuesday night of the finale lol)

Mike V. said...

not sure why I said "before you saw more"...obviously I just meant "before you saw" :)

Mike V. said...

GOTHAM - Interview with Bruno Heller (showrunner) about the concept of killing off iconic characters - it's not off the table to break canon.

Anonymous said...

LOL,LOL--canon on comic book characters,LOL,LOL!!!! I'm not joking, I actually laughed, loudly.

The total lack of canon is why I've given up reading the things a few decades ago. They can't even agree on a canon for the universe. And now Batman vs Superman. Crazy stuff.

You even pointed out that some don't believe the last movie where Batman and Catwoman went away together is canon.

Yea, it's time to start changing gears with the show. Glad he's there.

Forever--My wife and I really like this show. Anyone else watching.

Did anyone watch the Blacklist replacement show? I forget it's name and thought the previews looked stupid, so didn't even remember until just now.


Mike V. said...

Gotham - I pointed out that some people have conspiracy theories that Batman died at the end of TDKR..that's all. I don't believe that. lol

It's all about expectations when it comes to canon. I think most would agree that Penguin was alive when Bruce Wayne became Batman....that all of the villains were alive when Bruce Wayne became Batman. What if Penguin somehow died in season 1 of this show? Bruce isn't Batman yet alas...they went against EXPECTED canon. The suggestion of the 1 or 2 questions in the interview is that audience expectations might be taken by surprise by some eventual plots in the show. Bruno Heller doesn't kill people off for the hell of it. There has to be a good reason to do it. (that's what he said in the interview) EW/Hibberd were the ones that came up with the questions and the headline about killing off characters. All Bruno said was eventually when they earn the trust of the viewers they may subvert audience expectations.

Obviously shows have to pave their own path from past comic storylines. They use it as source material to tell their own stories. But if you all of a sudden do something that seems like a major detour from the common knowledge of Batman lore, that's what they're talking about here. What if Harvey Bullock ends up becoming Joker in a future season? Exaggeration by intention, but no one would've seen that coming...and it certainly has never been told in any other Batman story. Stuff like that. was a good interview if you didn't read it. This guy has a good head on his shoulders, and I think I forgot he was the ROME showrunner/exec producer back in the day. I loved that show, short-lived as it was.

I did not watch State of Affairs, but I saw the ratings weren't as good as Blacklist. I think MJ was planning to watch. I've heard it's some hybrid of Blacklist meets Scandal meets Homeland. lol Regardless, I'm not interested! Got plenty on my plate and will welcome the hour back on Mondays until Blacklist returns!

Mike V. said...

Longmire - For you guys that watch, Netflix DID pick it up.

MJ said...

Shield - guessing that whatever this world is will in one of the movies then ? I've read online speculation of what world it is but i had never heard of it so I can't remember. Not sure I will watch Agent Carter. I knew Grant would not just let his brother walk away - but I did not see it coming that he and the parents would die in a fire. I know in early days there was speculation that May was Skye's mom - I think someone on this blog thought her eyes were slightly asian - and boy were you close ! LOL Skye's mom is asian - just not May.

SOA - Juice telling Jax was just such a beautiful scene. I almost wished that we didn't know and could feel the shock with him. And Nero getting the info from Jax on the phone - another fabulous acting scene. After show they discussed Sutters choice in not having any words and not hearing Jax but focusing on Nero getting the news. My husband was positive he was going to give Gemma that money and he'd lose his opportunity to get out. Glad he did not. Starting to feel that Jax won't make it out cause Mayhem is coming. And the end - finally someone says to Jax maybe its time to raise the boys as Tara wanted. Finally. But only after hearing from Nero that Jax can't come back from killing his own mother. And the pain on Jax's face when he's explaining that due to the utter brutality of Tara's death is why he ws so convinced it was gang related. And did that guard tell Juice he was going to see the orientals ? Jax promised him a quick death ! After Anarchy had a pretty funny part - Theo said Sutter dissed him by saying Juice wore size 10 sneaks - Theo says he's 11 1/2 ! LOL I read that the chase scene and music were an homage to an old movie Bullitt - I didn't get it either though.

Forever - I do watch but am behind by a few.

Heigl show - taped it, not seen it yet

MJ said...

Longmire - Netflix is officially givig Longmire a 4th season. We will find out if Branch lives. New season in 2015

Mike V. said...

SHIELD - World or City? Maybe I missed something as I was falling asleep last night, but I thought they were looking for a city. lol Maybe it will be featured in one of the movies....I dunno. Agent Carter will air in SHIELD's timeslot for an 8 episode mini-series while SHIELD is on break. I'm sure I'll record it and fall behind unless it's really good really quickly! I could see them doing other mini-series type things in the future that all tie into the movie-verse. I didn't see the fire coming either...of course we didn't see anyone burning in that fire, so are we still to believe that Ward actually killed off his brother off screen? AND his parents?? Something is fishy...but I could be wrong on this one. It certainly wasn't me that thought May was Skye's mom. lol

SOA - Didn't even think about not knowing to feel the shock with him...of course, if we never saw it could we believe Juice? lol But the scene was well played by both of them. Yeah...I didn't even comment on Jax and the Mayhem thing. It's certainly looking like he may die. I always gotta tie it back to Hamlet. Hamlet DID die in the end. It certainly would be torture for Gemma that her son died because of her actions of killing Tara and lying about it. Granted, Gertrude dies in Hamlet too so it's not an exact interpretation! lol I don't think the guard told Juice where he was going, but I could be wrong. Funny about the shoe size. I watched some of Afterword but eventually turned it off!

That makes sense that it was an homage, but it felt so out of place in such a powerful ep!

Mike V. said...

Better Call Saul - 2 night premiere February 8, 9. Interesting that the regular air date is going to be a Monday. AMC is branching out! And of course making Monday nights even more horrific! lol

Richard said...

MJ, Longmire--Ok, so just send me your sign on for Netflix--LOL. Just kidding of course. Now that I think about it, my daughter may have one,hmmm???

Good call on oriental mother for Skye. I never thought May was Mom, but there were many out there that did. So, do we all think that Skye's father is a good guy or bad guy? And Ward is he a psychopath/sociopath/madman without any plan,hmm--curious minds want to know???


Mike V. said...

SHIELD - I still think it's all smoke and mirrors with Ward. He certainly isn't as good as we thought in the first half of season 1, but I think he's still looking out for the best interests of his former SHIELD team, or at least Skye. He had a sit-down with Skye's father so, it seems like his goal is still to keep his promise to Skye.

As for the Dad, I think he's probably doing the same thing...working with Hydra to bring them down. Obviously, we saw the motivation by the flashback at the end of the episode.

But, all of that said, I'm sure there are twists to come.

GoT - Richard, I saw your post about book 6 and read the article. I'll go comment there, though I don't think there's any need to go back to that post to discuss Game of Thrones! lol

Richard said...

GoT, Yea, well maybe just comment here. I wasn't sure where to comment or if I can find that one again. I am glad you set up a separate GoT area, it helps.


MJ said...

AHS - am behind 2 eps now - just watched one last night. Previous episode was the best so far (Twisty killed) but I liked Twisty ! He was super creepy. And they made such a big deal about Matt Bomer guesting - then they killed him off right away ! Definitely not liking this season so much. And really ? The three boob woman now does not have the man parts she thought but that its a lady part ? Kinda dumb really. I'm close to dumping this season.

Homeland - another good episode. I knew Kahn was kinda a good guy ! Glad they didn't do the whole 'she's mentally unbalanced so we have to remove her from her job' again. But totally lame that the ambassador tells her husband there is a mole. Not sure how I feel about Saul. Was it right that Carrie lied ? Should she have let him kill himself ? I can't decide what would have been the right thing to do. It certainly was all very tense - Saul getting to the town and then trying to get out of town. Are drones really that visible in the sky ? I thought that they were really high up.

Gotham - finally watched this. Pretty thin that the best place to keep Selina safe is living with Bruce Wayne. I did see where the show runners are saying they are not adverse to killing someone off who didn't die in the comics. probably just saying that so viewers can't assume they know how things will go. Reading the comments - Batman marries Catwoman in one of the movies ?? It's now become some unwritten rule that every show has to have some gay moments apparently. Seems to me the only purpose of Barbara is to show that Gordon's fight against the bad criminals and politicians could have a repurcussion in his personal life

Longmire - Oops - did not see that you already posted that Mike. LOL Richard.

Shield - they are saying City. But it's alien so maybe I'm assuming too much that the city is on another world? Also read that they think the Inhumans are coming - whatever that means. Good point about not seeing bodies in the fire. We all thought Jimmy on Shameless was dead and now he is not. Hmmm - guess it was elsewhere that I read someone thinking May was her mom. As for the dad - I think he's willing to do anything he has to to find his daughter and avenge his wifes death.

SOA - def said something about the Orient Express. I think they beat him up to get him to the informary. On line speculation is that Juice could go double agent with the Chinese.

I'll be even further behind after my NY Giants get creamed by Dallas sunday night. LOL Hoping alot of stuff not on next week due to the holiday. I know SOA is not on at least. LOL

MJ said...

Justified starts Jan 20

Americans starts Jan 28th

yay !

Any one watching Constantine ? First few eps were rocky but it's gotten pretty good now

Mike V. said...

AHS - all caught up on that one. Yeah, definitely my least favorite season so far, but it's watchable. I'm more trying to figure out how all the seasons are linked. I still think it's bizarre that all the musical numbers are hits from AFTER the 1950s. It could be nothing, but I like the whole "people sitting around the campfire telling scary stories" theory...and it could be this reppetoire of actors telling the stories which explains why they're in story after story. lol (you know...since murphy says there is a connection)

Homeland - I think I posted some comments on it but yeah this was a decent ep. I had the same thoughts on drones! lol

Gotham - probably true on Barbara, but she's pretty pointless at this juncture outside of that! lol Good point on Gay characters too. You didn't see Dark Knight Rises? I don't know about the comics but Batman and Catwoman do not get married in any of the films. But Keaton/Pfeifer did have a bit of a hook-up. And Bale/Hathaway are kinda together at the end of the film. But there's no signs of marriage! lol

Longmire - I let it slide! ;-) Though, I just came on to post the FX dates and you beat me to it yet again!! lol

Holiday - yeah I think a lot of stuff is not airing this week. I saw a lot of "in 2 weeks" previews. lol

NO constantine here!

Mike V. said...

Richard, I did comment on the Game of Thrones S4 finale post....but we can continue any discussions here. But yeah, any recap I'm doing, I have the dedicated tab and post recap links there. Just easier for people to find if this site ever hits a LOST-like Fandomonium era! (doubtful!!)

mj said...

Dark Knight - that the Bale ones? I saw them. I thoyght Richard said they married. Probably mis-read.

Ahs - I don't think I heard they were linked

Grimm - spoiler below for tonight

Lol. you were right. She's turning into Adalind then having sex with Nick. Tv has a video.

Mike V. said...

Dark Knight - Maybe Richard did but that definitely didn't happen in the movies, maybe the comics. lol

AHS - Ahh right, you were behind so you probably didn't see my lengthy post on last week or the week before's blog post. Basically, a character from Asylum is going to be in this show too. And then Murphy pretty much said that some people theorized that it's all connected (I did back in season 2 as well), and he said they absolutely are. This season will be the first clue to how they are.

Of course, I also talked about how he could be full of it that this was the plan from the start to have them all connected, but if they can make it work...good for them! lol

Grimm -nice! Once he suggested it, it seemed like the only plausible way for it to go down!

Richard said...

Batman--The Dark Night Rises--Catwoman and Batman went away together and are assumed to have been married or at lest committed to each other. Many references to their desire for each other, fear of commitment and other interests were throughout the movie, especially the Alfred/Bruce arguing over him continuing as Batman. But in the end she came to his aid right before he flew away to what several thought was a death, but Fox found out it was on auto pilot. Keep in mind a HUGE part of this movie was Bruce being Batman was no longer good for Bruce Wayne--even his body was failing while Alfred pointed out the mental anguish. Wayne left the money for the orphanage and set up what was a Robin to maybe become future Batman character(policeman). Because of the MANY references to his need for retirement, professed love of Catwoman and her for him, leaving behind money/assets, Catwoman's change in behavior to help Batman, etc AND Alfred seeing them in the cafe at the end of the movie sitting together at a table discussed earlier--it was clear that they went off together. We did not see a wedding--so you can say they're just living together, but the whole movie set up was to relate a permanent change for Bruce, for him to move onto another phase of his life and he wanted Catwoman to be a part of that. Given the discussion of the cafe and table earlier and above many other items it seems a likely scenario. I admit that I am biased to preferring them to be married vs just living together. I am sure there are others with the opposing bias. But the movie made it clear it(their drastic changes) was for a serious long term commitment for both Batman and Catwoman.

The young policeman now has the batcave given to him by Bruce.
